6 research outputs found

    Impactos da polifarmácia na saúde bucal de idosos: uma revisão de escopo

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    Esse artigo tem como objetivo analisar na literatura os principais impactos da polifarmácia na saúde bucal da pessoa idosa. Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo, cuja busca foi realizada nas seguintes bases de dados: LILACS, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science e Google Scholar como literatura cinzenta, sem restrição temporal. As buscas foram realizadas utilizando descritores combinados por meio dos operadores boleanos AND e OR: (“aged” OR “elderly” OR “elderlies” OR “health of the elderly”) AND (“oral manifestations” OR “oral manifestation” OR “oral health” OR “pathology, oral”) AND (“polypharmacy” OR “polymedication”). O protocolo desta revisão foi registrado na Open Science Framework, seguindo as recomendações do Manual do Instituto Joanna Briggs – JBI Manual for Evidence Synthesis.  Foram encontrados 262 estudos e após a remoção dos duplicados restaram 81 artigos; em seguida foi feita a exclusão por meio do título e resumo, e depois pela leitura na íntegra, selecionando-se 5 estudos para compor a amostra final. A alteração prevalente foi a Xerostomia, sendo apresentada em 100% dos estudos selecionados. Quanto aos sinais e sintomas, observou-se boca seca, má higiene oral, presença de cárie e dificuldade em ingerir alimentos, o que algumas vezes culminou em má nutrição. Houve impacto direto da xerostomia na qualidade de vida da população idosa, tanto em relação à nutrição quanto ao comprometimento da saúde bucal

    Cisto do Ducto Nasopalatino em Paciente do Sexo Feminino: Relato de Caso em Hospital de Referência no Nordeste do Brasil

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    Introduction: Although the etiology of NDC is uncertain, trauma and/or bacterial infection seem to contribute to its development. When the lesion develops in the final portion of the incisive canal and only in soft tissue, it is called an incisive papilla cyst. Clinical case: A 34-year-old female, leucoderma, RTAD patient was referred to the stomatology department of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) complaining of a bulging in the palate region, noticed after eating hot food, damaging the incisive papillae region up to the palatine torus. Discussion: A possible differential diagnosis for the nasopalatine duct cyst would be the median palatine cyst (MPC), which is a rare fissural cyst and is difficult to differentiate from the NPC. The MPC is characterized by a firm or floating swelling located in the midline of the hard palate, posterior to the incisive papilla, although the location can make the differentiation, there are cases where the NPC is located more posteriorly and the MPC is located more anteriorly. Conclusion: The nasopalatine duct cyst is considered to be the most common non-odontogenic cyst in the oral cavity and affects around 1% of the population. Despite its predilection for males, the patient in question was female and only noticed the appearance of the lesion after eating food with a high temperature, which could have drawn her attention to it.Introdução: Embora a etiologia do CDN seja incerta, um trauma e/ou uma infecção bacteriana parecem contribuir com seu desenvolvimento. Quando a lesão é desenvolvida na porção final do canal incisivo e apenas em tecido mole, é chamada de cisto da papila incisiva. Caso clínico: Paciente RTAD, gênero feminino, 34 anos, leucoderma, foi encaminhada ao serviço de estomatologia da Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), com queixa de abaulamento na região do palato, percebido após a ingestão de alimento quente, lesionando região de papilas incisivas até o tórus palatino. Discussão: Um possível diagnóstico diferencial para o cisto do ducto nasopalatino seria o cisto palatino mediano (CPM), que é um cisto fissural raro e é difícil diferenciá-lo do CDN, o CPM caracteriza-se por uma tumefação firme ou flutuante localizado na linha média do palato duro, posteriormente à papila incisiva, apesar da localização poder realizar a diferenciação, existem casos que o CDN localiza-se mais posteriormente e o CPM localiza-se mais anteriormente. Conclusão: O cisto do ducto nasopalatino é considerado o cisto não odontogênico mais comum da cavidade oral e atinge cerca de 1% da população, apesar da predileção pelo sexo masculino, a paciente em questão era do sexo feminino e apenas notou o aparecimento da lesão após a ingestão de alimento com temperatura elevada que pôde chamar a atenção da mesma, dessa forma é notório que nem sempre o CDN será de fácil suspeita pelo paciente em seus estágios iniciais

    Overview of Ceramic Minerals Applications in Dentistry and New Perspectives: An Integrative Review

