320 research outputs found

    Gating-like Motions and Wall Porosity in a DNA Nanopore Scaffold Revealed by Molecular Simulations

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    Recently developed synthetic membrane pores composed of folded DNA enrich the current range of natural and engineered protein pores and of nonbiogenic channels. Here we report all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of a DNA nanotube (DNT) pore scaffold to gain fundamental insight into its atomic structure, dynamics, and interactions with ions and water. Our multiple simulations of models of DNTs that are composed of a six-duplex bundle lead to a coherent description. The central tube lumen adopts a cylindrical shape while the mouth regions at the two DNT openings undergo gating-like motions which provide a possible molecular explanation of a lower conductance state observed in our previous experimental study on a membrane-spanning version of the DNT (ACS Nano 2015, 9, 1117-26). Similarly, the central nanotube lumen is filled with water and ions characterized by bulk diffusion coefficients while the gating regions exhibit temporal fluctuations in their aqueous volume. We furthermore observe that the porous nature of the walls allows lateral leakage of ions and water. This study will benefit rational design of DNA nanopores of enhanced stability of relevance for sensing applications, of nanodevices with tunable gating properties that mimic gated ion channels, or of nanopores featuring defined permeation behavior

    Highly Absorbing Lead-Free Semiconductor Cu₂AgBiI₆ for Photovoltaic Applications from the Quaternary CuI-AgI-BiI₃ Phase Space

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    Since the emergence of lead halide perovskites for photovoltaic research, there has been mounting effort in the search for alternative compounds with improved or complementary physical, chemical, or optoelectronic properties. Here, we report the discovery of Cu_{2}AgBiI_{6}: a stable, inorganic, lead-free wide-band-gap semiconductor, well suited for use in lead-free tandem photovoltaics. We measure a very high absorption coefficient of 1.0 × 10^{5} cm^{–1} near the absorption onset, several times that of CH_{3}NH_{3}PbI_{3}. Solution-processed Cu2AgBiI6 thin films show a direct band gap of 2.06(1) eV, an exciton binding energy of 25 meV, a substantial charge-carrier mobility (1.7 cm^{2} V^{–1} s^{–1}), a long photoluminescence lifetime (33 ns), and a relatively small Stokes shift between absorption and emission. Crucially, we solve the structure of the first quaternary compound in the phase space among CuI, AgI and BiI_{3}. The structure includes both tetrahedral and octahedral species which are open to compositional tuning and chemical substitution to further enhance properties. Since the proposed double-perovskite Cs2AgBiI6 thin films have not been synthesized to date, Cu_{2}AgBiI_{6} is a valuable example of a stable Ag^{+}/Bi^{3+} octahedral motif in a close-packed iodide sublattice that is accessed via the enhanced chemical diversity of the quaternary phase space

    Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision: An Introduction to the Cost, Impact, and Challenges of Accelerated Scaling Up

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    Catherine Hankins, Steven Forsythe, and Emmanuel Njeuhmeli provide an overview of the “Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision for HIV Prevention: The Cost, Impact, and Challenges of Accelerated Scale-Up in Southern and Eastern Africa” Collection, calling for leadership and vision to help halt the HIV epidemic

    Modulation of the conductance of a 2,2′-bipyridine-functionalized peptidic ion channel by Ni2+

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    An α-helical amphipathic peptide with the sequence H2N-(LSSLLSL)3-CONH2 was obtained by solid phase synthesis and a 2,2′-bipyridine was coupled to its N-terminus, which allows complexation of Ni2+. Complexation of the 2,2′-bipyridine residues was proven by UV/Vis spectroscopy. The peptide helices were inserted into lipid bilayers (nano black lipid membranes, nano-BLMs) that suspend the pores of porous alumina substrates with a pore diameter of 60 nm by applying a potential difference. From single channel recordings, we were able to distinguish four distinct conductance states, which we attribute to an increasing number of peptide helices participating in the conducting helix bundle. Addition of Ni2+ in micromolar concentrations altered the conductance behaviour of the formed ion channels in nano-BLMs considerably. The first two conductance states appear much more prominent demonstrating that the complexation of bipyridine by Ni2+ results in a considerable confinement of the observed multiple conductance states. However, the conductance levels were independent of the presence of Ni2+. Moreover, from a detailed analysis of the open lifetimes of the channels, we conclude that the complexation of Ni2+ diminishes the frequency of channel events with larger open times

