51 research outputs found

    For All Peoples: A Biblical Theology of Missions in the Gospels and Acts [review]/Keener, Craig S.

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    This is a book review by Boubakar Sanou

    Discipleship in Urban Contexts

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    With the current state of discipleship, congregations can no longer afford to rely on their church-centered programs as their main means of growing disciples. Programs do not disciple people; people disciple people. Becoming authentic communities who create intentional spaces where believers of all ages and stages in their faith journey can effectively and meaningfully connect with one another and with God, grow spiritually, and reach out to the world around them is of vital importance in urban discipleship. With the imperative to share the gospel in the cities, urban congregations need to objectively do their own discipleship reality assessment in light of Jesus’ example and command. A thoughtful assessment of the gap between Jesus’ intention and current practices will help them make necessary adjustments to their approach to discipleship

    Spiritual Gifts, Pastoring, and Gender: an Ongoing Dialogue

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    in Joel 2:28-29, god promises an innovation regarding how he will make his Spirit available in the last days ... god promises to give his Spirit and gifts without discrimination to both genders (“your sons and daughters,” and “both men and women”), young and old, from all walks of life, races, and social strata. in Acts 2:16-21, the apostle Peter quotes Joel 2:28-32 to assert that the equal filling of the Spirit for the 120 disciples (among whom were women, cf. Acts 1:14) was an element of the fulfillment of god’s promise through the prophet Joel. he also points out that, from then on, the pouring out of god’s Spirit on believers will be an ongoing process: “the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our god will call” (Acts 2:39)

    Social Dynamics and Occultic Practices

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    Divine Revelation and Context: An Interplay of Influences

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    Biblical Social Justice and Ethical Leadership: A Pastoral Perspective

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    Prayer as a Strategic Weapon in Mission

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