79 research outputs found
Foraging of broilers in outdoor areas (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract)
• Select plant species that are robust and adjusted to the climate such as caraway (Carum carvi), red clover (Trifolium pratense), chicory (Cichorium intybus), plantain (plantago major (broadleaf)/Plantago lanceolate (lancetleaf), ryegrass (Lolium perenne), selfheal (Prunella vulgaris), birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), lu-cerne/alfalfa (Medicago sativa).
• Fencing off part of the plants might be necessary until they have reached a size that makes them less vul-nerable to birds eating leaves and smaller branches.
• Planting some trees in rows from the broiler houses will encourage the birds to leave the house and spread far into the outdoor areas.
• Combine trees and bushes with smaller open areas with grass/herbs or even crops that encourage foraging activity and other natural behaviour such as dustbathing, which is good for animal welfare.
• Choice of genotype is important. Very fast growing genotypes are not suitable for establishing a population with active animals.
• During cold winter periods, broilers are less motivated to go outside; a veranda system (winter garden), where silage can be provided, is recommended
Bedre øko-kyllinger med nye genotyper og fodringsstrategier
Danske økologiske slagtekyllinger har stadig en lav markedsandel - mindre end én procent - selv om produktionen har udviklet sig positivt siden 2014. Skal afsætningen blive bedre i fremtiden, er der brug for både forbedringer i den eksisterende produktion og for helt nye, alsidige og bæredygtige produktionsystemer.
I forskningsprojektet Multichick arbejder vi derfor på at udvikle nye funkionelle produktionssystemer, hvor kyllingeproduktion bliver kombineret med produktion af træ og energiafgrøder. Dermed kan man både reducere udvaskning af kvælstof fra kyllingernes udearealer, udnytte arealet bedre og sikre bedre dyrevelfærd. Vi vil identificere både barrierer og muligheder i hele kæden fra jord til bord og komme med forslag til, hvordan den økologiske kylling kan blive et attraktivt højværdiprodukt for forbrugerne, og endelig vil vi se på, hvordan man kan etablere alternative afsætningsnetværk
Chickens foraging in the woods
Organic chickens should forage in the woods, should increase their intake of plants and insects from attractive outdoor areas and should be revitalised with new breeds that exhibit a more natural foraging behaviour. These are some of the initiatives that will contribute to a more diverse, reliable and robust organic broiler production and which will be investigated in a new project in order to increase market share of the organic production
Deposition of carotenoids in egg yolk by short-term supplement of coloured carrot (Daucus carota) varieties as forage material for egg-laying hens
BACKGROUND: Supplying egg-laying hens with different forage materials may influence egg production and quality. The aim
of this study was to examine the short-term effects of standard feed plus 70 g day−1 per hen of three coloured carrot varieties (orange, yellow and purple) as forage material in comparison with a standard feed control on egg production, egg yolk colour and deposition of carotenoids in the yolk.
RESULTS: Carrot supplementation reduced feed intakes significantly, but not on a dry matter basis. Orange carrot treatment significantly reduced egg mass production, whereas yellow and purple carrot treatments did not differ from the control. Egg and yolk weights of all carrot-supplemented treatmentswere significantly lower than those of the control, but yolk percentages were similar. Yolk redness increased significantly in the order control < yellow < orange < purple. A similar trend was seen
for yolk yellowness, but yellow and orange carrots reached the same level. Yolk colour and carotenoid contents correlated positively and significantly. In particular, purple carrot treatment increased the yolk content of lutein (>1.5-fold) and β-carotene (>100-fold) compared with the control.
CONCLUSION: Supplementing the feed of egg-laying hens with coloured carrots efficiently increased yolk colour parameters and carotenoid contents, which gives opportunities for improved nutritional value of eggs from forage material-supplemented hens
Organic egg quality parameters influenced by feed, hen line and forage material
Organic eggs make out >15% of the Danish shell egg market. Consumers buy organic eggs based on environmental and animal welfare arguments. However, there is a need for high product quality and diversity of organic eggs to increase the market share further. The overall objective was to investigate different strategies for production of organic eggs of high and differentiable quality regarding appearance (yolk colour and carotenoid composition), sensory quality, shell strength and egg albumen protein content providing more diversified eggs compared with conventional eggs.
