12 research outputs found

    Hydro-mechanichal characterisation of bentonite/steel interfaces

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    The hydromechanical response of a Wyoming-type bentonite (MX-80) and its interface with steel was studied in terms of shear resistance under different hydration levels. A series of shear tests under constant normal stress were performed in total suction controlled conditions. In the case of bentonite samples, higher shear resistance was obtained for higher levels of applied suction. The shear properties of the bentonite/steel interface were overall lower than the internal properties of the bentonite, and they were not affected in a significant way by the hydration level. All samples presented a compactive response during shearing

    Determinants of vaccine hesitancy and effectiveness of vaccination counseling interventions among a sample of the general population in Palermo, Italy

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    Counteract vaccine hesitancy is a public health priority. Main objectives of the cross-sectional study conducted were to evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors regarding vaccination issues, to estimate the prevalence of vaccine hesitancy and to estimate the effectiveness of vaccination counseling on community advocacy in a sample of general population. An anonymous validated questionnaire was administered in April 2017 at the main shopping center of Palermo and was followed by tailored vaccination counseling interventions. To estimate the effectiveness of the interventions four main connection parameters to the vaccinarsi.org website were evaluated, in the two months before and after the intervention and in the two months before the intervention compared with the same period of previous and following years. Among the 299 subject enrolled 12.7% were hesitant about vaccinations, and 4.7% declared being against vaccinations. General practitioners (GPs) and pediatricians were the most affordable source of information about vaccinations. A higher probability of vaccination hesitancy/refusal was reported among subjects who considered “alternative strategies” the best way for the prevention of infectious diseases (adj-OR = 7.01, IC95% 2.88–17.09, p-value < 0.001). A considerable increase of all the vaccinarsi.org website indicators analyzed was observed, from the area in which survey participants lived. Prevalence of vaccine hesitancy among population surveyed is consistent with the literature data. HCWs, such as GPs and pediatricians, should play a key role in modifying personal convictions and choices about vaccinations. A proper vaccination counseling could improve attitudes regarding vaccination issues, such as quality of web-based research

    Human papilloma virus infection and vaccination: Pre-post intervention analysis on knowledge, attitudes and willingness to vaccinate among preadolescents attending secondary schools of palermo, sicily

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    In recent years, vaccination coverage rates against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in Europe have shown a decreasing trend and remain below the required standard. The present study aims to assess knowledge and attitudes regarding HPV infection and vaccination among a representative sample of preadolescents of Palermo, Italy. A survey was carried out throughout two questionnaires, before and after carrying out an educational intervention scheduled during school hours. A total of 1702 students attending first-grade secondary schools of the province of Palermo were enrolled (response rate 68.9%). Students attending third classes (adj OR = 1.18; CI 95% 1.03\u20131.36), being of higher socioeconomic status (adj OR = 1.35; CI 95% 1.05\u20131.73), who had previously received information about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) at home (adj OR = 1.62; CI 95% 1.27\u20132.07) or at school (adj OR = 2.15; CI 95% 1.70\u20132.71) and who had ever heard in the past about HPV (adj OR = 1.80; CI 95% 1.42\u20132.29) showed a significantly higher baseline level of knowledge regarding HPV. Willingness to receive HPV vaccination, in a 10-point Likert scale, significantly increased between the pre-(8.51; SD \ub1 1.79) and post-(9.01 SD \ub1 1.52) intervention questionnaires (p < 0.001). A total of 188 out of 272 (69.1%) preadolescents attending five out eighteen schools involved in the project, who had not previously received the HPV vaccine, were vaccinated. During past years, education campaigns on HPV were mainly dedicated to adult women, excluding teenagers and omitting young males. It should therefore be of primary importance that school-based education and vaccination programmes be standardized

    Prevalence and factors associated with bullying phenomenon among pre-adolescents attending first-grade secondary schools of Palermo, Italy, and a comparative systematic literature review

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    Background: Bullying is recognized as one of the most significant social and health problems in the school environment for children and adolescents. In Italy, bullying involved 2 in 10 kids between 11–17 years that referred to have been bullied two or more times in a month. In Sicily, the estimated prevalence of children aged 11 to 15 that suffered at least one act of bullying in the last two months was 14% in 2011. Methods: A questionnaire consisting of 30 items investigating physical, verbal and indirect bullying, observers of bullying, resiliency, and prosociality was administered to preadolescents of ten first-grade secondary schools within the Palermo Province in order to analyze prevalence and factors associated with bullying phenomenon. Also, a systematic literature review (SLR) analyzing manuscripts that reported prevalence of the bullying phenomenon worldwide was conducted. Results: Survey: a total of 867 students, belonging to 35 s and 31 third classes of ten different schools in Palermo, Italy, were recruited in the survey. The values of physical bullying are included between the 4% of the single question method and the almost forty percent detected by the score of 7 method. Verbal bullying oscillates between 15.9% and 66.3%. Observers average values varies from 15.8% to 47.5%. SLR: the estimated prevalence showed a considerable fluctuation. The occurrence of the bullying phenomenon was low in some Northern European countries, while in Anglo-Saxon countries it affected over a quarter of the middle school student population (28% in Maryland, USA and 21% in the UK). Conclusions: The prevalence of the bullying phenomenon recorded by this survey with the three different methods used is similar to observations in international literature. In the Sicilian context, a higher prevalence of bullying phenomena was observed in pre-adolescents attending major classes and in schools with lower socio-economic index. Though it remains difficult to obtain univocal data that clarifies the prevalence of different type of bullying, the continuous investigation of prevalence and factors associated with the phenomenon is a necessary starting point to introduce interventions and preventive measures in Public Health programs

