14 research outputs found

    Italian Validation of the 12-Item Version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-12)

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    The Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) has shown satisfactory validity evidence in several countries, with the 23-item version of the instrument reporting adequate psychometric properties also in the Italian context. This paper is aimed to present results from the Italian validation of the 12-item version of the BAT. Based on a sample of 2277 workers, our results supported the factorial validity of a higher-order model represented by 4 first-order factors corresponding to the core dimensions of burnout, namely exhaustion, mental distance, and emotional and cognitive impairment. The measure invariance of the BAT-12 between data collected before and during the COVID-19 pandemic was supported. However, ANCOVA results suggest a higher score on the second-order burnout factor on data collected during the COVID-19 pandemic in comparison with earlier data. In line with the JD-R model, the BAT-12 total score reported a positive association with job demands (i.e., workload, time pressure, and role conflict) and a negative association with job resources (i.e., job autonomy, coworkers' support) and personal resources (i.e., optimism, social self-efficacy, and task self-efficacy). Additionally, the BAT-12 showed a negative association with work engagement components (i.e., vigor, dedication, and absorption) and positive job attitudes (i.e., job satisfaction, affective commitment). All in all, our results identify the Italian version of the BAT-12 as a brief and reliable tool for measuring burnout among workers

    Crafting leaders for people and organizational adaptability: A preliminary validation of the Crafting Leadership Questionnaire

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    Research goals. What kind of leadership is needed for the transition to more agile organizations is still a matter of debate. The Complexity Leadership Theory (Uhl-Bien et al., 2007) addresses how leaders may enable potential to adaptively address shifting environments. However, a specific tool applicable to employee management is still lacking. Hence, this study aims to propose a conceptual and measurement model (CLQ) that specifically interprets the enabling function of leadership for coworkers management. Theoretical background. Enabling leadership is the process that allows adaptability, creative problem-solving and learning to emerge within organizations (Uhl-Bien & Arena, 2018). Starting from Uhl-Bien et al. (2017) and from behavioral models (e.g., Yukl, 2012), we declined the concept into competencies. Crafting leaders adjust their style to the characteristics of coworkers (to activate their capability to shape the work environment and its outcomes) and manage the organization-coworkers interface (to provide consistency with the organization's strategic mission and to stimulate innovation throughout the organization). The concept naturally resonates with a situational approach to leadership (Hernandez et al., 2011). Indeed, by crafting we mean the leader’s shaping of an adaptive context in which coworkers are able to explore and nurture their diverse skills/talents/needs and to contribute to organizational development (Tims et al., 2021; Tummers & Bakker, 2021). Although transformational leadership (TL) involves a top-down approach of managing employees (Northouse, 2016), we expect the two perceived styles to be positively correlated as they converge on employee’s development. Moreover, we expect significant associations between CL and coworkers’ job crafting (JC; proxy of adaptability; Bindle et al., 2019), as well as with engagement (WE) and exhaustion (EX) based on previous research (Tummers & Bakker, 2021). Design. A total of 1507 employees from different organizations completed an online survey. Measures: CLQ (21 items), assessing CL as an higher-order construct derived from three behaviours (as perceived by coworkers), namely Person-Organization Alignement (POA; managing the organization-to-coworkers interface by strenghtening the comprehension of the organizational strategic and operational context), Tailoring (TAIL; valuing heterogeneity by seeding the conditions to engage co-workers in exploring, nurturing and integrating their characteristics) and Catalysing (CAT; managing the innovation-to-organization interface by facilitating the implementation and dissemination of innovative products). Transformational Leadership (TRL; 16 items, Avolio & Bass, 2004; α=.93); Promotion-oriented JC (PRO-JC; 9 items, Tims et al., 2012; α=.79). Prevention-oriented JC (PRE-JC; 6 items, Demerouti & Peeters, 2018 α= .72). The distinction between PRO-JC and PRE-JC is in line with Lichtenthaler and Fischbach (2019); WE (3 items, Schaufeli et al., 2019; α= .66); EX (3 items, Mazzetti et al., 2022; α= .81). We employed an investigator triangulation approach for the item development (Denzin, 1978). Confirmatory factor (CFA) analyses were performed to test CLQ factorial validity (1-factor, 3-factor, the hypothesised higher-order and bifactor models; CredĂš & Harms, 2016). Reliabilities were estimated. The discriminant validity of CL with regard to TL was tested, with the specification of a common method factor (Marsh, 1996). Then, we tested for predictive validity by estimating latent associations between CL, TL and outcomes (PRO-JC, PRE-JC, WE and EX). Multicollinearity indices (i.e., VIF and TI) were checked (Markoulides and Raykov, 2019). Results. The higher-order model fitted the data better than alternative models according to fit indices and χ2 test (χ2=1187.04, df =186, CFI=.96, TLI=.95, RMSEA=.06, SRMR=.03). The scales showed good reliability (POA α= .87; TAIL α= .91; COD α= .93; CLtotal α= .96). As expected, the correlation between CL and TL was strong and positive (r=.75). Both CL and TL correlated with PRO-JC (CL r=.46; TL r=.38), PRE-JC (CL r=.32; TL r=.25), WE (CL r= .60; TL r=.57) and EX (CL r= -.35; TL r= -.28). Moreover, CL outperformed TL in all regressions (with the latter resulted as nonsignificant). To be sure, VIF and TI values did not indicate the presence of multicollinearity between CL and TL. Limits. This cross-sectional study employed self-report measures. Divergent and predictive validity of CL should be further investigated. Conclusions. This study provided a valid and reliable model for reconsidering leadership in the contemporary scenario. Notably, CL uniquely associated with proactive behaviours, motivation and strain. The model may help practitioners to design developmental paths for leaders. Relevance to the Congress Theme. As organizations face increasingly changing and complex scenarios, we proposed a leadership model for enabling people and organizational adaptability

