274 research outputs found

    Implicit attitude toward caregiving: The moderating role of adult attachment styles

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    Attachment and caregiving are separate motivational systems that share the common evolutionary purpose of favoring child security. In the goal of studying the processes underlying the transmission of attachment styles, this study focused on the role of adult attachment styles in shaping preferences toward particular styles of caregiving. We hypothesized a correspondence between attachment and caregiving styles: we expect an individual to show a preference for a caregiving behavior coherent with his/her own attachment style, in order to increase the chance of passing it on to offspring. We activated different representations of specific caregiving modalities in females, by using three videos in which mothers with different Adult Attachment states of mind played with their infants. Participants' facial expressions while watching were recorded and analyzed with FaceReader software. After each video, participants' attitudes toward the category "mother" were measured, both explicitly (semantic differential) and implicitly (single target-implicit association task, ST-IAT). Participants' adult attachment styles (experiences in close relationships revised) predicted attitudes scores, but only when measured implicitly. Participants scored higher on the ST-IAT after watching a video coherent with their attachment style. No effect was found on the facial expressions of disgust. These findings suggest a role of adult attachment styles in shaping implicit attitudes related to the caregiving system


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    In order to investigate transport properties of molecular solutions on mesoscopic scales, we use the fluctuation-dissipation theorem and velocity and noise autocorrelation to determine the diffusion constant of two simulated solutions of particles interacting through Lennard-Jones potentials. This thesis describes classical transport theories which are valid for macroscopic diffusion, and includes a discussion of the nature of the force on solute particles which are comparable in size to solvent particles (we call diffusion in this limit ‘mesoscopic diffusion’). Next, it discusses transport theories of systems in this limit, and methods of determining their diffusion constant by extracting the velocity autocorrelation of particles in simulations. Finally, it includes results from a molecular dynamics simulation with GROMACS, and the details of preparing and running a force-field dependent simulation on MATLAB. The MATLAB simulation of liquid methyl red (or, otherwise, methyl red in a solvent whose molecules have mass and size properties exactly like itself) gives a value for the diffusion constant to be 7 1 10 . This is value is significantly different from several experimentally determined diffusion coefficients of methyl red in organic solvents

    Grandparenting in Urban Bangalore, India: Support and Involvement From the Standpoint of Young Adult University Students

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    A variety of caregivers, including grandparents, help raise children. Among grandparents, most Western samples evidence a matrilateral (i.e., mother’s kin) bias in caregiving, and many studies show more positive impacts and stronger relationships with grandmothers than grandfathers. The aim of the present study is to test competing hypotheses about a potential laterality bias and explore contrasts between grandmothers and grandfathers in a sample of urban young adult university students in Bangalore, India. A sample of 377 (252 women) relatively mobile and high socioeconomic status individuals 17 to 25 years of age completed a survey consisting of sociodemographic and grandparenting questions. Results reveal generally little evidence of either a patrilateral or matrilateral bias, though findings varied for some outcomes. As illustrations, there were no differences in residential proximity or the most recent time when a participant saw matrilateral or patrilateral grandparents, whereas maternal grandmothers were more approving of one’s choice of a life partner than were paternal grandmothers. In inductively coded responses to an open-ended item about the roles of grandparents, maternal grandmothers were more often identified as “guides” and less often deemed “non-significant” than paternal grandmothers, while paternal grandfathers were less often viewed as guardians and more often noted for their influence compared with maternal grandparents. Findings also revealed differences between grandmothers and grandfathers, such as grandmothers playing more prominent roles in community and religious festivals. Findings are interpreted within changing residential, work, education, and family dynamics in urban India as well as a primary importance on parents relative to grandparents

    Transient Diffraction Grating Measurements of Molecular Diffusion in the Undergraduate Laboratory

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    Mass diffusion is a central process in many biological, chemical, and physical systems, and although the mathematics of diffusion has long been an important component of an undergraduate physics education, experimental measurements of diffusion are not very common in the undergraduate laboratory. We describe here an experiment that employs the interference of laser beams to allow measurement of molecular diffusion on micron length scales. The interference fringes of two intersecting “pump” beams within a dye solution create a sinusoidal distribution of long-lived molecular excited states. A third “probe” beam is incident at a wavelength at which the indices of refraction of the ground and excited states are different, so that the probe beam diffracts from the spatially periodic excited-state pattern. After the pump beams are switched off, the excited-state periodicity washes out as the system diffuses back to equilibrium, and the molecular diffusion constant is easily obtained from the rate constant of the exponential decay of the diffracted beam. It is also possible to measure the excited-state lifetime. The experiment provides hands-on insight into fluid dynamics, random walks, and coherent optics

    Masalah Penyitaan yang Dilakukan Oleh Polri Selaku Penyidik Menurut Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana

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    Sebagai suatu negara hukum bangsa Indonesia mempunyai sistem peradilan dan catur penegak hukum. Namun dalam komponen peradilan yang cukup urgen adalah Kepolisian. Hal ini disebabkan kepolisian merupakan bagian yang tidak dapat dipisahkan antar satu dengan lainnya, karena merupakan bagian satu sistem yang terintegrasi. Sebagai suatu sistem, peradilan pidana memerlukan keterikatan dan keterkaitan dengan komponen-komponen lainnya. Dalam Undang-Undang No. 8 Tahun 1981 tentang KUHAP telah mengatur secara lebih rinci tentang kedudukan, peranan dan tugas kepolisian negara Republik Indonesia dalam kaitannya dengan proses pidana sebagai penyelidik dan penyidik serta melaksanakan koordinasi dan pengawasan terhadap penyidik pegawai negeri sipil tertentu yang diberi wewenang khusus oleh undang-undan

