1,350 research outputs found

    Managing menopausal symptoms and associated clinical issues in breast cancer survivors

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    Objective: Review evidence to guide management of menopausal signs and symptoms in women after breast cancer and make recommendations accordingly. Evidence: Randomized controlled clinical trials, observational studies, evidence-based guidelines, and expert opinion from professional societies. Background: Symptoms and clinical problems associated with estrogen depletion—sleep disorders, vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA), vasomotor symptoms (VMS), mood changes, depressive symptoms, cardiovascular disease, osteopenia, and osteoporosis—confront the estimated 9.3 million breast cancer survivors globally. Recommendations: Following breast cancer, women should not generally be treated with menopausal hormone therapy or tibolone but should optimize lifestyle. Women with moderate to severe symptoms may benefit from mind–brain behavior or nonhormone, pharmacologic therapy. The selective serotonin/noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors and gabapentenoid agents improve VMS and quality of life. For osteoporosis, nonhormonal agents are available. Treatment of VVA remains an area of unmet need. Low-dose vaginal estrogen is absorbed in small amounts with blood levels remaining within the normal postmenopausal range but could potentially stimulate occult breast cancer cells, and although poorly studied, is not generally advised, particularly for those on aromatase inhibitors. Intravaginal dehydroepiandrosterone and oral ospemiphene have been approved to treat dyspareunia, but safety after breast cancer has not been established. Vaginal laser therapy is being used for VVA but efficacy from sham-controlled studies is lacking. Therapies undergoing development include lasofoxifene, neurokinin B inhibitors, stellate ganglion blockade, vaginal testosterone, and estetrol. Conclusions: Nonhormone options and therapies are available for treatment of estrogen depletion symptoms and clinical problems after a diagnosis of breast cancer. Individualization of treatment is essential

    Treatment of symptoms of the menopause: an endocrine society clinical practice guideline

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    Objective: The objective of this document is to generate a practice guideline for the management and treatment of symptoms of the menopause. Participants: The Treatment of Symptoms of the Menopause Task Force included six experts, a methodologist, and a medical writer, all appointed by The Endocrine Society. Evidence: The Task Force developed this evidenced-based guideline using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) system to describe the strength of recommendations and the quality of evidence. The Task Force commissioned three systematic reviews of published data and considered several other existing meta-analyses and trials. Consensus Process: Multiple e-mail communications, conference calls, and one face-to-face meeting determined consensus. Committees of The Endocrine Society, representatives from endorsing societies, and members of The Endocrine Society reviewed and commented on the drafts of the guidelines. The Australasian Menopause Society, the British Menopause Society, European Menopause and Andropause Society, the European Society of Endocrinology, and the International Menopause Society (co-sponsors of the guideline) reviewed and commented on the draft. Conclusions: Menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) is the most effective treatment for vasomotor symptoms and other symptoms of the climacteric. Benefits may exceed risks for the majority of symptomatic postmenopausal women who are under age 60 or under 10 years since the onset of menopause. Health care professionals should individualize therapy based on clinical factors and patient preference. They should screen women before initiating MHT for cardiovascular and breast cancer risk and recommend the most appropriate therapy depending on risk/benefit considerations. Current evidence does not justify the use of MHT to prevent coronary heart disease, breast cancer, or dementia. Other options are available for those with vasomotor symptoms who prefer not to use MHT or who have contraindications because these patients should not use MHT. Low-dose vaginal estrogen and ospemifene provide effective therapy for the genitourinary syndrome of menopause, and vaginal moisturizers and lubricants are available for those not choosing hormonal therapy. All postmenopausal women should embrace appropriate lifestyle measures

    Dynamics of an exclusion process with creation and annihilation

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    We examine the dynamical properties of an exclusion process with creation and annihilation of particles in the framework of a phenomenological domain-wall theory, by scaling arguments and by numerical simulation. We find that the length- and time scale are finite in the maximum current phase for finite creation- and annihilation rates as opposed to the algebraically decaying correlations of the totally asymmetric simple exclusion process (TASEP). Critical exponents of the transition to the TASEP are determined. The case where bulk creation- and annihilation rates vanish faster than the inverse of the system size N is also analyzed. We point out that shock localization is possible even for rates proportional to 1/N^a, 1<a<2.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, typos corrected, references added, section 4 revise

    Nonhydrothermal Synthesis and Properties of Saponite-Like Materials

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    Abstract-Main features of nonhydrothermal synthesis of saponite-like materials containing Zn(II) and Mg(II) cations in octahedral networks were studied. Optimal conditions for the synthesis were determined. The influence exerted by the double-charged structure-forming cation on the rate of structure formation in the synthesized materials and also on their pore structure and thermal stability was studied