    Emotion work ed emotion management: dall'interazione con il cliente ai team di lavoro

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    L'articolo si propone di presentare un quadro di insieme dei contributi teorici ed empirici piĂč significativi sul lavoro emotivo, sia rispetto all'ambito giĂ  consolidato delle professioni di servizio, sia descrivendo i potenziali sviluppi del concetto all'interno dei gruppi di lavoro. Particolare attenzione viene data alle strategie di regolazione emotiva e ai loro effetti. In conclusione, vengono presentati alcuni possibili interventi di gestione delle risorse umane orientati a potenziare gli effetti positivi delle emozioni e a ridurne quelli negativi

    On building employee inclusion: A Preliminary Validation of a measure for assessing the Social Drivers of Inclusive Workplaces

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    Research goals. Firms are increasingly aware that people’s diversity and inclusion are a source of competitive advantage. Although research on these issues is growing rapidly, a clear set of constructs is still lacking, which limits empirical testing (Jackson & Joshi, 2011). Based on Shore et al.’s (2018) model of inclusive workplaces and the Perceptions of Social Context framework (PoSC; Borgogni et al., 2010, 2022; Johns, 2006), this study aims to provide a preliminary validation of the SDIW scale, which simultaneously assesses the employee’s perceptions of inclusive behaviours of the main social actors within organizations (i.e., management, leaders and co-workers). Theoretical background. The benefits of a diverse workforce are unlikely without inclusion (Offerman & Basford, 2014). Workplace inclusion can be built by incorporating diversity into organizational priorities, making people feel safe to belong and contribute to their full potential (Jeronimo et al., 2021). Notably, a recent review suggested several social drivers of inclusion, including the workgroup and leadership (i.e., by shaping one’s perceptions of the balance between belongingness and uniqueness) and top management (i.e., by implementing policies and practices; Shore et al., 2018). Based on the literature on the PoSC framework (Borgogni et al., 2010, 2022; Johns, 2006), we propose that the perceptions of workplace inclusiveness may be conceptualized through the inclusive behaviours of co-workers, leadership, and top management as perceived by the individual. Our proposal is in line with the contributions suggesting the need to investigate the comparative effects of different social influences on employee’s health and job outcomes (Kim et al., 2017). Design. A total of 1244 employees from a large Italian telecommunications company completed an anonymous online survey. The survey assessed: Inclusive Top Management (iTOM; 10 items), measuring the degree to which the top management implement policies and practices that provide representation, protect and value diversity and treat employees equally; Inclusive Leadership (iLEAD; 9 items) measuring the degree to which leaders commit themselves to problematize prejudices against diversity, nourish individual uniqueness and promote the integration of differences; Inclusive Co-workers (iCOW; 9 items), measuring the degree to which co-workers dialogue constructively, consider and integrate diversity as an added value to achieve common goals. The set of items was developed with a specific reference to diversity (i.e., cultural differences, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and age). Additionally, we measured as correlates: negative regulatory emotional self-efficacy (RESE; Alessandri et al., 2018), affective commitment (AC; Allen & Meyer, 1999), interpersonal strain (ISW; Borgogni et al., 2012), the satisfaction of relatedness need (SRN; Van de Broeck et al., 2010), and mobbing (MOB; Nam et al., 2010). Participants were randomly divided into two groups to perform exploratory factor (EFA) and confirmatory factor (CFA) analyses. Reliabilities were estimated. Alternative models were tested through CFAs (1-factor, 2-factor, 3-factor, higher-order and bifactor models). Convergent and discriminant validity was explored. A series of ANOVAs were conducted on SDIW subscales. Results. The EFA suggested a three-factor solution (χ2=765.83, df =297, CFI=.97, TLI=.96, RMSEA=.05, SRMR=.02). The three subscales had good reliability (iTOM α=.93; iLEAD α=.97; iCOW α=.91). The three-factor structure was confirmed by the CFA (χ2= 673.54, df =347, CFI=.95, TLI=.95, RMSEA=.06, SRMR=.04). This model outperformed all alternative models, according to fit indices and χ2 test. As expected, the dimensions were positively related to RESE, AC, and SRN, and negatively associated with MOB and ISW. Women had lower perceptions of iCOW than men, while senior employees had lower iLEAD perceptions. Limitations. This cross-sectional study was limited to a single Italian company and relied only on self-report measures. Conclusions. The preliminary validation of the SDIW scales provided a comprehensive, valid, and reliable measure to advance research on workplace inclusion as perceived by employees through the behaviors of social organizational constituents. Notably, the proposed model may help practitioners map the social drivers of inclusion within workplaces to design ad-hoc interventions. Relevance to the Congress Theme. As organizations become increasingly aware of the importance of placing people at the center of their processes, our study is helping to advance research and applications on diversity and inclusion

    Exploring the intention to work remotely: A moderated mediation model on the interplay between leadership, job autonomy and trust-building e-work self-efficacy

