36 research outputs found

    Contingencias como modelos de causalidad en psicopatología

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    Contingency Learning Theory (CLT) provides a computational background to develop models to understand causality. CLT provides a unifying account of Pavlovian and instrumental learning, and is used to understand mechanism underlying psychopathologies rather than simply describing symptomology (Byrom & Murphy, 2018). In this manuscript we present an overview of models and methods used within this theoretical perspective, and we describe applications in experimental psychopathology. In the first section, we present CLT in two mathematical forms: an analytical form (Delta-P rule) and computational form (or process-based; e.g., Rescorla-Wagner Model). In the second section, we describe two experimental methods used to study contingency learning in humans: the rapidstreaming trial procedure, which relies on perception and observation, and the freeoperant, which involves participants’ instrumental and agentic responding. The former is a passive model that considers the study of contingency perception and the psychophysics of learning. The latter is an active method where participants use their own actions to control possible outcomes, this allows the study of the sense of agency and illusion of causality. Finally, in the third section, we provide examples of how CLT is used to understand individual differences related to affect (depression dimension) and schizotypy (psychosis dimension). People with higher depressive scores tend to be protected against optimist control biases, i.e., ‘depressive realism’, but may show insensitivity to their control. In comparison, people with high schizotypy scores or with psychosis are less sensitive to the correlation between action-outcome or the causal powers of their actions. With this work we aim to link CLT −a formalized theory based on the principles of experimental behaviour analysis− and its applications in experimental and computational psychopathology. We believe this would improve the tools to understand transdiagnostic features of distinct psychiatric conditions in which causal understanding is central. Keywords: associative learning, Contingency Learning Theory, causal mental models, individual differences, computational psychiatry

    Leading for What, Leading for Who? An International Comparative Analysis of University Presidents’ Leadership Amid COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic presented a unique shared challenge for all HEIs leaders around the world. Besides balancing institutional tasks and ensuring the health and safety of the campus community, university presidents were challenged with promoting equity and showing empathy in their leadership. Framed by Henry Mintzberg’s (1973) theory on managerial roles, this study uses in-depth interviews of 14 university presidents in eight countries, to understand how they enacted different roles in leading their institutions through a global crisis. Despite differences among presidential leadership styles in diverse contexts, findings from the study show that leadership roles shifted from securing their institution’s financial and academic stability to securing the well-being of the people within and outside their organization in the face of crisis

    Leading for What, Leading for Who? An International Comparative Analysis of University Presidents’ Leadership Amid COVID-19

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    The COVID-19 pandemic presented a unique shared challenge for all HEIs leaders around the world. Besides balancing institutional tasks and ensuring the health and safety of the campus community, university presidents were challenged with promoting equity and showing empathy in their leadership. Framed by Henry Mintzberg’s (1973) theory on managerial roles, this study uses in-depth interviews of 14 university presidents in eight countries, to understand how they enacted different roles in leading their institutions through a global crisis. Despite differences among presidential leadership styles in diverse contexts, findings from the study show that leadership roles shifted from securing their institution’s financial and academic stability to securing the well-being of the people within and outside their organization in the face of crisis

    De la crisis a la oportunidad: Internacionalización de la educación superior después de la COVID-19

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    Este artículo resalta algunos de los principales hallazgos de un estudio liderado por la Asociación Mexicana para la Educación Internacional (AMPEI) que logró documentar el sentir, pensar y actuar de diversos actores del ecosistema de internacionalización de la educación superior a lo largo del continente americano, frente a los retos de la “nueva normalidad”.  Se destaca cómo las asociaciones, redes y consorcios tienen un rol fundamental como constructores de puentes entre diversas instituciones (incluyendo sus grupos académicos), así como con otros actores como los gobiernos. Se ilustra, además, cómo con voluntad, creatividad, y un buen uso de las tecnologías de la información, las instituciones de educación superior pueden reinventar sus currículos y portafolios educativos con el fin de asegurar que la amplia mayoría de estudiantes desarrollen competencias globales e interculturales. Por último, se hace un llamado a no aspirar a un regreso a la “normalidad” prepandémica, sino a una “nueva normalidad” que se caracterice por su sensibilidad, humanidad y enfoque en la justicia social.   Palabras clave: Postpandemia; Internacionalización;  Asociaciones internacionales; Nueva normalidad