    Contributions Made by CDC25 Phosphatases to Proliferation of Intestinal Epithelial Stem and Progenitor Cells

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    The CDC25 protein phosphatases drive cell cycle advancement by activating cyclin-dependent protein kinases (CDKs). Humans and mice encode three family members denoted CDC25A, -B and -C and genes encoding these family members can be disrupted individually with minimal phenotypic consequences in adult mice. However, adult mice globally deleted for all three phosphatases die within one week after Cdc25 disruption. A severe loss of absorptive villi due to a failure of crypt epithelial cells to proliferate was observed in the small intestines of these mice. Because the Cdc25s were globally deleted, the small intestinal phenotype and loss of animal viability could not be solely attributed to an intrinsic defect in the inability of small intestinal stem and progenitor cells to divide. Here, we report the consequences of deleting different combinations of Cdc25s specifically in intestinal epithelial cells. The phenotypes arising in these mice were then compared with those arising in mice globally deleted for the Cdc25s and in mice treated with irinotecan, a chemotherapeutic agent commonly used to treat colorectal cancer. We report that the phenotypes arising in mice globally deleted for the Cdc25s are due to the failure of small intestinal stem and progenitor cells to proliferate and that blocking cell division by inhibiting the cell cycle engine (through Cdc25 loss) versus by inducing DNA damage (via irinotecan) provokes a markedly different response of small intestinal epithelial cells. Finally, we demonstrate that CDC25A and CDC25B but not CDC25C compensate for each other to maintain the proliferative capacity of intestinal epithelial stem and progenitor cells

    Allocating HIV Prevention Funds in the United States: Recommendations from an Optimization Model

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    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had an annual budget of approximately $327 million to fund health departments and community-based organizations for core HIV testing and prevention programs domestically between 2001 and 2006. Annual HIV incidence has been relatively stable since the year 2000 [1] and was estimated at 48,600 cases in 2006 and 48,100 in 2009 [2]. Using estimates on HIV incidence, prevalence, prevention program costs and benefits, and current spending, we created an HIV resource allocation model that can generate a mathematically optimal allocation of the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention’s extramural budget for HIV testing, and counseling and education programs. The model’s data inputs and methods were reviewed by subject matter experts internal and external to the CDC via an extensive validation process. The model projects the HIV epidemic for the United States under different allocation strategies under a fixed budget. Our objective is to support national HIV prevention planning efforts and inform the decision-making process for HIV resource allocation. Model results can be summarized into three main recommendations. First, more funds should be allocated to testing and these should further target men who have sex with men and injecting drug users. Second, counseling and education interventions ought to provide a greater focus on HIV positive persons who are aware of their status. And lastly, interventions should target those at high risk for transmitting or acquiring HIV, rather than lower-risk members of the general population. The main conclusions of the HIV resource allocation model have played a role in the introduction of new programs and provide valuable guidance to target resources and improve the impact of HIV prevention efforts in the United States

    A RhoA-FRET Biosensor Mouse for Intravital Imaging in Normal Tissue Homeostasis and Disease Contexts.

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    The small GTPase RhoA is involved in a variety of fundamental processes in normal tissue. Spatiotemporal control of RhoA is thought to govern mechanosensing, growth, and motility of cells, while its deregulation is associated with disease development. Here, we describe the generation of a RhoA-fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) biosensor mouse and its utility for monitoring real-time activity of RhoA in a variety of native tissues in vivo. We assess changes in RhoA activity during mechanosensing of osteocytes within the bone and during neutrophil migration. We also demonstrate spatiotemporal order of RhoA activity within crypt cells of the small intestine and during different stages of mammary gestation. Subsequently, we reveal co-option of RhoA activity in both invasive breast and pancreatic cancers, and we assess drug targeting in these disease settings, illustrating the potential for utilizing this mouse to study RhoA activity in vivo in real time

    Determining the Orientation of Protegrin-1 in DLPC Bilayers Using an Implicit Solvent-Membrane Model