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    Research goals. Since the COVID-19 outbreak, many organizations have reported a permanent shift to remote or hybrid work (Milasi et al., 2020). However, from employee’s perspective remote working may be associated with both advantages and disadvantages. To date, the understanding of the individual and contextual factors that drive employees wanting to keep working remotely is still limited. In this study, we developed a moderated mediation model in which job autonomy plays a mediating role between remote leadership and the intention to work remotely and trust-building e-work self-efficacy acts as a moderator. Theoretical background. Increased autonomy is a key predictor of remote workers' job attitudes and well-being (e.g., Allen et al., 2013), although its positive effects are determined by job-related and individual characteristics (Kubicek et al., 2017). Supervisors play a role in the autonomy-control dialectic in determining the effectiveness of new ways of working (e.g., Iannotta et al., 2020) and generally influence employee’s outcomes by shaping job resources (Schaufeli et al., 2020). Hence, we hypothesized that the leader’s remote support may relate to employees’ intention to keep working remotely through the enhancement of job autonomy. Whether or not remote workers can handle greater discretion in performing their work is partly dependent on individual factors (Van Yperen et al., 2014). We hypothesized that trust-building e-work self-efficacy (i.e., one’s confidence in meeting company policies and high performance standards under minimum supervision; introduced by Tramontano et al., 2021) may have a moderating role, so that employees with higher scores may capitalize more from the hypothesized process. Design. The total sample consisted of 773 remote workers. The survey assessed: Remote Leadership (LEAD; 5 items), developed to measure leaders’ behaviours that support the effectiveness of remote co-workers, like strengthening digital skills and virtual interactions; Job Autonomy (AUT; 3 items; Morgeson & Humphrey, 2008) measuring the degree of discretion in one's job; Trust-Building e-work Self-Efficacy (TBSE; 3 items; Tramontano et al., 2021) measuring beliefs about one’s capability to build trustworthy relationships by achieving remote outcomes responsibly; Intention to Work Remotely (RINT; 1 item; adapt. from Davis et al. 1989), assessing the intention to keep working remotely for the next 6 months. Preliminarily, participants were randomly divided into two groups to perform validation analyses of the scales. Then, we tested on the overall sample: a) the measurement model through CFA; b) the structural moderated mediation model with path analysis according to suggested procedures (Hayes, 2015; Preacher et al., 2007). Alternative structural models were tested. Models were controlled for sex, age and type of contract. Results. Preliminary analyses on the split halves of the sample confirmed the reliability and factorial validity of the scales. The measurement model on the overall sample fitted the data well (χ2= 4595.664; df= 55; RMSEA=0.06; SRMR=0.03; TLI=0.95; CFI=0.96). The test of hypotheses revealed that: a) LEAD was directly related to AUT (=.26; p.<.001) and RINT (=.18; p.<.001). In turn, AUT was directly related to RINT (=.23; p.<.001). Hence, the LEAD-RINT relationship was partially mediated by AUT (ab=.08; p.<.001; LL= .04; UL= .12). b) TBSE significantly moderated the LEAD-AUT relationship (=.08; p.<.05), so that LEAD was related to AUT only at higher values of the moderator (=.12; p.