    Benefiting from trial spacing without the cost of prolonged training: frequency, not duration, of trials with absent stimuli enhances perceived contingency

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    The statistical relation between two events influences the perception of how one event relates to the presence or absence of another. Interestingly, the simultaneous absence of both events, just like their mutual occurrence, is relevant for describing their contingency. In three experiments, we explored the relevance of coabsent events by varying the duration and frequency of trials without stimuli. We used a rapid trial streaming procedure and found that the perceived association between events is enhanced with increasing frequency of coabsent events, unlike the duration of coabsent events, which had little effect. These findings suggest ways in which the benefits of trial spacing, during which both events are absent, could be obtained without increasing total training time. Centrally, this can be done by frequent repeating of shortened coabsent events, each marked by a trial contextual cue. We discuss four potential accounts of how coabsent experience might be processed contributing to this effect: (a) contingency sensitivity, (b) testing effect, (c) reduced associative interference by the context, and (d) reduced encoding interference. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved)

    Stratified University Strategies: The Shaping of Institutional Legitimacy in a Global Perspective

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    Globalizing forces have both transformed the higher education sector and made it increasingly homogenous. Growing similarities among universities have been attributed to isomorphic pressures to ensure and/or enhance legitimacy by imitating higher education institutions that are perceived as successful internationally, particularly universities that are highly ranked globally (Cantwell & Kauppinen, 2014; DiMaggio and Powell, 1983). In this study, we compared the strategic plans of 78 high-ranked, low-ranked, and unranked universities in 33 countries in 9 regions of the world. In analyzing the plans of these 78 universities, the study explored patterns of similarity and difference in universities' strategic positioning according to Suchman's (1995) 3 types of legitimacy: cognitive, pragmatic, and moral. We found evidence of stratified university strategies in a global higher education landscape that varied by institutional status. In offering a corrective to neoinstitutional theory, we suggest that patterns of globalization are mediated by status-based differences in aspirational behavior (Riesman, 1958) and "old institutional" forces (Stinchcombe, 1997) that contribute to differently situated universities pursuing new paths in seeking to build external legitimacy.18 month embargo; published online: 13 Sep 2018This item from the UA Faculty Publications collection is made available by the University of Arizona with support from the University of Arizona Libraries. If you have questions, please contact us at [email protected]

    Diseñando para la comunidad de costureras de La Mezquitera

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    El objetivo del PAP Diseñando para la comunidad de costureras de la Mezquitera es crear empresarios de la industria textil y de la moda con responsabilidad social. Se trabajó con un equipo multidisciplinario de alumnos, así como con la comunidad de costureras de la Mezquitera. Una comunidad organizada años atrás por un PAP del Iteso. Una vez entendido el contexto y entorno actual que rodea a la comunidad se procedió a dar solución a la problemática. Se propusieron 9 marcas de diseño, de prendas de vestir y accesorios para hogar, hechas de materiales textiles. Se hicieron estudios de factibilidad de acuerdo con las tendencias de consumo actuales, se diseñaron prendas con elementos diferenciadores para reducir al máximo la posibilidad de fracaso y se sacaron producciones pequeñas para evitar la sobreproducción de prendas y el fast fashion. Para llevar a cabo dichas producciones se pasó por la etapa de prototipado, optimizando recursos y minimizando riesgos, y se pasó a producción en volumen. Se procedió a hacer la identidad de cada marca, de acuerdo con el nicho de mercado de cada una, redes sociales individuales para publicidad y venta y fotografía de producto. También se hicieron redes comunitarias para mostrar el trabajo del PAP e impulsar las marcas, además de un sitio web comunitario del colectivo. Se logró un equilibrio entre diseño, emprendimiento y generación de empleos con trabajo ético y salario justo, cuidando la optimización de recursos y la reducción de desperdicios.ITESO, A.C