    Association between family environment and the bullying phenomenon among school-age children: A systematic review

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    There is a lack of evidence about the possible role of the family environment in the occurrence of the bullying phenomenon among school-age children. We carried out a systematic review of the literature to investigate the positive and negative family determinants associated with the bullying phenomenon. Potential classes of determinants-e.g. interparental conflict and/or parenting behaviours-were studied by searching peer-reviewed literature published between the January 2008 and December 2018 on PubMed/MEDLINE, SCOPUS and ISI Web of Science. At the end of the eligibility process, only 3 studies met all the inclusion criteria, and were then included in the narrative synthesis. Mother destructive profile and excessive infant crying resulted significantly associated with child emotional insecurity and conduct/mood problems at the age of 5-6 years, respectively. Moreover, a decrease of medically unexplained symptoms in adolescent was observed after a one-year family functioning therapy. This body of evidences should raise the interest of the researchers in order to invest in depth the family unit impact on the bullying phenomenon in school environment

    Augmented reality gamification for human anatomy

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    This paper focuses on the use of Augmented Reality technologies in relation to the introduction of game design elements to support university medical students in their learning activities during a human anatomy laboratory. In particular, the solution we propose will provide educational contents visually connected to the physical organ, giving also the opportunity to handle a 3D physical model that is a perfect reproduction of a real human organ

    Campagna social #proteggitixproteggermi: andamento delle coperture vaccinali antinfluenzali degli operatori sanitari dell’AOU Policlinico “P. Giaccone” di Palermo in seguito all’implementazione di strategie comunicative ed informative

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    Introduzione Ogni anno il 20% circa degli operatori sanitari (OS) contrae l’influenza, continuando a lavorare e favorendo la diffusione dei virus influenzali nei reparti. La copertura media della vaccinazione antinfluenzale tra gli OS italiani si attesta attorno al 22%. Alla base del rifiuto vaccinale degli OS vi sono principalmente le scarse conoscenze, attitudini e percezioni in merito all’efficacia e alla sicurezza della vaccinazione antinfluenzale. In questo studio è stato analizzato il trend della copertura vaccinale contro l’influenza durante le ultime 12 stagioni negli OS dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) di Palermo, valutando l’impatto delle strategie comunicative e informative adottate nelle ultime quattro stagioni vaccinali, con lo scopo di implementare la fiducia nella vaccinazione e aumentare l’aderenza alla stessa. Metodi Prima e durante le ultime quattro campagne di vaccinazione antinfluenzale stagionale, diverse iniziative sono state organizzate e condotte dagli medici in formazione specialistica in Igiene e Sanità pubblica dell’Università di Palermo: pagine web e di social media dedicate, campagne social “ad hoc” (#proteggitixproteggermi) vaccinazioni “in situ” nei reparti, corsi multidisciplinari per i dipendenti delle unità operative di degenza in cui soggiornano i pazienti più critici. È stato, inoltre, predisposto sull’area riservata del portale aziendale un modulo, la cui mancata compilazione impediva la piena funzionalità dell’intranet, dove si doveva esprimere il dissenso informato e le motivazioni del rifiuto della vaccinazione antinfluenzale. Risultati La copertura vaccinale è passata da un valore medio del 5% (stagioni 2010/2011- 2014/2015), al 37% nella stagione influenzale 2018/2019 (chi-square for trend: 857, p < 0.001). Inoltre è significativamente diminuita l’età media dei vaccinati passando da 48,1 (DS ± 15,7) nella stagione 2013/2014, a 35,9 (± 14,6) nel 2018/2019. In particolare, è aumentata la prevalenza di OS vaccinati tra i medici in formazione specialistica operanti presso l’AOUP. La paura di eventuali reazioni avverse (33%) e una mancata percezione del rischio di diffondere la patologia ai pazienti (31%) sono i motivi principali del rifiuto vaccinale. Conclusioni Tra le diverse strategie per aumentare l’adesione alla pratica vaccinale tra gli OS (formazione, obbligo, premialità, ecc) la comunicazione attraverso metodi web-based o social-based si è dimostrata un valido ed efficace strumento integrativo per aumentare le coperture tra gli OS più giovani. Tuttavia, la copertura vaccinale totale rimane ben al di sotto del 75% raccomandato dalle autorità internazionali di sanità pubblica. In futuro, sarà necessario affiancare a tali strategie comunicative, politiche di vaccinazione obbligatoria, specialmente per gli OS dei reparti a rischio, per aumentare le coperture vaccinali negli stess

