333 research outputs found

    Migration : eine geteilte Verantwortung

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    Die Philippinen haben eine lange Migrationsgeschichte. Die Bewohner dieses Archipels – mit seinen 7107 im Westpazifik verstreuten Inseln – sind seit jeher von einem Ort ihres Landes zum anderen gezogen, wenn ihnen das Glück nicht hold war, oder wenn die Zukunftsaussichten schlecht waren. Doch lässt sich der Filipino nicht durch nationale Grenzen abhalten. Es ist nachgewiesen, dass portugiesische und spanische Schiffe im 15. Jahrhundert Filipinos von ihren Reisen mit sich zurückbrachten, die v..

    Migration : eine geteilte Verantwortung

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    Die Philippinen haben eine lange Migrationsgeschichte. Die Bewohner dieses Archipels – mit seinen 7107 im Westpazifik verstreuten Inseln – sind seit jeher von einem Ort ihres Landes zum anderen gezogen, wenn ihnen das Glück nicht hold war, oder wenn die Zukunftsaussichten schlecht waren. Doch lässt sich der Filipino nicht durch nationale Grenzen abhalten. Es ist nachgewiesen, dass portugiesische und spanische Schiffe im 15. Jahrhundert Filipinos von ihren Reisen mit sich zurückbrachten, die v..

    Les migrations, une responsabilité partagée

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    Le présent article est basé sur un exposé fait le 30 octobre 2007 à Berne, dans le cadre de la conférence annuelle de la Division politique IV du Département fédéral des affaires étrangères (DFAE). Il met en lumière l’évolution récente selon le point de vue d’un pays du Sud qui est lui-même une source de mouvements migratoires, et fournit un exemple de concrétisation d’une politique active en matière de migrations. Les migrations ne datent pas d’hier aux Philippines. Les habitants de cet arc..

    Oracion funebre panegyrica que en las solemnes exequias, que consagro la Real Exclavitud del Rosario del Real Sitio de San Ildephonso a la gloriosa memoria del magestad del señor D. Phelipe Quinto, de Borbon

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    Copia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-2010Sign.: [calderón]-2[calderón]4, 3[calderón]2, A-C4, D

    Circadian Patterns of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

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    Índex d’apnea-hipopnea; Circadià; Hemoglobina glicadaÍndice de apnea-hipopnea; Circadiano; Hemoglobina glicadaApnea-hypoapnea index; Circadian; Glycated hemoglobinSleep apnea, a condition that modifies sleep and circadian rhythms, is highly prevalent in patients with diabetes. However, it is not known if there is an association between sleep apnea, circadian alterations and glycemic regulation in this type of patient. Here, a polysomnographic study was carried out on 21 women and 25 men (mean age = 64.3 ± 1.46 years) with diagnoses of type 2 diabetes to detect the presence of sleep apnea. Moreover, patients wore an actigraph and a temperature sensor on the wrist for one week, to study the manifestation of the circadian rhythms. The correlations of circadian and polysomnographic variables with the severity of apnea, measured by the apnea-hypopnea index, and with glycemic dysregulation, measured by the percentage of glycated hemoglobin, were analyzed. The mean apnea-hypoapnea index of all the participants was 39.6 ± 4.3. Apnea-hypoapnea index correlated with % N1, negatively with % N3, and also the stability of the active circadian rhythm. However, no significant correlation was found between the apnea-hypopnea index and wrist temperature rhythm and glycated hemoglobin. Glycated hemoglobin levels were negatively associated with the percentage of variance explained by the wrist temperature circadian rhythm (calculated via 24 and 12 h rhythms). This association was independent of body mass index and was strongest in patients with severe apnea. In conclusion, patients with diabetes showed altered circadian rhythms associated with a poor glycemic control and this association could partially be related to the coexistence of sleep apnea.This research was supported by grants from de Instituto de Salud Carlos III ISCIII (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria PI12/00803 and PI15/00260). European Union (European Regional Development Fund. Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional. FEDER. “Una manera de hacer Europa”). CIBER de Diabetes y Enfermedades Metabólicas Asociadas and CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias are initiatives of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    Synchronization waves in geometric networks

