5,512 research outputs found
The distribution and nature of soils with low phosphorus in the Brazilian savannas.
Editado por Robert E. Schaffert
Screening nuclear field fluctuations in quantum dots for indistinguishable photon generation
A semiconductor quantum dot can generate highly coherent and
indistinguishable single photons. However, intrinsic semiconductor dephasing
mechanisms can reduce the visibility of two-photon interference. For an
electron in a quantum dot, a fundamental dephasing process is the hyperfine
interaction with the nuclear spin bath. Here we directly probe the consequence
of the fluctuating nuclear spins on the elastic and inelastic scattered photon
spectra from a resident electron in a single dot. We find the nuclear spin
fluctuations lead to detuned Raman scattered photons which are distinguishable
from both the elastic and incoherent components of the resonance fluorescence.
This significantly reduces two-photon interference visibility. However, we
demonstrate successful screening of the nuclear spin noise which enables the
generation of coherent single photons that exhibit high visibility two-photon
interference.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures + Supplementary Informatio
Fundamental Limits to Coherent Photon Generation with Solid-State Atomlike Transitions
Coherent generation of indistinguishable single photons is crucial for many
quantum communication and processing protocols. Solid-state realizations of
two-level atomic transitions or three-level spin- systems offer
significant advantages over their atomic counterparts for this purpose, albeit
decoherence can arise due to environmental couplings. One popular approach to
mitigate dephasing is to operate in the weak excitation limit, where excited
state population is minimal and coherently scattered photons dominate over
incoherent emission. Here we probe the coherence of photons produced using
two-level and spin- solid-state systems. We observe that the coupling
of the atomic-like transitions to the vibronic transitions of the crystal
lattice is independent of driving strength and detuning. We apply a polaron
master equation to capture the non-Markovian dynamics of the ground state
vibrational manifolds. These results provide insight into the fundamental
limitations for photon coherence from solid-state quantum emitters, with the
consequence that deterministic single-shot quantum protocols are impossible and
inherently probabilistic approaches must be embraced.Comment: 16 pages [with supplementary information], 8 figure
Dispersão do material de solo em água para avaliação indireta da erodibilidade de Latossolos.
Os teores de silte e areia muito fina, obtidos da análise granulométrica com dispersão total (NaOH), estão entre os principais parâmetros responsáveis pela erodibilidade dos solos. Sendo os latossolos, por via de regra, pobres em sÃlte, os Ãndices de erodibilidade, que consideram tais parâmetros relevantes, apresentam para os mesmos acentuada resistência à erosão. Entretanto, quando a dispersão do material de solo é realizada somente em água, os agregados, de elevada estabilidade nesses solos, podem permanecer no tamanho das frações sllte e areia muito fina, permitindo dúvidas sobre a aplicabilidade dos resultados de granulometria com dispersão total na predição do seu comportamento diante da erosão. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a influência dos teores de partÃculas e/ou agregados menores de O,lmm (argila, silte e areia muito fina) dispersos em água nos Ãndices de erodibilidade, em amostras de latossolo vermelho-escuro e vermelho-amarelo, coletadas nas profundidades de 0-20 e 60-8Ocm. O emprego das frações granulométricas dispersas em água conduziu a valores mais elevados para a erodibilidade, comparados à queles obtidos de maneira convencional, notadamente na camada do solo relativa ao horizonte B (60-8Ocm),cujas unidades estruturais são menores e mais estáveis. O latossolo vermelho-escuro, de maneira geral, mostrou-se mais resistente à erosão do que o vermelho-amarelo
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