    Anisotropic Colossal Magnetoresistance Effects in Fe_{1-x}Cu_xCr_2S_4

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    A detailed study of the electronic transport and magnetic properties of Fe1−x_{1-x}Cux_xCr2_2S4_4 (x≀0.5x \leq 0.5) on single crystals is presented. The resistivity is investigated for 2≀T≀3002 \leq T \leq 300 K in magnetic fields up to 14 Tesla and under hydrostatic pressure up to 16 kbar. In addition magnetization and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements were performed. FMR and magnetization data reveal a pronounced magnetic anisotropy, which develops below the Curie temperature, TCT_{\mathrm{C}}, and increases strongly towards lower temperatures. Increasing the Cu concentration reduces this effect. At temperatures below 35 K the magnetoresistance, MR=ρ(0)−ρ(H)ρ(0)MR = \frac{\rho(0) - \rho(H)}{\rho(0)}, exhibits a strong dependence on the direction of the magnetic field, probably due to an enhanced anisotropy. Applying the field along the hard axis leads to a change of sign and a strong increase of the absolute value of the magnetoresistance. On the other hand the magnetoresistance remains positive down to lower temperatures, exhibiting a smeared out maximum with the magnetic field applied along the easy axis. The results are discussed in the ionic picture using a triple-exchange model for electron hopping as well as a half-metal utilizing a band picture.Comment: some typos correcte

    SNGuess: A method for the selection of young extragalactic transients

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    With a rapidly rising number of transients detected in astronomy, classification methods based on machine learning are increasingly being employed. Their goals are typically to obtain a definitive classification of transients, and for good performance they usually require the presence of a large set of observations. However, well-designed, targeted models can reach their classification goals with fewer computing resources. This paper presents SNGuess, a model designed to find young extragalactic nearby transients with high purity. SNGuess works with a set of features that can be efficiently calculated from astronomical alert data. Some of these features are static and associated with the alert metadata, while others must be calculated from the photometric observations contained in the alert. Most of the features are simple enough to be obtained or to be calculated already at the early stages in the lifetime of a transient after its detection. We calculate these features for a set of labeled public alert data obtained over a time span of 15 months from the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). The core model of SNGuess consists of an ensemble of decision trees, which are trained via gradient boosting. Approximately 88% of the candidates suggested by SNGuess from a set of alerts from ZTF spanning from April 2020 to August 2021 were found to be true relevant supernovae (SNe). For alerts with bright detections, this number ranges between 92% and 98%. Since April 2020, transients identified by SNGuess as potential young SNe in the ZTF alert stream are being published to the Transient Name Server (TNS) under the AMPEL_ZTF_NEW group identifier. SNGuess scores for any transient observed by ZTF can be accessed via a web service. The source code of SNGuess is publicly available.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A), Forthcoming article, source code https://github.com/nmiranda/SNGues

    The Essential Interactions in Oxides and Spectral Weight Transfer in Doped Manganites

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    We calculate the value of the Fr\"ohlich electron-phonon interaction in manganites, cuprates, and some other charge-transfer insulators and show that this interaction is much stronger than any relevant magnetic interaction. A polaron shift due to the Fr\"ohlich interaction, which is about 1 eV, suggests that carriers in those systems are small (bi)polarons at all temperatures and doping levels, in agreement with the oxygen isotope effect and other data. An opposite conclusion, recently suggested in the literature, is shown to be incorrect. The frequency and temperature dependence of the optical conductivity of ferromagnetic manganites is explained within the framework of the bipolaron theory.Comment: 6 pages, REVTeX 3.1 with 3 eps-figures. Journal versio

    Spontaneous symmetry breaking in a two-lane model for bidirectional overtaking traffic

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    First we consider a unidirectional flux \omega_bar of vehicles each of which is characterized by its `natural' velocity v drawn from a distribution P(v). The traffic flow is modeled as a collection of straight `world lines' in the time-space plane, with overtaking events represented by a fixed queuing time tau imposed on the overtaking vehicle. This geometrical model exhibits platoon formation and allows, among many other things, for the calculation of the effective average velocity w=\phi(v) of a vehicle of natural velocity v. Secondly, we extend the model to two opposite lanes, A and B. We argue that the queuing time \tau in one lane is determined by the traffic density in the opposite lane. On the basis of reasonable additional assumptions we establish a set of equations that couple the two lanes and can be solved numerically. It appears that above a critical value \omega_bar_c of the control parameter \omega_bar the symmetry between the lanes is spontaneously broken: there is a slow lane where long platoons form behind the slowest vehicles, and a fast lane where overtaking is easy due to the wide spacing between the platoons in the opposite direction. A variant of the model is studied in which the spatial vehicle density \rho_bar rather than the flux \omega_bar is the control parameter. Unequal fluxes \omega_bar_A and \omega_bar_B in the two lanes are also considered. The symmetry breaking phenomenon exhibited by this model, even though no doubt hard to observe in pure form in real-life traffic, nevertheless indicates a tendency of such traffic.Comment: 50 pages, 16 figures; extra references adde
