60 research outputs found

    Myocardial infarction in major noncardiac surgery: Epidemiology, pathophysiology and prevention

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    The number of subjects undergoing major noncardiac surgery who are at risk for perioperative myocardial infarction (MI) is growing worldwide. It has been estimated that 500,000 to 900,000 patients suffer major perioperative cardiovascular complications every year, with consequent heavy, long-term prognostic implications and costs. It is well known that perioperative MIs don't share the same pathophysiology as nonsurgical MIs but the relative role of the different, potential triggers has not been completely clarified. Many aspects of the perioperative management, including risk-stratification and prophylactic or postoperative interventions have also not been completely defined. Throughout recent years many resources have been invested to clarify these aspects and experts have developed indices and algorithm-based strategies to better assess the cardiac risk and to guide the perioperative management. The scope of the present review is to discuss the main aspects of perioperative MI in noncardiac surgery, with particular regard to epidemiology, pathophysiology, preoperative risk stratification, prophylaxis and therapy

    Hashimoto's thyroiditis and autoimmune gastritis

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    The term "thyrogastric syndrome" defines the association between autoimmune thyroid disease and chronic autoimmune gastritis (CAG), and it was first described in the early 1960s. More recently, this association has been included in polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type IIIb, in which autoimmune thyroiditis represents the pivotal disorder. Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) is the most frequent autoimmune disease, and it has been reported to be associated with gastric disorders in 10-40% of patients while about 40% of patients with autoimmune gastritis also present HT. Some intriguing similarities have been described about the pathogenic mechanism of these two disorders, involving a complex interaction among genetic, embryological, immunologic, and environmental factors. CAG is characterized by a partial or total disappearance of parietal cells implying the impairment of both hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor production. The clinical outcome of this gastric damage is the occurrence of a hypochlorhydric-dependent iron-deficient anemia, followed by pernicious anemia concomitant with the progression to a severe gastric atrophy. Malabsorption of levothyroxine may occur as well. We have briefly summarized in this minireview the most recent achievements on this peculiar association of diseases that, in the last years, have been increasingly diagnosed

    Early detection of biochemically occult autonomous thyroid nodules

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    Objective: Autonomously functioning thyroid areas may be associated with subclinical or overt hyperthyroidism, but may exist even in the presence of normal TSH. This study was aimed at comparing the rate of autonomously functioning areas and their cardiac sequelae in patients with nodular goitre studied with the usual and a novel approach. Design and methods: In total 490 adult outpatients with thyroid nodular goitre, living in a mild iodine-deficient area, were selected in our referral centre for thyroid diseases from 2009 to 2014 on the basis of a suspicion of thyroid functional autonomy. They were divided in three groups according to a non-conventional approach (excessive response to thyroxine treatment: group 1) or conventional approach (low/normal TSH with clinical suspicion or low TSH: groups 2 and 3). All patients of the study with the suspicion of thyroid functional autonomy underwent thyroid scan with radioactive iodine (I131) uptake (RAIU). Results: The percentage of confirmed thyroid functional autonomy was 319/490, being significantly higher in group 3 than in groups 1 and 2 (81.5 vs 64.7 vs 52.6%; chi-square P < 0.0001). However, the diagnosis with non-conventional approach was made at a significant earlier age (P < 0.0001). Cardiac arrhythmias as well as atrial fibrillation were similarly detected by conventional and non-conventional approaches (chi-square test: P = 0.2537; P = 0.8425). Conclusions: The hyper-responsiveness to thyroxine treatment should induce the suspicion of thyroid functional autonomy at an early stage, allowing to detect autonomous functioning areas in apparently euthyroid patients

    CCAAT/enhancer-binding proteins are key regulators of human type two deiodinase expression in a placenta cell line

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    An appropriate concentration of intracellular T(3) is a critical determinant of placenta development and function and is mainly controlled by the activity of type II deiodinase (D2). The levels of this enzyme are finely regulated in different tissues by coordinated transcriptional mechanisms, which rely on dedicated promoter sequences (e.g. cAMP response element and TATA elements) that impart inducibility and tissue specificity to Dio2 mRNA expression. Here we show that CCAAT enhancer-binding proteins α and β (C/EBPα and C/EBPβ) promote Dio2 expression in the trophoblastic cell line JEG3 through a conserved CCAAT element, which is a novel key component of the Dio2 promoter code that confers tissue-specific expression of D2 in these cells. Increased C/EBPs levels potently induce Dio2 transcription, whereas their ablation results in loss of Dio2 mRNA. By measuring the activity of several deletion and point mutant promoter constructs, we have identified the functional CCAAT element responsible for this effect, which is located in close proximity to the most 5' TATA box. Notably, this newly identified sequence is highly conserved throughout the species and binds in vivo and in vitro C/EBP, indicating the relevance of this regulatory mechanism. Together, our results unveil a novel mechanism of regulation of D2 expression in a trophoblastic cell line, which may play a relevant role during placenta development

    Serum thyroid hormone antibodies are frequent in patients with polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type 3, particularly in those who require thyroxine treatment

