18 research outputs found

    Влияние солей кобальта на показатели энергетического обмена в митохондриях нефроцитов крыс

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    Concentration of some metals in kidney tissue, intensity of peroxidation in mitochondria and activity of some mitochondrial enzymes in nephrocytes of rats injected intragastrically with cobalt chloride solution have been investigated. It was ascertained that level of cobalt and calcium increased in kidneys with decrease of cuprum, magnesium and zinc level. Unenzymical peroxidation in mitochondria activated, activity of pyruvate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, isocitrate dehydrogenase decreased. Conclusion has been made about influence of increased concentration of cobalt on oxidative processes in mitochondria.Изучено содержание некоторых металлов в ткани почек, интенсивность перекисного окисления в митохондриях и активность некоторых митохондриальных ферментов в нефроцитах крыс, которым внутрижелудочно вводился раствор хлорида кобальта. Установлено, что в почках увеличивается содержание кобальта и кальция при снижении концентрации меди, магния, цинка. В митохондриях активируется неферментативное перекисное окисление, снижаются активности пируватдегидрогеназы, сукцинатдегидрогеназы, изоцитратдегидрогеназы. Сделан вывод о влиянии повышенной концентрации кобальта на окислительные процессы в митохондриях. Ключевые слова: медь, кобальт, нефроциты, перекисное окисление липидов, пируватдегидрогеназа, изоцитратдегидрогеназа, сукцинатдегидрогеназа

    Hubungan Status Gizi Dan Asupan Besi Dan Seng Terhadap Fungsi Motorik Anak Usia 2-5 Tahun

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    Background: Motoric development is one of crucial step throughout the life cycle. Any disturbances in this step leads to growth and development abnormality. Variables controls the child\u27s motoric development are nutritional status, iron and zinc intake. This study aims to assess the correlation of nutritional status, iron and zinc intake with the motoric function among children. Method: This study is a part of the bigger study titled The Effect of Zink Supplementation and Vitamin A to Immune Response and Morbidity among Preschool-aged children in Semarang. Study design iscross sectionalwith purposive sampling. Data depicted anthropometric nutritional status, iron and zinc intake through Food Frequency Quantifiedand motoric function score based on the standard of Ministry of Health. Data analysis used the Pearson test and Rank Spearmanfor normality. Result:The lowest and highest motoric function was 11 and 100% respectively. The average nutritional status showed in Z score was–1,60 ± 1,10 (mild malnutrition), Height/Age index -1,86 ± 0,97 (mild malnutrition) andWeight/Height -0,60 ± 1,09 (normal). There was no correlation between nutritional status and motoric function. Iron and zinc adequacy were below the standard, 79,1% and 94,5% respectively. There was a positive correlation between iron intake and motoric function (r: 0,309; p: 0,003) and so were the zinc intake (r: 0,284; p: 0,006). Conclusion:There is a correlation between the iron, zinc intake and motoric function among childre

    Studies on Microbiological, Proximate Mineral and Heavy Metal Composition of Freshwater Snails from Niger Delta Creek in Nigeria

