30 research outputs found

    A New ELISA Using the ANANAS Technology Showing High Sensitivity to diagnose the Bovine Rhinotracheitis from Individual Sera to Pooled Milk

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    Diagnostic tests for veterinary surveillance programs should be efficient, easy to use and, possibly, economical. In this context, classic Enzyme linked ImmunoSorbent Assay (ELISA) remains the most common analytical platform employed for serological analyses. The analysis of pooled samples instead of individual ones is a common procedure that permits to certify, with one single test, entire herds as "disease-free". However, diagnostic tests for pooled samples need to be particularly sensitive, especially when the levels of disease markers are low, as in the case of anti-BoHV1 antibodies in milk as markers of Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis (IBR) disease. The avidin-nucleic-acid-nanoassembly (ANANAS) is a novel kind of signal amplification platform for immunodiagnostics based on colloidal poly-avidin nanoparticles that, using model analytes, was shown to strongly increase ELISA test performance as compared to monomeric avidin. Here, for the first time, we applied the ANANAS reagent integration in a real diagnostic context. The monoclonal 1G10 anti-bovine IgG1 antibody was biotinylated and integrated with the ANANAS reagents for indirect IBR diagnosis from pooled milk mimicking tank samples from herds with IBR prevalence between 1 to 8%. The sensitivity and specificity of the ANANAS integrated method was compared to that of a classic test based on the same 1G10 antibody directly linked to horseradish peroxidase, and a commercial IDEXX kit recently introduced in the market. ANANAS integration increased by 5-fold the sensitivity of the 1G10 mAb-based conventional ELISA without loosing specificity. When compared to the commercial kit, the 1G10-ANANAS integrated method was capable to detect the presence of anti-BHV1 antibodies from bulk milk of gE antibody positive animals with 2-fold higher sensitivity and similar specificity. The results demonstrate the potentials of this new amplification technology, which permits improving current classic ELISA sensitivity limits without the need for new hardware investments

    Relationship between neutralizing and opsonizing monoclonal antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease virus.

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    Previous studies demonstrated that polyclonal antibodies against foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) generated by vaccination can mediate immune functions not only through virus neutralization but also through promoting virus uptake by macrophages and dendritic cells that are otherwise resistant to FMDV infection. This causes abortive infections resulting in activation, enhanced antigen presentation but also cell death. Here we report the use of RAW264.7 cells representing a murine macrophage cells line to characterize opsonizing functions of a collection of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against FMDV O and A serotypes. We demonstrate that all neutralizing immunoglobulin G isotype mAbs are able to opsonize FMDV resulting in increased cell death of RAW264.7 cells. In contrast, neutralizing IgM antibodies did not possess this activity. Opsonization was observed with broader reactivity within the serotype when compared to neutralization. Importantly, the anti-O serotype D9 mAb reacting with the continuous epitope within the G-H loop of VP1 that contains the RGD binding site of FMDV, opsonized several FMDV serotypes despite its restricted neutralizing activity within the O serotype. Furthermore, by generating RAW264.7 cells expressing bovine CD32, an easy-to-use cell-based assay system to test for bovine antibody-dependent enhanced infection of FMDV was generated and tested with a collection of sera. The data indicate that opsonizing titers correlated better with vaccine dose when compared to neutralizing titers. On the other hand, neutralization and opsonization titers were similar predictive of protection. We conclude that low avidity interactions are sufficient to mediate Fcγ receptor-mediated immune functions that could contribute to protective immune responses against FMDV

    Combining multiple assays improves detection and serotyping of foot-and-mouth disease virus. A practical example with field samples from East Africa