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    Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome (PAS) type 3 consists of autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD) coexisting with ≥1 non-thyroidal autoimmune disease (NTAID) other than Addison’s disease and hypoparathyroidism. We evaluated the prevalence and repertoire of thyroid hormones antibodies (THAb) in PAS-3 patients. Using a radioimmunoprecipation technique, we measured THAb (T3IgM, T3IgG, T4IgM, and T4IgG) in 107 PAS-3 patients and 88 controls (patients with AITD without any NTAID). Based on the selective coexistence of AITD with one NTAID (chronic autoimmune gastritis, non-segmental vitiligo or celiac disease), patients were divided into group 1 (chronic autoimmune gastritis positive, n = 64), group 2 (non-segmental vitiligo positive, n = 24), and group 3 (celiac disease positive, n = 15). At least one of the four THAb was detected in 45 PAS-3 patients (42.1%) and 28 controls (31.8%, P = 0.14), with similar rates in the three PAS-3 groups. The rates of T3Ab, T4Ab, and T3 + T4Ab were similar in groups 1 and 2, while in group 3, T3Ab was undetected (P = 0.02). In PAS-3 patients, the rate of levothyroxine treatment was greater in THAb-positive patients compared to THAb-negative patients (76.7 vs. 56.1%, P = 0.03, RR = 1.4, 95% CI 1.03–1.81). Not unexpectedly, levothyroxine daily dose was significantly higher in group 1 and group 3, namely in patients with gastrointestinal disorders, compared to group 2 (1.9 ± 0.4 and 1.8 ± 0.3 vs. 1.5 ± 0.2 μg/kg body weight, P = 0.0005 and P = 0.004). Almost half of PAS-3 patients have THAb, whose repertoire is similar if chronic autoimmune gastritis or celiac disease is present. A prospective study would confirm whether THAb positivity predicts greater likelihood of requiring levothyroxine treatment

    Gastrointestinal Malabsorption of Thyroxine

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    Levothyroxine, a largely prescribed drug with a narrow therapeutic index, is often a lifelong treatment. The therapeutic efficacy of thyroxine may be marred by behavioral, pharmacologic and pathologic issues acting as interfering factors. Despite a continuous search for an optimal thyroxine treatment, a significant number of patients fail to show a complete chemical and/or clinical response to this reference dose of thyroxine. Gastrointestinal malabsorption of oral thyroxine represents an emerging cause of refractory hypothyroidism and may be more frequent than previously reputed.In this review article we aimed at examining the pharmacologic features of thyroxine preparations and their linkage with the intestinal absorption of the hormone. We have stressed the major biochemical and pharmacologic characteristics of thyroxine and its interaction with the putative transporter at the intestinal level. We have examined the interfering role of nutrients, foods, and drugs on thyroxine absorption at gastric and intestinal level. The impact of gastrointestinal disorders on thyroxine treatment efficacy has been also analyzed, in keeping with the site of action and the interfering mechanisms. Based on the evidence obtained from the literature, we also propose a schematic diagnostic workup for the most frequent and, often hidden, gastrointestinal diseases impairing thyroxine absorption

    L'impatto delle patologie gastrointestinali sul trattamento tiroxinico

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    Negli ultimi anni l’approccio alla terapia tiroxinica è mutato da una condizione di empirismo posologico a una fine calibrazione che consente di prevederne un dosaggio individualizzato. Il mancato raggiungimento del target terapeutico in corso di terapia con levotiroxina può derivare non solo da un inadeguato rapporto medico-paziente o dall’interazione con altri farmaci, ma anche e soprattutto dalla presenza di patologie gastrointestinali concomitanti, frequentemente occulte. La terapia tiroxinica diviene così, oltre che strumento terapeutico, un possibile strumento diagnostico

    A case report of thyroid carcinoma confined to ovary and concurrently occult in the thyroid. Is conservative treatment always advised?

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    Introduction: Struma ovarii is an ovarian teratoma, represented in more than 50% by thyroid tissue. Five percent of struma ovarii cases have been proven to be malignant and, as in the thyroid gland, papillary thyroid carcinoma is the most common histotype arising in struma ovarii. Because of the unusual occurrence of this tumor, its management and follow-up after pelvic surgery is still controversial. Usually, total thyroidectomy followed by radioiodine treatment is the choice treatment in metastatic malignant struma ovarii, while these procedures are still controversial in non-metastatic thyroid cancer arising in struma ovarii. Case Presentation: We report a female with follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma arising in struma ovarii. After pelvic surgery, thyroid morphofunctional examinations were performed and a single nodular lesion in the left lobe was discovered. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy and histological examination showed a papillary carcinoma. Radioiodine-ablation of residual thyroid tissue was performed and levothyroxine mildly-suppressive treatment was started. Conclusions: A more aggressive treatment should not be denied for malignant struma ovarii without any evidence, even when apparently confined into the ovary. However, in selected cases, aggressive treatment may be advisable to decrease the risk of recurrence and to allow an accurate follow-up

    Levothyroxine therapy: Changes of TSH levels by switching patients from tablet to liquid formulation. A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: In the last years, levothyroxine (LT4) has been commercialized also in liquid formulation, which is less sensitive to the factors known to reduce the absorption of tablet LT4. To date, there is no robust information that liquid LT4 can improve pharmacologic thyroid homeostasis of patients with reduced efficacy of tablet LT4. This analysis aimed at achieving solid evidence that switching thyroxine treatment from tablet to liquid preparation improves patients' TSH levels. Methods: The search was performed in PubMed/MEDLINE and Scopus database based on the terms "thyroid," "levothyroxine," and "liquid," and updated until September 25, 2017. Studies were included only if they described patients with suboptimal TSH on tablet LT4, subsequently switched to liquid LT4. Results: The literature search retrieved 462 articles and six were finally included. The pooled mean difference of TSH value between tablet and liquid LT4 was 4.23 mIU/L (95% CI from 3.69 to 4.77). Mild heterogeneity was found (I260%). Overall mean difference of TSH was significant (p &lt; 0.0001). Conclusion: The present meta-analysis showed that patients with suboptimal TSH on tablet LT4 can have a significantly improved TSH by switching to liquid LT4 formulation at unchanged dose
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