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    Microbial quality of freshwater snail samples from Itu creek, Niger Delta Nigeria was studied. The bacteria isolates were Proteus sp., Sreptococcus pyrogens, Shigella flexneri, Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, Klebsiella aerogenes, Citrobacter, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus, Aeromonas sp., Micrococcus liteus, Streptococcus salivanus, Salmonella typhi, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, Vibrio sp. and Vibrio cholera. Proteus sp, Aeromonas sp. and Micrococcus liteus had the highest frequency of occurrence (10.25%). The fungi isolates were Aspergillus terreus, Cladosporium sp, Fusarium oxysporum, Cryptococcus sp, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus glaucus and Aspergillus niger in which A. niger, A. terreus and F. oxysporum had the highest occurrence (16.67%). The total heterotrophic count of the samples ranged from 4.0 x107 -1.42 x 108 cfu/g. The coliform levels were generally high and it ranged from 2.2-6.4 x 107 cfu/g in which the highest was recorded from P. canaliculata (A1). The Salmonella/Shigella counts ranged from 1.1-5.2 x 107 cfu/g in which the highest count was recorded from L. libycus (C1). The total Staphylococci count ranged from 1.7-3.5 x107 cfu/g in which A. fulica (D2) had the highest. The total vibrio counts ranged from 1.6-3.2 x 107 cfu/g. The fungi count ranged from 1.7-3.5 x 107 cfu/g. The total microbial counts obtained from this work were found to be higher than the specified standard limits (1x105 cfu/g) for bacteria and fungi and 1.x102 cfu/g for coliforms) by ICMSF (1982) and USFDA (1991). The crude protein content of the samples ranged from 28.87 d – 33.41a% in which the highest was obtained from A. fulica (D3). The Crude Fat, crude fiber and carbohydrate content ranged from 1.8-4.25% and 00.10-0.18%, respectively. The mineral elements such Na, Ca, K and P were detected in all the freshwater snail samples. The concentration of metal ranges of Zn, Fe, Mn, Mg, Pb, As and Cu in the samples were 78.6j -96.3a mg/kg, 15.7j -28.6a mg/kg, 58.6j -77.5a mg/kg, 0.258 j -0.297a mg/kg, 0.03 i -0.25a mg/kg, 0.04i -0.37a mg/kg and 12.6 j -16.3a mg/kg, respectively. It was observed that different metals were present in the samples at different levels but majority were found to be within the standard limits prescribed by EU and FAO. Freshwater snails from the creek in Niger Delta was found to be nutritionally richer but harbor pathogenic microorganism and heavy metals which can pose serious health hazard to consumers and they are not totally safe for human consumption

    Zinc and taurine interactions in maternofetal metabolism

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    It was proposed that zinc and taurine interact in vivo to influence reproductive outcome in the rat. The effect of taurine deficiency induced by guanidinoethyl sulfonate (GES), a taurine transport antagonist, on fetal development was examined. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were mated overnight and assigned to 1 of 4 treatments through gestation. Animals received taurine-restricted diet and 0.5% 1.0% or 2.0% GES in drinking water. Control animals received taurine-adequate diet and no GES. Taurine deficiency produced a sharp decline in maternal and fetal liver taurine (

    Increasing Iron and Zinc in Pre-Menopausal Women and Its Effects on Mood and Cognition: A Systematic Review.

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    Iron and zinc are essential minerals often present in similar food sources. In addition to the adverse effects of frank iron and zinc-deficient states, iron insufficiency has been associated with impairments in mood and cognition. This paper reviews current literature on iron or zinc supplementation and its impact on mood or cognition in pre-menopausal women. Searches included MEDLINE complete, Excerpta Medica Database (EMBASE), psychINFO, psychARTICLES, pubMED, ProQuest Health and Medical Complete Academic Search complete, Scopus and ScienceDirect. Ten randomized controlled trials and one non-randomized controlled trial were found to meet the inclusion criteria. Seven studies found improvements in aspects of mood and cognition after iron supplementation. Iron supplementation appeared to improve memory and intellectual ability in participants aged between 12 and 55 years in seven studies, regardless of whether the participant was initially iron insufficient or iron-deficient with anaemia. The review also found three controlled studies providing evidence to suggest a role for zinc supplementation as a treatment for depressive symptoms, as both an adjunct to traditional antidepressant therapy for individuals with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder and as a therapy in its own right in pre-menopausal women with zinc deficiency. Overall, the current literature indicates a positive effect of improving zinc status on enhanced cognitive and emotional functioning. However, further study involving well-designed randomized controlled trials is needed to identify the impact of improving iron and zinc status on mood and cognition

    A Longitudinal Study of Dietary Intake and Influence of Iron Status on Infants\u27 and Toddlers\u27 Mental and Motor Development