<.05); c) Consistently, TBSE significantly moderated the mediating effect of AUT in the relationship between LEAD and RINT (IMM=.02; p. <.05; LL=.003; UL=.044). Alternative mediation models showed a worst fit to the data than the hypothesized one. TBSE did not moderate any of the other structural paths. Limitations. The cross-sectional and self-reported nature of the data. The sampled employees do work remotely at least 2 days per week, thereby results were not controlled with differences in intensity of remote working. Moreover, the results should be generalized to other national contexts, since our sample reflect the remote working as normatively defined by the Italian context. Conclusions. Our results contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms involved in employees’ intention to keep working remotely. This study suggests the importance of training the leaders of the future on the management of remote co-workers, with an emphasis on the enrichment of their job autonomy. For capitalization purposes, our results suggest that organizations should invest in empowering employees' capability to perform remotely in an autonomous and accountable manner. Relevance to the Congress Theme. Our study is helping to develop research and applications with regard to the attitude of employees towards new ways of working

    L’efficacia del coaching per lo sviluppo delle capacità agentiche

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    Introduzione. In virtĂč di un ricorso sempre piĂč diffuso al coaching per lo sviluppo dei talenti nelle organizzazioni, cresce l’interesse per la valutazione della sua efficacia, sebbene i contributi siano ancora limitati. In tale direzione, presentiamo una ricerca condotta a livello nazionale in collaborazione con l’Associazione italiana coach professionisti e volta a misurare gli effetti del coaching sullo sviluppo delle capacitĂ  agentiche. Il coaching si caratterizza per la costruzione di una relazione collaborativa e riflessiva tra coach e coachee, focalizzata sulla co-definizione di obiettivi sfidanti di sviluppo e di messa alla prova di quest’ultimo. Si ipotizza che attraverso tale processo il coachee sviluppi la propria capacitĂ  di prefigurare scenari futuri (anticipazione), gestire i propri stati emotivi (autoregolazione), capitalizzare dall’osservazione altrui (apprendimento vicario) e dalla rielaborazione della propria esperienza (autoriflessione). Obiettivi. Verificare l’efficacia di percorsi di coaching individuali per lo sviluppo delle capacitĂ  agentiche. Metodo. I dati sono stati raccolti tramite un questionario online, somministrato all’avvio e al termine del percorso di coaching, volto a rilevare le capacitĂ  agentiche in un campione di 214 coachee: 154 gruppo sperimentale e 60 gruppo di controllo (soggetti che non hanno intrapreso percorsi di coaching). Le capacitĂ  agentiche sono state rilevate mediante la Work Agentic Capabilities Scale. L’elaborazione dati ha previsto analisi della covarianza, controllando per la capacitĂ  agentica stessa al T1. Risultati. Nel gruppo sperimentale si evidenzia un incremento significativo nei livelli delle capacitĂ  agentiche (ad eccezione dell’apprendimento vicario) percepiti dai coachee, in confronto al gruppo di controllo. Limiti. Verificare la stabilitĂ  dell’effetto nel tempo. Controllare per la tipologia di formazione del coach e i modelli teorici di riferimento. Aspetti innovativi e ricadute applicative. La ricerca mette in luce la possibilitĂ  di investire sul coaching per accrescere capacitĂ  alla base del successo lavorativo, poichĂ© supportano le persone nell’affrontare gli odierni contesti in continuo cambiamento