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    Continuum models that describe the effects of solvent and biological membrane molecules on the structure and behavior of antimicrobial peptides, holds a promise to improve our understanding of the mechanisms of antimicrobial action of these peptides. In such methods, a lipid bilayer model membrane is implicitly represented by multiple layers of relatively low dielectric constant embedded in a high dielectric aqueous solvent, while an antimicrobial peptide is accounted for by a dielectric cavity with fixed partial charge at the center of each one of its atoms. In the present work, we investigate the ability of continuum approaches to predict the most probable orientation of the β-hairpin antimicrobial peptide Protegrin-1 (PG-1) in DLPC lipid bilayers by calculating the difference in the transfer free energy from an aqueous environment to a membrane-water environment for multiple orientations. The transfer free energy is computed as a sum of two terms; polar/electrostatic and non-polar. They both include energetic and entropic contributions to the free energy. We numerically solve the Poisson-Boltzmann equation to calculate the electrostatic contribution to the transfer free energy, while the non-polar contribution to the free energy is approximated using a linear solvent accessible surface area relationships. The most probable orientation of PG-1 is that with the lowest relative transfer free energy. Our simulation results indicate that PG-1 assumes an oblique orientation in DLPC lipid bilayers. The predicted most favorable orientation was with a tilt angle of 19°, which is in qualitative agreement with the experimentally observed orientations derived from solid-state NMR data

    Assessment of the effect of betaine on p16 and c-myc DNA methylation and mRNA expression in a chemical induced rat liver cancer model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The development and progression of liver cancer may involve abnormal changes in DNA methylation, which lead to the activation of certain proto-oncogenes, such as <it>c-myc</it>, as well as the inactivation of certain tumor suppressors, such as <it>p16</it>. Betaine, as an active methyl-donor, maintains normal DNA methylation patterns. However, there are few investigations on the protective effect of betaine in hepatocarcinogenesis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Four groups of rats were given diethylinitrosamine (DEN) and fed with AIN-93G diets supplemented with 0, 10, 20 or 40 g betaine/kg (model, 1%, 2%, and 4% betaine, respectively), while the control group, received no DEN, fed with AIN-93G diet. Eight or 15 weeks later, the expression of <it>p16 </it>and <it>c-myc </it>mRNA was examined by Real-time PCR (Q-PCR). The DNA methylation status within the <it>p16 </it>and <it>c-myc </it>promoter was analyzed using methylation-specific PCR.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Compared with the model group, numbers and areas of glutathione S-transferase placental form (GST-p)-positive foci were decreased in the livers of the rats treated with betaine (<it>P < 0.05</it>). Although the frequency of <it>p16 </it>promoter methylation in livers of the four DEN-fed groups appeared to increase, there is no difference among these groups after 8 or 15 weeks (<it>P > 0.05</it>). Betaine supplementation attenuated the down-regulation of <it>p16 </it>and inhibited the up-regulation of <it>c-myc </it>induced by DEN in a dose-dependent manner (<it>P </it>< 0.01). Meanwhile, increases in levels of malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) in model, 2% and 4% betaine groups were observed (<it>P < 0.05</it>). Finally, enhanced antioxidative capacity (T-AOC) was observed in both the 2% and 4% betaine groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data suggest that betaine attenuates DEN-induced damage in rat liver and reverses DEN-induced changes in mRNA levels.</p

    Transient tissue priming via ROCK inhibition uncouples pancreatic cancer progression, sensitivity to chemotherapy, and metastasis.

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    The emerging standard of care for patients with inoperable pancreatic cancer is a combination of cytotoxic drugs gemcitabine and Abraxane, but patient response remains moderate. Pancreatic cancer development and metastasis occur in complex settings, with reciprocal feedback from microenvironmental cues influencing both disease progression and drug response. Little is known about how sequential dual targeting of tumor tissue tension and vasculature before chemotherapy can affect tumor response. We used intravital imaging to assess how transient manipulation of the tumor tissue, or "priming," using the pharmaceutical Rho kinase inhibitor Fasudil affects response to chemotherapy. Intravital Förster resonance energy transfer imaging of a cyclin-dependent kinase 1 biosensor to monitor the efficacy of cytotoxic drugs revealed that priming improves pancreatic cancer response to gemcitabine/Abraxane at both primary and secondary sites. Transient priming also sensitized cells to shear stress and impaired colonization efficiency and fibrotic niche remodeling within the liver, three important features of cancer spread. Last, we demonstrate a graded response to priming in stratified patient-derived tumors, indicating that fine-tuned tissue manipulation before chemotherapy may offer opportunities in both primary and metastatic targeting of pancreatic cancer