8 research outputs found

    The technology acceptance of a TV platform for the elderly living alone or in public nursing homes

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    In Mexico, many seniors are alone for most of the day or live in public nursing homes. Simple interaction with computer systems is required for older people. This is why we propose the exploration of a medium well known by seniors, such as the television (TV). The primary objective of this study is to improve the quality of life of seniors through an easier reminder system, using the television set. A technological platform was designed based on interactive television, through which seniors and their caregivers can have a better way to track their daily activities. Finally, an evaluation of the technology adoption was performed with 50 seniors living in two public nursing homes. The evaluation found that the elderly perceived the system as useful, easy to use, and they had a positive attitude and good intention to use it. This helped to generate initial evidence that the system supported them in achieving a better quality of life, by reminding them to take their medications and increasing their rate of attendance to their medical appointments

    iTVCare: A home care system for the elderly through interactive television

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    In the world, many older adults are living alone for most of the day. This work propose the use of the television set, a medium well known by seniors, to improve the way that seniors and their caregivers can track daily activities such as medication intakes reminders. Two evaluations were held, a heuristic usability assessment early on the design process and an evaluation of the technology adoption. Both evaluations generated initial evidence that the system supported elders in achieving a better quality of life

    Heuristic evaluation of an IoMT system for remote health monitoring in senior care

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    This paper presents the usability assessment of the design of an Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) system for older adults; the evaluation, using heuristics, was held early on the design process to assess potential problems with the system and was found to be an efficient method to find issues with the application design and led to significant usability improvements on the IoMT platform

    An IoT system for remote health monitoring in elderly adults through a wearable device and mobile application

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    With the increase in global life expectancy and the advance of technology, the creation of age-friendly environments is a priority in the design of new products for elderly people healthcare. This paper presents a proposal for a real-time health monitoring system of older adults living in geriatric residences. This system was developed to help caregivers to have a better control in monitoring the health of their patients and have closer communication with their patients’ family members. To validate the feasibility and effectiveness of this proposal, a prototype was built, using a biometric bracelet connected to a mobile application, which allows real-time visualization of all the information generated by the sensors (heart rate, body temperature, and blood oxygenation) in the bracelet. Using these data, caregivers can make decisions about the health status of their patients. The evaluation found that the users perceived the system to be easy to learn and use, providing initial evidence that our proposal could improve the quality of the adult’s healthcare.PRODEP | Ref. PRODEP UCOL-EXB-176 (Code: DSA/103.5/15/10874

    Contribution to home care systems for the elderly through iTV and IoT

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    En estos tiempos el avance de la tecnología es fundamental en todas las áreas, muy en especial en lo que respecta al cuidado de la salud. Existe una fuerte relación entre esta área y las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC), ya que la aparición de dispositivos para el cuidado médico de alta complejidad es parte de los avances tecnológicos que se han venido efectuando a través del tiempo. El cuidado de la salud en el hogar (HC, por sus siglas en inglés, Home Care) usa las tecnologías de telecomunicaciones para proporcionar a los prestadores de servicios a la salud una comunicación con los pacientes que se encuentran en sus hogares o en residencias geriátricas. El uso del HC seguramente aumentará con el incremento en la esperanza de vida. Las estimaciones indican que en México para el 2050 la proporción de adultos mayores (65 años o más) se incrementará en 21.2 %. Por medio de este trabajo de investigación se integrará el HC, la televisión interactiva y el Internet de las Cosas para crear sistemas que asistan a los adultos mayores viviendo en residencias geriátricas y de esta forma mejorar su calidad de vida y al mismo tiempo apoyar a sus cuidadores y familiares.Nestes tempos, o avance da tecnoloxía é fundamental en todos os ámbitos e especialmente no coidado da saúde. Hai unha relación definitiva entre esta área e as tecnoloxías da información e as comunicacións (TIC), xa que a aparición de dispositivos de alta complexidade para a atención médica é parte dos avances tecnolóxicos que se están a producir ao longo do tempo. O Home Care (HC pola sigla en inglés Home Care) utiliza as TIC para proporcionar aos provedores de servizos de saúde comunicación con pacientes que se atopan nos seus fogares ou en casas xeriátricas. Estes números seguramente aumentarán co aumento da esperanza de vida. As estimacións indican que en México en 2050 a proporción de persoas maiores (65 anos ou máis) aumentará un 21,2%. A través desta investigación integraranse a HC, a televisión interactiva ea Internet das Cousas para crear sistemas que axuden aos maiores que viven en casas xeriátricas e así mellorar a súa calidade de vida e ao mesmo tempo apoiar aos seus coidadores e familiares.In these times, the advance of technology is fundamental in all areas and very especially in health care. There is a definite relation between this area and information and communications technology (ICT) since the emergence of high complexity devices for medical care is part of the technological advances that have been taking place over time. The Home Care (HC) uses ICT to provide to the health service providers communication with patients who are in their homes or in nursing homes. These numbers will surely augment with the increase of life expectancy. Estimations indicate that in Mexico in 2050 the proportion of seniors (65 years old or more) will increase by 21.2 %. Through this research the HC, interactive television and the Internet of Things will be integrated to create systems that assist seniors living in nursing homes and thus Improve their quality of life and at the same time support their caregivers and family members

    Uso de interfaces tangibles en la enseñanza de lectura a niños con síndrome de Down

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    Enseñar a leer a niños con síndrome de Down (SD) es una tarea educativa difícil que requiere técnicas pedagógicas especiales. A partir de un proceso de observación escolar y revisión de literatura, temas claves surgieron sobre las necesidades de estos niños, las cuales nosotros proponemos abordar con tecnología tangible. Sugerimos un sistema tangible con realidad aumentada para apoyar la enseñanza de la lectura a niños con SD. Pruebas preliminares mostraron que nuestro sistema ayudó a mantener la atención de los niños con SD en sus tareas educativas

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2007

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq