78 research outputs found

    Improvement of Etalon-fringe Immunity in Diode-laser Derivative Spectroscopy

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    In a sensitive spectrometry with lead-salt diode lasers, etalon-fringe phenomena often intervene in the measured absorption spectrum. Derivative methods are employed for the purpose of high resolution where the pertaining wavelength is modulated. This paper presents results of mathematical examination on a possible improvement of immunity from the etalon-fringes by choosing the profile of the wavelength modulation

    Fast Spectrometry System with Using Tunable Laser Diode

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    Basic prohlems are discussed about a local, realtime and very sensitive air-pollution monitoring using a laser diode. The method employs the second derivative spectrometry replacing the incoherent light source and mechanical choppers in a traditional method with the laser diode and a newly developed electronic system. Etalon fringes at this system becomes the dominant noise source and its statistic and dynamical features are to be understood. Numerical examination was done for the optimal width of optical frequency modulation. A very fast measurement of weak absorption spectra became possible by the development of lock-in-amplifiers with finite integration time instead of a low-pass filter. Spectra of methane in 7.6 μm region and a time-dependent spectrum of the etaIon fringe are shown

    Microcomputer Filtering System to Measure Very Small Transmission Loss of Impulsive Signals

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    This paper describes a method for measuring very small transmission loss of impulsive signals. The correlative fluctuations within input and output signals are eliminated effectively by the analog simultaneous differencer. The difference and normal signals are alternately sampled and accumulated by the digitizer and the microcomputer, that is, the microcomputer 2-channels box-car integrator is realized. The difference and normal accumulated data are transferred to the personal computer, which calculates the ratio of the difference to normal accumulated data, i.e. the estimated attenuation in nepers. By the experiments of electrical and optical impulse transmissions, the minimum measurable attenuations become respectively 2.7×10(-4)NP and 6.0×10(-4)Np. Even the latter value is the smallest so far as the authors know

    A Walsh Waoofonn Analyzer and Its Applications to Filtering of Pulse Signals

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    A new waveform analyzer based on the Walsh transform is developed and is applied to a real-time filtering of fast pulse signals, and the linear filterings of time signals through the Walsh transform is discussed. The analyzer converts a solitary waveform during 16 μs into the 16 Walsh amplitude spectra in a hybrid manner: it has the sequency band from 62.5 kzps to 500 kzps. The spectra are parallelly held during 16 μs by analog integrators, while serially displayed by the CRT, and one of them is digitally read out. The spectra of the test waves are measured within the error rate of several per cent. The analyzer is applied to the correlative detection of the photoelectric pulse signals in a gasspectroscopic system using a pulse laser, and there composes the matched filter, which is useful for measuring the signals superposed by Gaussian noises with a high accuracy. For the real-time filtering of fast signals, the arithmetic convolution and the frequency power spectra are approximated using the complex Walsh transform. These approximations are of practical use in 16 or 32 dimensions. Then, the matched filters for pulse peaking are given by the approximate convolution and by the dyadic convolution

    Smoothing of Impulse Noise by Orthogonal Transform

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    Electromagnetic impulse noise which is harmful to signal measurement or transmission of information, is smoothed by the orthogonal transform processor. The idealized impulse noise with infinitesimal duration and Gaussianly-distributed amplitude shows the same spectral characteristics as white Gaussian noise. Optimal correlation detector against such noise is easily realized by the orthogonal transform processor. Photoelectric pulse signals disturbed by the impulse noise from the power supply can be well detected through the Walsh waveform analyzer. Also, orthogonally-synthesized signals can be demodulated with firmly-suppressed impulse noise, where both the statistical and instantaneous SNRs are superior to those in the usual PCM transmission system

    Response of Electromagnetic Deflection for CRT Display

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    In the CRT display system of high-speed electromagnetic deflection, the tendency to amplifier saturation should not be neglected. We first show the limitation to the linear characteristics of input-output response and the response time under the saturation condition in this system. We try to improve the frequency-characteristics of the amplifier by making the load resistance constant and the feedback-paths partially positive, and reduce the L/R value of the load circuit by adopting the mutually-coupled yokecoils and the low-current amplifier. As the result, it is suggested that a low-power dissipation and highspeed response electromagnetic deflection system can be constructed

    Transmission Distance and Bit Rate in an Optical-Fiber Multi-Level PCM Transmission System

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    Optical-fiber multi-level PCM transmission system is investigated on the transmission distance and bit rate. A communication channel is established as follows: a light signal is modulated in intensity with a completely-balanced M-Ievel code at a transmitter, and is propagated over an optical glass fiber, and is demodulated at a receiver where the signal with an additive noise is processed through a PD, an equalizing amplifier, a matched filter, (M-l) comparators and a decision circuit. The relative power of the noise from the amplifier is increased in accordance with the reciprocal of fiber's transmittance, where shot noise and thermal noise are smoothed and decreased in power by the matched filter. The relation between the BER and the SNR leads the transmission distance. The product of the transmission distance and bit rate takes the large maximum at the large values of SNR and M. The large value of M is suitable for low-speed and high-rate system, and the interference system

    Quasi-random Scanning of a Digitally Controlled Spectrometry

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    A quasi-random method for spectral scanning is proposed to reduce an alias response to a quick change in the source abundance. A direct application is made for an atmospheric methane monitoring with a current-tunable diode laser. Only barrel shift methods are examined being found further vulnerable to drifting etalon fringes

    A High-powered Optoelectronic Switch with Picosecond Risetime

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    A switch element has been developed so that a kilovolt step voltage should be supplied to a 50Ω transmission line with a subnanosecond rise time. The element is of silicon substrate with high purity and a pair of electrodes is attached by the evaporation process. The switch action is performed by the photoconductivity produced by the laser light pulse. This paper deals with a preliminary analysis, manufacturing processes and experimental results of the optoelectronic switch. A performance of 320V output with less than 4 ns risetime was obtained with sufficient persistence for more than 2×10(5) pulse shots. This switch was successfully applied to an optical waveform monitor for laser light pulses giving a resolution less than 2 ns

    Accuracy and Etalon Fringe Phenomena in Methane-gas Spectrometry Employing Tunable Diode Lasers

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    A method to monitor atmospheric gas concentration employing a tunable diode laser is proposed. An apparatus was built and experiments were made. The tunable diode laser employed was of'PbSnTe with its wavenumber about 1200 cm(-1) at a temperature of 77 K. Methane concentration in laboratory atmosphere was measured on the experiments. The inquired gas-density is obtained by a hardwired microcomputer incorporating the measured absorption spectrum over a prescribed range instead of an absorption at a single wavenumber. By this, drift type noises are suppressed. After an analysis based on experimental data, an attainable sensitivity for methane was found to be 1 ppb.m. This value may increase if an etalon fringe interference exists. The natural concentration, about 1 ppm, of atmospheric methane was actually measured with a short optical path of only one meter
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