Specific objectives were to study the effect of hen genotype (layer-type versus “dual purpose”- type), identify new protein feed sources for organic laying hens in order to
improve the supply of amino acids, when using 100% organic feed in diets, and investigate how foraging material interacts with egg flavour and appearance.
The method was a complete block design with 2 genotypes, 3 standard diets, 2 forage material types in 4 replicates of each 25 hens. In total 1200 hens during 22 weeks were
distributed in 48 outdoor pens with housing facilities and area following the regulations on organic egg production.
A number of selected egg quality parameters analysed during the experiment are presented
Green protein from locally grown crops (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract)
• Choose an appropriate type of green crop, such as clover-grass or alfalfa, with an expected high protein and amino acid content. Consider soil types and weather patterns to grow a crop with a good and high quality yield.
• Harvest the field at regular intervals in order to achieve good plant growth and to obtain batches with more high quality protein and less fibre
• Harvesting procedures, which minimise soil content in the green material obtained from the field are necessary to obtain good quality green protein and to avoid wear of machinery and technical equipment
• Cooperation with a bio-refinery plant is a prerequisite in order to concentrate the protein into a green paste that can be dried and used in poultry feed.
• If not dried, the wet green paste can be stored in closed containers/plastic bags in cool conditions for a shorter period.
• Chemical analysis of the green protein concentrate is important in order to replace other protein sources such as soya and to carry out the correct feed formulation. This can be done together with advisors or feed companies
Nye foderstrategier til økologiske kyllinger
Organic RDD2-projektet "MultiChick" ser et stort potentiale i at nytænke værdikæden i den økologiske slagtekyllingeproduktion og skabe nye udviklingsveje, der i højere grad fokuserer på dyrevelfærd, kvalitet og differentiering. Én af indsatsområderne er at skabe nye fodringsstrategier
ORPHEUS: Nye strategier til reduktion af fosfor i den økologiske ægproduktion
Gødning med et højt indhold af fosfor er et alvorligt miljøproblem, og der er et presserende behov for at finde løsninger, der kan reducere indholdet af fosfor i gødning fra økologiske høner, så der udbringes mindre fosfor på markene. Nye regler betyder, at den mængde fjerkrægødning, der kan spredes pr. ha, vil blive lavere end før, og derfor skal mængden af husdyrgødning reduceres, hvis fosforindholdet forbliver det samme.
Projektets overordnede formål er at reducere fosfor i fjerkrægødning gennem en markant reduktion af fosfor i foderindholdet og samtidig udvikle en ny strategi for tildeling af calcium, som sænker hønernes behov for fosfor. En ny fodringsstrategi skal også sikre god knoglesundhed hos hønerne og en høj æggeskalskvalitet, så andelen af knækæg nedbringes
Attraktive udearealer øger økologiske kyllingers aktivitet
Efterspørgslen på økologiske varer er stigende i Danmark - også når det gælder økologiske slagtekyllinger. Nye systemer, fodringsstrategier og genotyper kan bidrage til en øget vækst i økologisk slagtekyllingeproduktion
Diversitet og integritet i økologisk slagtefjerkræproduktion - MultiChick
Selvom Danmark årligt producerer omkring 100 mio. kyllinger, så er kun 1,5 mio. af dem økologiske. Branchen har brug for udvikling, og et af aspekterne, der kan styrke udviklingen, er robuste og aktive racer, der lever op til forbrugernes forventninger til en øko-kylling. Indsatsen i Organic RDD 2-projektet MultiChick har været rettet mod at skabe nye fodringsstrategier i de eksisterende systemer samt mod at udvikle nye systemer, hvor nye kyllingetyper integreres i produktionen af træ-/energiafgrøder, så der opnås reduceret N-udvaskning, øget kulstofoplagring og optimal dyrevelfærd. Sådanne produkter kan desuden skabe grundlag for lancering af nye brands.Det kan give en yderligere værdiforøgelse, hvis man på tværs af de forskellige systemer skaber et konceptfoder baseret på danske råvarer, samt hvis rugeæggene produceres økologisk i Danmark - og dermed forsyner sektoren med flere genotyper
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