    Risorse personali e Leadership: l’impatto della proattività sul benessere

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    Introduzione. A seguito dell’emergenza pandemica numerosi cambiamenti hanno stravolto le organizzazioni incidendo sul benessere delle persone, alle quali ù richiesto un pervasivo adattamento alle nuove modalità di lavoro. La letteratura ha dimostrato la rilevanza delle risorse personali nella gestione dei cambiamenti. Studi precedenti hanno dimostrato che le capacità agentiche facilitano i comportamenti proattivi di Job Crafting - attraverso la previsione dei possibili scenari futuri, il conseguente modellamento delle strategie per perseguire le proprie mete e la finale capitalizzazione dalle esperienze passate - contribuendo al raggiungimento di performance elevate e promuovendo il benessere percepito. Tuttavia, nessun contributo approfondisce il ruolo differenziato dei comportamenti di Task e Relational Crafting su tali esiti. Infine, le organizzazioni possono creare le condizioni facilitanti per lo sviluppo del Job Crafting attraverso uno stile gestionale come la Coaching Leadership, capace di valorizzare le risorse personali e le potenzialità dei collaboratori. Obiettivi. Indagare la relazione di influenza positiva delle capacità agentiche sugli esiti organizzativi di Task Performance e Benessere attraverso la mediazione, rispettivamente, del Task e del Relational Crafting; esplorare il possibile ruolo di moderazione della Coaching Leadership sulla relazione di influenza positiva delle capacità agentiche su entrambi Task e Relational Crafting. Metodo. I dati sono stati raccolti tramite un questionario online somministrato in due tempi, a distanza di sei mesi, finalizzato a rilevare le dimensioni sopracitate. Le analisi sono state condotte su un campione di 180 dipendenti di un’organizzazione italiana, leader nel settore delle telecomunicazioni. È stato testato un modello di mediazione moderata utilizzando il Software Mplus. Risultati. I risultati confermano complessivamente quanto ipotizzato. Limiti. Legati alla generalizzabilità dei risultati e all’utilizzo di dati self-report. Ricadute applicative. Percorsi formativi e di coaching possono accrescere il Job Crafting capitalizzando dalle risorse personali (capacità agentiche) e di contesto (Coaching Leadership) al fine di migliorare la prestazione e il benessere

    Tra prossimità e distanza: l’efficacia della leadership in un contesto “agile e digitalizzato”

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    I cambiamenti socio-economici e tecnologici che giĂ  da tempo stavano interessando le organizzazioni hanno subito una drammatica accelerazione a causa dell’attuale emergenza sanitaria. Proprio in risposta alle necessitĂ  di distanziamento interpersonale dettate dalla gestione dell’emergenza, un numero ingente di lavoratori Ăš passato da una modalitĂ  di lavoro tradizionale alla sperimentazione delle cosiddette “new ways of working”, che nel contesto italiano trovano espressione soprattutto nello smart working o (lavoro agile), e del lavoro di gruppo in team virtuali. Ci si interroga allora sulla validitĂ  e trasferibilitĂ  dei principi che hanno guidato finora la ricerca e l’intervento sulla leadership nei contesti “tradizionali”, fatti di interazioni dirette e di prossimitĂ , all’attuale contesto organizzativo, in cui il leader si ritrova ad assolvere la propria funzione di gestione dei collaboratori da remoto e attraverso interazioni mediate dagli strumenti tecnologici. Questo contributo si propone dapprima di descrivere le piĂč recenti prospettive sulla leadership avanzate dalla letteratura scientifica e contestualizzarne i principi nell’attuale scenario organizzativo. VerrĂ , poi, presentato uno studio empirico condotto su un campione di 642 smart worker italiani di una grande azienda di telecomunicazioni italiana prima dell’attuale emergenza sanitaria, volto ad indagare le determinanti personali e di contesto della percezione di efficacia dello smart working, ponendo particolare enfasi sullo stile di leadership adottato dal capo. Vengono infine discusse le implicazioni pratiche dello studio