    Like grandparents, like parents: Empirical evidence and psychoanalytic thinking on the transmission of parenting styles

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    The authors discuss the issue of intergenerational transmission of parenting from an empirical and psychoanalytic perspective. After presenting a framework to explain their conception of parenting, they describe intergenerational transmission of parenting as a key to interpreting and eventually changing parenting behaviors. Then they present (1) the empirical approach aimed at determining if there is actually a stability across generations that contributes to harsh parenting and eventually maltreatment and (2) the psyphoanalytic thinking that seeks to explain the continuity in terms of representations and clinical phenomena. The authors also discuss the relationship between the attachment and the caregiving systems and hypothesize a common base for the two systems in childhood experience. Finally, they propose the psychoanalytic perspective as a fruitful theoretical framework to integrate the evidence for the neurophysiological mediators and moderators of intergenerational transmission. Psychoanalytically informed research can provide clinically relevant insights and hypotheses to be tested

    Olive zoning: analysis of environmental: influences on monovarietal olive oils <i>(Bosana cultivar)</i>

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    The characterization and differentiation of olive oil high-quality production play a key role in ensuring adequate levels of income for workers in the sector and to reward the merchandise, sensory, and health quality aspects. Furthermore, the development and implementation of new tools and methodologies is more and more required by the European Community in a framework of food security. In this context, the main aim of the thesis is to explore the relationships between the environment factors and the virgin olive oils (EVOO) composition and microbiological quality in the double perspective of characterization and food safety, in order to increase and disseminate knowledge among consumers and operators in the olive oil chain. The EVOO productions deriving from the most widespread cultivar in Sardinia (Italy) were characterized and differentiated in terms of chemical components on the basis of their growing area, and the influence of environmental factors on oil quality was explored through NMR spectroscopy integrated with multivariate statistic and Geographic Information System. Then, microbial species were isolated, selected, and identified in EVOO products. The results (i) showed the potential of the proposed methodology for the construction of flexible and scalable chemometric models suitable to be applied for the zoning and protection of valuable products; and (ii) encouraged more studies and researches to clarify the role played by microbiological components

    Motricidad fina y neuro aprendizaje en la atención en niños de 3 años IEI N° 354 Comas, 2020

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    En la presente investigación el objetivo fue precisar el efecto del programa de la motricidad del tipo fina y neuroaprendizaje en la atención de niños del nivel inicial No 354 Comas 2020. El diseño de la investigación fue pre experimental, de tipo aplicada, el método fue hipotético deductivo, con una muestra de 15 estudiantes de 3 años. Se consideró 15 para grupo control (antes) y esa misma cantidad para la experimental (después). Se utilizó la ficha de observación y el instrumento fue un cuestionario que fue debidamente validado a través de juicios de expertos y determinando su confiabilidad mediante Kr20 (0,806) es de fuerte confiabilidad. En parte descriptiva se arribó que el 53.3% de los niños de 3 lograron mejorar su atención durante el aprendizaje llegando a un nivel destacado. De acuerdo a la prueba no paramétrica de Wilcoxon existe predominancia de rangos positivos, se rechaza la hipótesis nula, admitiéndose la hipótesis del investigador, a saber, que la aplicación programa de motricidad fina y neuroaprendizaje mejora significativamente en la atención de niños del nivel inicial N° 354 Comas 2020. Es decir, la atención en el aprendizaje se viene dando, ahora bien, todo filosofar construye conceptos y también elabora, o puede elaborar, teorías; es, en el sentido griego del término, theorein, algo conectado con la visión, con el mirar y, por tanto, con cierta capacidad para prestar atención. (Hadot, 2001, p. 208)

    Aplicación de los lenguajes artísticos para mejorar las habilidades sociales en los niños de 3 años de la Institución Educativa Inicial 386 VRHT, Independencia, 2017

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    La presente investigación fue: Determinar la aplicación del lenguajes artísticos para mejorar las habilidades sociales en los niños de 3 años de la Institución Educativa Inicial 386 VRHT, Independencia, 2016. La metodología empleada fue el enfoque cuantitativo. La investigación es aplicada. El diseño de la investigación es cuasi experimental, que recogió la información en un periodo específico, del Pretes y Postest del programa lenguaje artístico, la muestra estuvo conformada por 40 niños divididos en dos grupos , en el grupo control conformado por 20 niños y 20 en el grupo experimental . La técnica empleada fue de observación y el instrumento lista de cotejo. Los resultados fueron analizados mediante el estadígrafo no paramétricos, en este caso, mediante T de Student. Asimismo en la parte descriptiva en el grupo experimental y el grupo control, registra un nivel bajo y media en las habilidades sociales el 35% y el 65% respectivamente. En cambio registra el 80% la salida del grupo experimental, es decir un nivel alto después de aplicar el programa lenguajes artísticos, mientras el grupo control muestra el 40% que representa un nivel alto. De acuerdo a los datos que se observan en el reporte estadístico el valor de significación bilateral o el P valor es < 0,05 obtenido, lo que significa que estas diferencias son producto de la aplicación del programa. En consecuencia, se rechaza la hipótesis nula aceptándose la hipótesis alterna. Por lo tanto, se concluye: La aplicación de los lenguajes artísticos mejora significativamente las habilidades sociales en los niños de 3 años de la Institución Educativa Inicial 386 VRHT, Independencia, 2016