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    We report synchronization of networked excitable nodes embedded in a metric space, where the connectivity properties are mostly determined by the distance between units. Such a high clustered structure, combined with the lack of long-range connections, prevents full synchronization and yields instead the emergence of synchronization waves. We show that this regime is optimal for information transmission through the system, as it enhances the options of reconstructing the topology from the dynamics. Measurements of topological and functional centralities reveal that the wave-synchronization state allows detection of the most structurally relevant nodes from a single observation of the dynamics, without any a priori information on the model equations ruling the evolution of the ensembl

    Título: Modo breve de servir a Ntro. Señor en diez reglas

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    Pie de imp. comúnSign.: [calderón]12, A-I12, K5Antep. comúnNotas a pie de págPort. y pág. independientes en cada una de las partesContiene: Tratado I. Modo de servir a Dios; Tratado II. Explicacion de las Bieneventuranzas ; Tratado III. Soliloquio para despues de la comunio

    Random mating and reproductive compatibility among Argentinean and southern Brazilian populations of Anastrepha fraterculus (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    As a prerequisite for area-wide application of the sterile insect technique in an area encompassing northern Argentina and southern Brazil, prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive compatibility among three geographically distant populations in the area was tested. In field cages, sexually mature adults of each population were found to be sexually compatible, mating duration was not affected by fly origin and there was no clear evidence of spatial partition of mating location. In the laboratory, homotypic and heterotypic crosses for all possible combinations displayed similar levels of fertility and yielded F1 adults without distortion of the sex ratio. Finally, F1 hybrid and parental adults produced equally viable F2 eggs. Put together, our results and those from earlier studies suggest that a large area, ranging from Buenos Aires to the surroundings of São Paulo, could be managed using a single A. fraterculus mass-reared strain. At the northern margin of this area, two A. fraterculus morphotypes appear to coexist in sympatry. We delineate future research to further delimit the distribution of the aff1 morphotype (Argentina-southern Brazil) and to gain insight into evolutionary patterns producing divergence and radiation of tropical fruit fly species.Fil: Rull, J.. Instituto de Ecología; MéxicoFil: Abraham, Solana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia. Cátedra Terapéutica Vegetal; ArgentinaFil: Kovaleski, A.. Estação Experimental de Vacaria. Embrapa Uva e Vinho; Brasil. International Atomic Energy Agency; AustriaFil: Segura, Diego Fernando. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias y Agronómicas. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular. Grupo Vinculado Instituto de Genética "Ewald A. Favret" al Iabimo | Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Agrobiotecnología y Biología Molecular. Grupo Vinculado Instituto de Genética "Ewald A. Favret" al Iabimo; ArgentinaFil: Islam, A.. International Atomic Energy Agency; AustriaFil: Wornoayporn, V.. International Atomic Energy Agency; AustriaFil: Dammalage, T.. International Atomic Energy Agency; AustriaFil: Tomas, U. Santo. International Atomic Energy Agency; AustriaFil: Vera, María Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Agronomía y Zootecnia. Cátedra Terapéutica Vegetal; Argentin

    Functional hubs in mild cognitive impairment

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    We investigate how hubs of functional brain networks are modified as a result of mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a condition causing a slight but noticeable decline in cognitive abilities, which sometimes precedes the onset of Alzheimer's disease. We used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to investigate the functional brain networks of a group of patients suffering from MCI and a control group of healthy subjects, during the execution of a short-term memory task. Couplings between brain sites were evaluated using synchronization likelihood, from which a network of functional interdependencies was constructed and the centrality, i.e. importance, of their nodes was quantified. The results showed that, with respect to healthy controls, MCI patients were associated with decreases and increases in hub centrality respectively in occipital and central scalp regions, supporting the hypothesis that MCI modifies functional brain network topology, leading to more random structures