    The bright and dark sides of resources for cross-role interrupting behaviors and work-family conflict: preliminary multigroup findings on remote and traditional working

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    Using boundary management and conservation of resources theories, we examined how job resources (i.e., job autonomy and goal-oriented leadership) and a work-related personal resource (i.e., personal initiative at work) relate to cross-role interrupting behaviors—i.e., interrupting the work (or non-work) role to attend to competing non-work (or work) demands—and how, in turn, they correlate with work–family conflict. Furthermore, we examined differences in the proposed nomological network between workers adopting traditional and remote ways of working. Using a multigroup structural equation modelling approach on a sample of 968 employees from an Italian telecommunications company, we found that: (a) job autonomy was positively related to both work interrupting non-work behaviors and to non-work interrupting work behaviors, (b) goal-oriented leadership was negatively related to non-work interrupting work behaviors, (c) personal initiative at work was positively related to work interrupting non-work behaviors and, finally, (d) cross-role interrupting behaviors were positively related to work–family conflict. Additionally, our findings revealed previously undocumented results; (a) mediating patterns in how resources relate, through cross-role interrupting behaviors, to work–family conflict and (b) non-invariant associations among job autonomy, cross-role interrupting behaviors and work–family conflict across traditional and remote workers. The limitations and theoretical and practical implications of the present study are discussed

    Risorse personali ed efficacia collettiva durante l’emergenza COVID-19: uno studio su lavoratori da remoto

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    Introduzione. L’emergenza COVID-19 ha profondamente inciso sulla vita organizzativa, richiedendo un pervasivo adattamento al lavoro da remoto. La letteratura ha dimostrato la rilevanza delle risorse personali nella gestione dei cambiamenti. Esse, modellando le percezioni di contesto, consentono alla persona di capitalizzare positivamente dalle proprie esperienze. A fronte di sfide collettivamente scandite, l’efficacia collettiva costituisce un indicatore della capacità di adattamento di team e organizzazioni. Studi precedenti hanno dimostrato che le risorse e le percezioni di contesto organizzativo dell’individuo contribuiscono alla formazione di tali credenze condivise. Obiettivi. a) Verificare le proprietà psicometriche della scala di Risorse personali per l’emergenza (RPE); b) Testare un modello di relazioni in cui le RPE influenzano le percezioni di contesto organizzativo (PoC), l’efficacia collettiva organizzativa nella gestione dell’emergenza (ECOe) e di team da remoto (ECTr). Metodo. I dati sono stati raccolti attraverso un questionario online su un campione di 6398 lavoratori da remoto (53,4% donne ; 50,6% con diploma di scuola superiore; 46,8% impiegato; 59,1% con seniority maggiore di 15 anni; 75,1% dai 43 ai 69 anni) di una azienda italiana. Le misure: Risorse personali per l’emergenza; Percezione di contesto (Azienda; Leader; Colleghi); Efficacia Collettiva (Organizzativa nella gestione dell’emergenza; del Team da remoto). È stata verificata l’attendibilità e la validità fattoriale delle scale. Il modello ipotizzato ù stato testato attraverso modelli di equazioni strutturali. Risultati. I risultati della CFA supportano la validità fattoriale della scala RPE. Il modello strutturale con mediazione parziale ha mostrato il fit migliore con i dati. I risultati confermano la rilevanza delle RPE nel contribuire, direttamente e indirettamente, attraverso le PoC, all’ECOe e all’ECTr. Limiti. Studi longitudinali sono necessari per verificare le relazioni di influenza ipotizzate. Ricadute applicative. Percorsi formativi e di sviluppo possono accrescere le risorse personali e collettive dei lavoratori da remoto al fine di capitalizzare dalla situazione attuale