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    Multiple serotypes and topotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) circulate in endemic areas, posing considerable impacts locally. In addition, introductions into new areas are of great concern. Indeed, in recent years, multiple FMDV outbreaks, caused by topotypes that have escaped from their original areas, have been recorded in various parts of the world. In both cases, rapid and accurate diagnosis, including the identification of the serotype and topotype causing the given outbreaks, plays an important role in the implementation of the most effective and appropriate measures to control the spread of the disease. In the present study, we describe the performance of a range of diagnostic and typing tools for FMDV on a panel of vesicular samples collected in northern Tanzania (East Africa, EA) during 2012–2018. Specifically, we tested these samples with a real-time RT-PCR targeting 3D sequence for pan-FMDV detection; an FMDV monoclonal antibody-based antigen (Ag) detection and serotyping ELISA kit; virus isolation (VI) on LFBKαVβ6 cell line; and a panel of four topotype-specific real-time RT-PCRs, specifically tailored for circulating strains in EA. The 3D real-time RT-PCR showed the highest diagnostic sensitivity, but it lacked typing capacity. Ag-ELISA detected and typed FMDV in 71% of sample homogenates, while VI combined with Ag-ELISA for typing showed an efficiency of 82%. The panel of topotype-specific real-time RT-PCRs identified and typed FMDV in 93% of samples. However, the SAT1 real-time RT-PCR had the highest (20%) failure rate. Briefly, topotype-specific real-time RT-PCRs had the highest serotyping capacity for EA FMDVs, although four assays were required, while the Ag-ELISA, which was less sensitive, was the most user-friendly, hence suitable for any laboratory level. In conclusion, when the four compared tests were used in combination, both the diagnostic and serotyping performances approached 100%

    Application of the Nagoya Protocol to veterinary pathogens: concerns for the control of foot-and-mouth disease

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    The Nagoya Protocol is an international agreement adopted in 2010 (and entered into force in 2014) which governs access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits from their utilisation. The agreement aims to prevent misappropriation of genetic resources and, through benefit sharing, create incentives for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. While the equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilisation of genetic resources is a widely accepted concept, the way in which the provisions of the Nagoya Protocol are currently being implemented through national access and benefit-sharing legislation places significant logistical challenges on the control of transboundary livestock diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). Delays to access FMD virus isolates from the field disrupt the production of new FMD vaccines and other tailored tools for research, surveillance and outbreak control. These concerns were raised within the FMD Reference Laboratory Network and were explored at a recent multistakeholder meeting hosted by the European Commission for the Control of FMD. The aim of this paper is to promote wider awareness of the Nagoya Protocol, and to highlight its impacts on the regular exchange and utilisation of biological materials collected from clinical cases which underpin FMD research activities, and work to develop new epidemiologically relevant vaccines and other diagnostic tools to control the disease

    Retrospective Characterization of the 2006–2007 Swine Vesicular Disease Epidemic in Northern Italy by Whole Genome Sequence Analysis

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    Advances in the epidemiological tracing of pathogen transmission have been largely driven by the increasing characterisation of whole-genome sequence data obtained at a finer resolution from infectious disease outbreaks. Dynamic models that integrate genomic and epidemiological data further enhance inference on the evolutionary history and transmission dynamics of epidemic outbreaks by reconstructing the network of ‘who-infected-whom’. Swine Vesicular Disease (SVD) was present in Italy from 1966 until 2015, and since the mid-1990s, it has mainly been circulating within Italy’s central-southern regions with sporadic incursions to the north of the country. However, a recrudescence of SVD in northern Italy was recorded between November 2006 and October 2007, leading to a large-scale epidemic that significantly affected the intensive pig industry of the Lombardy region. In this study, by using whole-genome sequence data in combination with epidemiological information on disease occurrences, we report a retrospective epidemiological investigation of the 2006–2007 SVD epidemic, providing new insights into the transmission dynamics and evolutionary mode of the two phases that characterised the epidemic event. Our analyses support evidence of undetected premises likely missed in the chain of observed infections, of which the role as the link between the two phases is reinforced by the tempo of SVD virus evolution. These silent transmissions, likely resulting from the gradual loss of a clear SVD clinical manifestation linked to sub-clinical infections, may pose a risk of failure in the early detection of new cases. This study emphasises the power of joint inference schemes based on genomic and epidemiological data integration to inform the transmission dynamics of disease epidemics, ultimately aimed at better disease control

