3 research outputs found

    Illusionistic Environments – Digital Spaces

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    Contemporary designs create new performance structures in terms of directing and acting on the stage with the assistance of the technology. We have moved far from physical props and furniture in order to create the environment. “Soft sets” [Aronson 2008: 27], digital pictures, virtual spaces and human’s bodies create the main illusionistic environment, which absorbs the performer and his audience. We have moved away from Giacomo Balla’s designs, where lights replaced performers’ bodies. Scenography has become a setting that can be created by a bodysuit or an exoskeleton controlled by the spectator via a computer interface. Digital scenography builds new worlds, strongly influenced and affected by the technological advancement. Telematic sets, Robotic and Cyborg Theatres create a new era in the performance art. In this paper we argue that a contemporary scenography has the power to create a unique narrative journey in space and time with the assistance of technology. We claim that moving images, digital spaces and mixed media environments may be used to create illusions and construct unpredictable worlds distant from any realistic representation of life. A digital environment becomes a medium, which can set new rules for the performance art. Recent technologies have encouraged strongly the fusion of direction and scenography by creating not only a new visual notion in the theatre, but also unique experiences for the spectator and the performer as well

    Une approche sur la recherche et l'art à l'époque du numérique à travers l'étude des systèmes artificiels d'organisation de la mémoire humaine : nécessité et proposition d'un outil d'enregistrement et de synthèse des données susceptible de contribuer à la mise en place d'une nouvelle forme de doctorat ("doctorat_machine")

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    Society exists in a state of hybridicity in relation to memory storage, between a "paper" culture and the culture of digital technology, while in many contexts the results of this situation are not yet apparent, as digital technology is used for the enhancement of conditions and not for their development. Important role in the clarification of this situation will play a change in research method putting in good practice the capacities of the new system of memory processing. In the realm of digital art both conditions coexist yet the artist-researcher can bring into fruition the advantages of digital technology characterised by the notion of "platform" and not of "media" valid up to the electronic revolution. In the course of research, a system for the optimisation of digital capacities of knowledge processing was created so as to tackle complexities and problems inherent in the object of study. In the context of perspectives of digital culture, a hypothesis is being examined, this system, defined as doctorate_machine, to comprise the new thesis form with respect to research documentation and presentation.La société se trouve dans une situation hybride entre la civilisation du papier et celle de la technologie numérique, surtout en ce qui concerne l'enregistrement de la connaissance, mais la technologie numérique est actuellement utilisée pour l'amélioration des conditions et non pour leur évolution, et les vrais changements ne sont pas encore accomplis. Or les propriétés du nouveau système de traitement de la mémoire pourraient être exploitées en vue d'un changement de la manière de recherche et l'artiste-chercheur peut profiter d'une technologie qui se caractérise de la notion de " plateforme " et non plus de " media ". Dans ce cadre, il a été créé un système pour l'usage des capacités numériques de traitement de la connaissance pour affronter les problèmes de complexité de l'objet de recherche. Nous étudions ainsi l'hypothèse que ce système, le doctorat_machine, constitue la nouvelle forme de doctorat au niveau de l'enregistrement et de la présentation de la recherche


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