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    Abstract: Modern dentistry is constantly searching for new materials that meet specific clinical requirements. Among these materials, ceramics stand out for their superior properties, such as biocompatibility, and are widely used in areas such as prosthetics, dentistry, implantology, and other related specialties. The biocompatibility of ceramic materials is one of the main reasons for their numerous applications in clinical practice, providing significant benefits for the recovery and maintenance of oral health. Objective: The present study aimed to carry out a comprehensive survey of scientific productions related to the applications of ceramic materials in dentistry. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted as an integrative literature review, covering five electronic databases to ensure broad and detailed coverage of relevant studies. Results: Initially, 1329 study records were found. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 13 studies were selected for analysis. These studies addressed several facets of the clinical applications of ceramic materials, highlighting their advantages and limitations. Conclusion: Despite the significant potential of ceramic materials in the area of ​​dental health, the analysis revealed a deficit in the global literature on the approach to this specific topic. There is a clear need for further research to explore in more depth the applications of these materials, their physical and chemical characteristics, and their interactions with biological tissues, in order to optimize their use in clinical practice.Modern dentistry is constantly searching for new materials that meet specific clinical requirements. Among these materials, ceramics stand out for their superior properties, such as biocompatibility, and are widely used in areas such as prosthetics, dentistry, implantology, and other related specialties. The biocompatibility of ceramic materials is one of the main reasons for their numerous applications in clinical practice, providing significant benefits for the recovery and maintenance of oral health. Objective: The present study aimed to carry out a comprehensive survey of scientific productions related to the applications of ceramic materials in dentistry. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted as an integrative literature review, covering five electronic databases to ensure broad and detailed coverage of relevant studies. Results: Initially, 1329 study records were found. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 13 studies were selected for analysis. These studies addressed several facets of the clinical applications of ceramic materials, highlighting their advantages and limitations. Conclusion: Despite the significant potential of ceramic materials in the area of ​​dental health, the analysis revealed a deficit in the global literature on the approach to this specific topic. There is a clear need for further research to explore in more depth the applications of these materials, their physical and chemical characteristics, and their interactions with biological tissues, in order to optimize their use in clinical practice

    A cirurgia ortognática no tratamento da Apneia Obstrutiva do Sono: Uma revisão integrativa da literatura

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    The aim of this review is to survey the most recent scientific evidence on the effectiveness oforthognathic surgery in the treatment of OSA. The guiding question was: "What are the mostrecent scientific documents on the effectiveness of orthognathic surgery in the treatment ofOSA in adult patients?". Thus, the eligibility criteria consisted of only original articles relatedto the guiding question, available in full for free in any language in the last five years. Theselection of articles was carried out from searches in the PubMed, Scopus, Embase and Webof Science databases. A combination of four descriptors was used: (Orthognathic Surgery) AND(Obstructive Sleep Apnea) AND (Maxillomandibular Advancement) AND (Treatment). TheMMA is a safe effective treatment option for cases of AOS. Being the main alternative to longterm treatments for severe cases of OSA.O objetivo desta revisão é fazer um levantamento das evidências científicas mais recentes sobrea eficácia da cirurgia ortognática no tratamento da AOS. A questão norteadora foi: "Quais sãoevidências científicas mais recentes sobre a eficácia da cirurgia ortognática no tratamento da AOSem pacientes adultos?”. Dessa maneira, os critérios de elegibilidade consistiram em apenasartigos originais relacionados com a questão norteadora, disponíveis na íntegra de forma gratuitaem qualquer idioma nos últimos cinco anos. A seleção dos artigos foi realizada a partir de buscasnas bases de dados PubMed, Scopus, Embase e Web of Science. Utilizou-se a combinação dequatro descritores: (Orthognathic Surgery) AND (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) AND(Maxillomandibular Advancement) AND (Treatment). O AMM apresenta-se como uma opçãosegura e eficaz de tratamento para os casos de AOS. Sendo a principal alternativa aostratamentos a longo prazo para casos graves de AOS

    Instalação de Quatro Implantes Dentários Utilizando Guia Cirúrgico para Suporte de Prótese Total Fixa com a Técnica All-on-Four: Um Relato de Caso de Clínico