    Diagnostic Performances of Different Genome Amplification Assays for the Detection of Swine Vesicular Disease Virus in Relation to Genomic Lineages That Circulated in Italy

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    During the last 25 years, swine vesicular disease (SVD) has occurred in Italy mostly sub-clinically. Therefore, regular testing of fecal samples from suspected holdings and high turnover premises was fundamental to identifying virus circulation and to achieve SVD eradication. In this study, we evaluated diagnostic performances of six genomic amplification methods, using positive fecal samples from 78 different outbreaks (1997–2014), which included different lineages. Comparison of three RT-PCRs, designed to amplify the same 154 nt portion of the gene 3D, demonstrated that a conventional and a real-time based on SYBR Green detection assay showed the highest diagnostic sensitivity, detecting all samples, while a real-time TaqMan-based test missed three cases, owing to two mismatches in the probe target sequence. Diagnostic and analytical specificities were optimal, as 300 negative field samples and other enteroviruses reacted negative. Three further evaluated tests, previously described, were a 3D-targeted reverse transcriptase loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP) and two real-time RT-PCRs targeted on the 5′UTR region. Here, the presence of multiple mismatches in probe and primers reduced the diagnostic performances, and two of the assays were unable to detect viruses from one sub-lineage. These results highlight that the choice of tests using less nucleotide targets significantly contributed to the success of the SVD eradication plan

    FTA Cards as a Rapid Tool for Collection and Transport of Infective Samples: Experience with Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus in Libya

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    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a viral disease, widespread and highly contagious, that mainly affects cloven-hoofed domestic and wild animals. FMD can lead to high economic losses due to the reduction in animal production such as a drop in milk production, loss of body weight, and a high mortality rate in young ruminants. Sixteen samples were collected from animals showing typical clinical signs of FMD during the last FMD outbreak in Libya in 2018–2019. Flinders Technology Associates (FTA) cards impressed with blood, swabs, or vesicular epithelium samples were shipped to the WOAH FMD reference laboratory in Brescia, Italy, and tested for the detection of FMD viruses. Nucleic acids were extracted from the FTA cards, and molecular testing based on real-time RT-PCR assays was carried out, of which one was specifically designed for the detection of the FMD virus of serotype O, topotype O/East Africa-3 (O/EA-3), that was further confirmed by a sequence analysis of the VP1 gene. The phylogenetic analysis of the VP1 gene showed a nucleotide identity of more than 99% between the virus circulating in Libya and the FMD virus strains isolated in Algeria in 2019

    Avidity of Polyclonal Antibodies to Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus in Bovine Serum Measured Using Bio-Layer Interferometry

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    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a disease of cloven-hoofed livestock caused by FMD virus (FMDV). FMD can be controlled through the use of inactivated vaccines, and it is well established that the protection afforded by FMD vaccines correlates strongly with neutralising antibody titres. However, the overall strength of binding, referred to as avidity, is also an important parameter with respect to the ability of antibodies to neutralise virus infection, and there is evidence that avidity can affect the level of protection afforded by FMDV vaccines. Here, as an alternative to modified enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (avidity ELISAs) incorporating a chaotropic wash step, we used bio-layer interferometry (BLI) to measure the avidity of bovine polyclonal antibodies against FMDV capsids. We conducted preliminary experiments using recombinant FMDV capsids, as well as peptides representing antigenic loops, to demonstrate that the binding of monoclonal antibodies targeting specific antigenic sites could be detected using BLI. Subsequent experiments using polyclonal sera derived from FMD vaccinated cattle provided evidence of a positive correlation between the neutralising titre of the serum and the avidity as measured by BLI. Furthermore, we observed an increase in BLI avidity, as well as in the titre, in vaccinated animals upon challenge with the live virus