461 research outputs found

    Simulation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Emission from Rotating Relativistic Electron Layers

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    The electromagnetic radiation of a rotating relativistic electron layers is studied numerically using particle-in-cell simulation. The results of the simulation confirm all relevant scaling properties predicted by theoretical models. These models may turn out to be important for the understanding of the coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) instability that may occur in systems as diverse as particle accelerators radio pulsars.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, one new figure, corrected minor errors, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Single shot cathode transverse momentum imaging in high brightness photoinjectors

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    In state of the art photoinjector electron sources, thermal emittance from photoemission dominates the final injector emittance. Therefore, low thermal emittance cathode developments and diagnostics are very important. Conventional thermal emittance measurements for the high gradient gun are time-consuming and thus thermal emittance is not measured as frequently as quantum efficiency during the lifetime of photocathodes, although both are important properties for the photoinjector optimizations. In this paper, a single shot measurement of photoemission transverse momentum, i.e., thermal emittance per rms laser spot size, is proposed for photocathode rf guns. By tuning the gun solenoid focusing, the electrons' transverse momenta at the cathode are imaged to a downstream screen, which enables a single shot measurement of both the rms value and the detailed spectra of the photoelectrons' transverse momenta. Both simulations and proof of principle experiments are reported

    CTF3: Design of Driving Beam Combiner Ring

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    In CTF3 the beam compression of the driving beam structure between the main linac and the decelerating section is obtained with a delay loop and a combiner ring which increase the pulse current by a factor 10. The design of the combiner ring is presented. Tunable isochronicity condition, corrected up to second order, should assure preservation of the correlation in the longitudinal phase space during the compression. Path-length tuning devices are included in the combiner ring layout to compensate for orbit variations

    Benefits of Artificially Generated Gravity Gradients for Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Detectors

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    We present an approach to experimentally evaluate gravity gradient noise, a potentially limiting noise source in advanced interferometric gravitational wave (GW) detectors. In addition, the method can be used to provide sub-percent calibration in phase and amplitude of modern interferometric GW detectors. Knowledge of calibration to such certainties shall enhance the scientific output of the instruments in case of an eventual detection of GWs. The method relies on a rotating symmetrical two-body mass, a Dynamic gravity Field Generator (DFG). The placement of the DFG in the proximity of one of the interferometer's suspended test masses generates a change in the local gravitational field detectable with current interferometric GW detectors.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    High Sensitivity Accelerometers for High Performance Seismic Attenuators

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    We present concepts and features of a new horizontal accelerometer whose mechanical design and machining process aim to improve the sensitivity in the frequency region between 10 mHz and 1 Hz. The expected sensitivity, less than 10^(–11) m/s^2/√Hz around 100 mHz, is a couple of orders of magnitude below the state of art limits. This accelerometer could be integrated in the active control of the LIGO II mirror seismic isolators

    Overview of Advanced LIGO Adaptive Optics

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    This is an overview of the adaptive optics used in Advanced LIGO (aLIGO), known as the thermal compensation system (TCS). The thermal compensation system was designed to minimize thermally-induced spatial distortions in the interferometer optical modes and to provide some correction for static curvature errors in the core optics of aLIGO. The TCS is comprised of ring heater actuators, spatially tunable CO2_{2} laser projectors and Hartmann wavefront sensors. The system meets the requirements of correcting for nominal distortion in Advanced LIGO to a maximum residual error of 5.4nm, weighted across the laser beam, for up to 125W of laser input power into the interferometer

    Overview of Advanced LIGO Adaptive Optics

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    This is an overview of the adaptive optics used in Advanced LIGO (aLIGO), known as the thermal compensation system (TCS). The TCS was designed to minimize thermally induced spatial distortions in the interferometer optical modes and to provide some correction for static curvature errors in the core optics of aLIGO. The TCS is comprised of ring heater actuators, spatially tunable CO_2 laser projectors, and Hartmann wavefront sensors. The system meets the requirements of correcting for nominal distortion in aLIGO to a maximum residual error of 5.4 nm rms, weighted across the laser beam, for up to 125 W of laser input power into the interferometer