    The role of the Community Pharmacist in promoting vaccinations among general population according to the National Vaccination Plan 2017-2019: Results from a survey in Sicily, Italy

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    Introduction. The 2017-2019 Italian National Vaccination Plan promotes the improvement of knowledge and attitudes of healthcare workers about vaccine prevention, in order to spread a vaccination culture among general population. Similarly to the General Practitioner, the Pharmacist represents a fundamental forefront for both patients and healthy people, also in promoting vaccine acceptance. This research aims to analyze knowledge and attitudes about vaccines of Community Pharmacists and to evaluate the burden of vaccination counselling during their work activities. Material and methods. A standardized, self-administered and previously validated questionnaire, including 5 sections and 28 items, was submitted to a sample of Community Pharmacists working in Western Sicily. The survey was carried out through an online questionnaire, that investigated socio-demographic data, knowledge and attitudes towards vaccination and the role of the Pharmacist as vaccination counselor during his work. Results. A total of 120 Pharmacists were surveyed. 99.2% of them were definitely agreed with the Regional Vaccination Schedule. A large majority (n = 114, or 95%) were fully vaccinated and have vaccinated, or would vaccinate in future, their children. According to Community Pharmacists interviewed, at least 90% of clients asked for further explanations about vaccination, and the citizens' trust towards vaccination increased (30%) or remained stable (54.2%) over time in the last 5 years. Finally, as reported by interviewed Pharmacists, a correct counselling provided by General Practitioners (GPs) and Family Pediatricians was the main boost in increasing vaccination confidence, instead of mass-media and web misinformation that has led to skepticisms among general population. Conclusions. The study demonstrated the key role of the Community Pharmacist for their consumers in vaccination counselling. In future, a strong collaboration between Community Pharmacists and all the actors promoting vaccination themes (GPs, family Pediatricians, public health workers) will be essential, as well as a uniform and standardized University training on vaccination themes for all these categories

    Le strategie comunicative ed informative sulla vaccinazione antinfluenzale possono modificare le attitudini degli operatori sanitari (OS)? Risultati di otto anni di attività di promozione vaccinale nel principale Ospedale Universitario Siciliano

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    INTRODUZIONE Circa il 20% degli Operatori Sanitari (OS) contrae annualmente una patologia da virus influenzale e la vaccinazione stagionale è fortemente raccomandata quale migliore strategia di prevenzione tra gli OS. Diverse iniziative sono state messe in atto a livello nazionale per incrementare le scarse coperture vaccinali antinfluenzali evidenziate tra gli OS. In questo studio viene analizzato il trend di adesione vaccinale degli OS operanti presso l’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria (AOU) Policlinico di Palermo nelle ultime otto stagioni vaccinali, valutando l’impatto di differenti strategie comunicative ed informative messe in atto nel corso delle ultime tre stagioni vaccinali (2015/2016 - 2016/2017 - 2017/2018) MATERIALI E METODI Gli OS aderenti alla vaccinazione antinfluenzale hanno compilato un questionario validato ed autosomministrato al termine della seduta vaccinale. Contestualmente, è stato predisposto un modulo di dissenso informato per tutti gli OS che non hanno aderito alla vaccinazione antinfluenzale, compilabile sulla pagina personale (intranet) del portale Web Aziendale. Nelle ultime tre stagioni vaccinali sono state messe in atto diverse iniziative atte a promuovere l’adesione alla vaccinazione antinfluenzale degli OS tra cui: creazione di pagine web (internet e social media) dedicate alla campagna vaccinale, creazione di locandine, slogan e hashtag anche in formato cartaceo da utilizzare per promuovere la vaccinazione, settimana di vaccinazione “on site” nei reparti, formazione preliminare degli OS operanti nei reparti a maggiore rischio (UTI, UTIN, Oncologia, Ginecologia, etc...) RISULTATI La copertura vaccinale è salita progressivamente da un valore medio del 5 (dalla stagione 2010/2011 alla 2014/2015) al 27% nell’ultima stagione 2017/2018 (chi-square for trend: 857, p<0.001). L’età media degli OS vaccinati è drasticamente scesa da 48.1 anni (DS ±15.7) osservata nella stagione 2013/2014 ai 41.6 anni (DS±14.5) nella stagione 2017/2018. La principale ragione per l’adesione alla vaccinazione è la maggiore percezione del rischio di contrarre la patologia da parte degli OS. Di contro, la paura degli eventi avversi al vaccino e una sostanziale scarsa percezione del rischio di essere una fonte di trasmissione della patologia per i propri pazienti sono le principali motivazioni alla base del rifiuto vaccinale. CONCLUSIONI Le strategie comunicative ed informative messe in atto presso l’AOU Policlinico di Palermo hanno avuto un notevole impatto sull’incremento dell’adesione vaccinale tra gli OS, in particolare tra i più giovani. Allo stesso tempo, la copertura vaccinale osservata, nonostante sia superiore alla media nazionale, rimane ben al di sotto del 75% raccomandato dal Ministero della Salute, incoraggiando in futuro l’introduzione dell’obbligo vaccinale per gli OS