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    Implant dentistry has evolved rapidly, offering increasingly advanced and personalized solutions for the oral rehabilitation of patients who have lost teeth. Today, dental implants are a highly effective and predictable treatment option for restoring chewing function, aesthetics and oral health. Surgical guides are essential tools for ensuring the precision and predictability of implant procedures. The aim of this clinical case study is to briefly report on the installation of implants (all-on-four) with the aid of a surgical guide for the use of fixed full dentures. Case report: A 57-year-old male patient was referred to the implant dentistry service at the COESP Faculty with complaints about his chewing function and wanted to have a fixed prosthesis on an implant. We identified the presence of root remnants, namely the dental elements: 13, 14, 15, 17 and 24. A cone beam tomography and intraoral scan were requested in order to assess the possibility of installing implants with the aid of a surgical guide, and subsequently the provisional prosthesis was planned to be captured immediately after the implants were installed. The clinical results were favorable and consistent with the technique used. The bone and gingival height was preserved, resulting in favorable aesthetics of the definitive fixed prosthesis. Thus, it can be considered that interdisciplinary planning was essential for achieving this result.A implantodontia tem evoluído rapidamente, oferecendo soluções cada vez mais avançadas e personalizadas para a reabilitação oral de pacientes que perderam dentes. Atualmente, os implantes dentários são uma opção de tratamento altamente eficaz e previsível para restaurar a função mastigatória, a estética e a saúde bucal. Os guias cirúrgicos são ferramentas essenciais para garantir a precisão e previsibilidade dos procedimentos de implante. O objetivo desta pesquisa de caso clínico é relatar de forma sucinta a instalação de implantes (all-on- four) com auxílio de guia cirúrgico para utilização de prótese total fixa. Relato de caso: Paciente do gênero masculino, 57 anos, foi encaminhado ao serviço de implantodontia da Faculdade COESP, com queixas quanto à função mastigatória e queria ter uma prótese fixa sobre implante. Identificamos a presença de restos radiculares, sendo eles os elementos dentários: 13, 14, 15, 17 e 24, foi solicitado uma tomografia cone beam e escaneamento intra-oral no intuito de avaliar a possibilidade de instalação dos implantes com o auxílio de guia cirúrgico e posteriormente foi planejado a prótese provisória para ser capturada imediatamente após a instalação dos implantes. Os resultados clínicos foram favoráveis e condizentes com a técnica utilizada. A altura óssea e gengival foi preservada, resultando em estética favorável da prótese fixa definitiva. Dessa forma, pode-se considerar que o planejamento interdisciplinar foi essencial para a obtenção desse resultado

    Applications of platelet- and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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    Introduction: Oral and maxillofacial surgery plays a crucial role in the reconstruction and restoration of facial structures, seeking to improve both aesthetics and function. The use of platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) represents a notable advance, accelerating healing and improving surgical outcomes. Materials and Methods: This review covers 710 studies from various electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct and Google Scholar). The aim is to thoroughly investigate the applications of platelet- and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology. Results: The analysis reveals that L-PRF stands out as an effective autologous therapy in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Its application shows remarkable potential for accelerating the healing process, contributing significantly to the effectiveness of procedures. Discussion: L-PRF has emerged as an excellent choice in oral and maxillofacial surgery and traumatology, improving both the aesthetic and functional aspects of facial reconstructions. This highlights the relevance of this autologous therapy and its benefits in surgical practice. Conclusion: The applications of platelet and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology are fundamental and promising. This advance represents not only a means of accelerating healing, but also a significant contribution to better aesthetic and functional results in surgical procedures in this area.Introduction: Oral and maxillofacial surgery plays a crucial role in the reconstruction and restoration of facial structures, seeking to improve both aesthetics and function. The use of platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) represents a notable advance, accelerating healing and improving surgical outcomes. Materials and Methods: This review covers 710 studies from various electronic databases (PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Science Direct and Google Scholar). The aim is to thoroughly investigate the applications of platelet- and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology. Results: The analysis reveals that L-PRF stands out as an effective autologous therapy in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Its application shows remarkable potential for accelerating the healing process, contributing significantly to the effectiveness of procedures. Discussion: L-PRF has emerged as an excellent choice in oral and maxillofacial surgery and traumatology, improving both the aesthetic and functional aspects of facial reconstructions. This highlights the relevance of this autologous therapy and its benefits in surgical practice. Conclusion: The applications of platelet and leukocyte-rich fibrin (L-PRF) in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology are fundamental and promising. This advance represents not only a means of accelerating healing, but also a significant contribution to better aesthetic and functional results in surgical procedures in this area