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    Thirty-two non-anemic children were assessed clinically, biochemically and anthropometrically at six months, one year and two years of age to investigate the relationship of iron status to mental and motor development. Using dietary history and dietary record instruments, dietary iron was estimated and compared to the National Food Consumption Survey (1985) and the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for corresponding age groups. The Bayley Scales of Infant Development (which assess mental and motor development) and the Caldwell Home Inventory (which evaluates the environmental stimuli) were performed and correlated with blood iron parameters, anthropometric measurements and dietary nutrient intakes. Nutrient intakes of these children were similar to those reported in the NFCS (1985) for one- and two-year-olds. Iron intake decreased from 13.2 mg iron daily (88% RDA) at six months to 10.3 mg iron daily (68% RDA) and 7.4 mg iron daily (49% RDA) at two years of age. The correlation between iron intake and development was not statistically significant at any age. Stepwise, multiple regression was employed to investigate the extent to which variation in mental and motor development was explained by dietary variables, blood iron parameters and anthropometric measurements. Hematocrit was the only variable that significantly explained variation in mental development at all three ages. The findings of this study were different from earlier studies in that there was no statistical correlation between iron status and mental development; but, it did confirm the conclusion of more recent experiments that iron status has little effect on infants\u27 and toddlers\u27 development. The finding that infants and toddlers consuming less than the RDA for iron do not display iron deficiency symptoms and were not developmentally delayed or compromised should be comforting to parents who are concerned about iron intake during this critical period of infants\u27 brain growth

    Estudio citogenético y bioquímico en personas expuestas al plomo

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    Fil: Lerda, Daniel Enrique. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Químicas; Argentin

    Dermatoses in the Elderly: Biochemical and Haematological Studies, With Special Reference to Serum Proteins

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    (1.) Literature regarding serum proteins, malnutrition, oedema, protein deficiency and disease of the skin has been reviewed. (2.) One hundred and thirty-seven investigations of serum protein concentrations and of haematological values have been carried out in fifty-two subjects, fifty of whom were over sixty years of age. Eighty-two estimations of serum total base have been carried out in thirty-five subjects. One hundred and thirty-four thymol turbidity values have been determined in fifty-two subjects and gruel fractional test-meals have been carried out in forty-two subjects. Ten normal control subjects who were over sixty years of age have also been investigated. Variations in the blood due to alteration of posture have been demonstrated in eleven subjects. Eighteen subjects with varicose conditions, seventeen with infectious eczematoid dermatitis, nine with scurvy and eight with pemphigus or bullous drug eruptions were investigated. (3.) The erythrocyte sedimentation rate was not related to the state of activity of the skin. (4.) Thymol turbidity estimations were within the normal range in all subjects. (5) In uncomplicated varicose conditions and in uncomplicated infectious eczema told dermatitis the serum total base was within the normal range. (6.) No close relationship between serum protein concentrations and oedema was found. Oedema occurring in uncomplicated infectious eczematoid dermatitis and in uncomplicated varicose conditions in elderly subjects may be explained by local tissue infection and by mechanical factors such as diminished tissue elasticity, impaired lymphatic drainage and local venous congestion. (7.) Significant low concentrations of serum total protein were not found in uncomplicated varicose conditions or in uncomplicated infectious eczematoid dermatitis. Serum total protein concentrations below normal were found in two subjects with scurvy, in one subject with pemphigus vulgaris, in one subject with varicose eczema and drug eruption and in one subject with infectious eczematoid dermatitis and thyrotoxicosis. (8.) The serum albumin concentration was below normal in one subject with pemphigus vulgaris. Low concentrations of serum albumin were commonly found in scurvy and in infectious eczematoid dermatitis. Normochromic, normocytic anaemia was present in the majority of scorbutic subjects and in one third of subjects with infectious eczematoid dermatitis. No relationship was evident between "achlorhydria" and serum protein concentrations or haematological values. (9.) Some evidence was presented that high protein diets were of value in restoring the blood picture to normal in scorbutic subjects and in those with infectious eczematoid dermatitis. Scurvy and infectious eczematoid dermatitis presented some features in common, with respect to the serum albumin concentrations and to the haematological values. Malnutrition may have been a factor in both groups, but it is not possible to state that malnutrition played a definite part in the production of infectious eczematoid dermatitis. (10.) Administration of a high protein diet to scorbutic subjects and to selected elderly subjects who are suffering from infectious eczematoid dermatitis is suggested as a necessary addition to other routine forms of treatment

    Nutritional Health Risks in Rural Elderly

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