474 research outputs found

    Transition from isentropic to isothermal expansion in laser produced plasma

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    The transition that the expansion flow of laser-produced plasmas experiences when one moves from long, low intensity pulses (temperature vanishing at the isentropic plasma-vacuum front,lying at finite distance) to short, intense ones (non-zero, uniform temperature at the plasma-vacuum front, lying at infinity) is studied. For plznar geometry and lqge ion number Z, the transition occurs for dq5/dt=0.14(27/8)k712Z’1zn/m4f,12nK,,;mi,andKarelaserintensity,criticaldensity,ionmass,andSpitzer’sheatconductioncoefficient.ThisresultremainsvalidforfiniteZit,houghthenumericalfactorind/m4f, 12nK,,; mi, and K are laser intensity, critical density,ion mass, and Spitzer’s heat conduction coefficient. This result remains valid for finite Zit,h ough the numerical factor in d/dt is different. Shorter wavelength lasers and higher 4 plasmas allow faster rising pulses below transition

    Self-similar deflagration in laser half-plasmas

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    The self-similar motion of a half-space plasma, generated by a linear pulse of laser radiation absorbed anomalously at the critical density, has been studied. The resulting plasma structure has been completely determined for [pulse duration (critical density)maximum irradiation] large enoug

    Self-similar motion of laser half-space plasmas. I. Deflagration regime

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    The one-dimensional self-similar motion of an initially cold, half-space plasma of electron density 0,produced by the (anomalous) absorption of a laser pulse of irradiation = (j>0f/T(0oKe)213, where k, m, are Boltzmann's constant and the ion mass, and Ke X (electron temperature)5'2 = heat conductivity. If a >e- 4 ' 3 , a deflagration wave separates an isentropic compression with a shock bounding the undisturbed plasma, and an isentropic expansion flow to the vacuum. The structures of these three regions are completely determined; in particular, the Chapman-Jouguet condition is proved and the density behind the deflagration is found. The deflagration-compression thickness ratio is large (small) for a^e- 5 ' 3(a>e- 5 ' 3 ) . The compression to expansion ratio for both energy and thickness is 0(e"2). For Z,- large, a deflagration exists even if a~e~413. Condition a>e~4'3 may be applied to pulses that are not linear

    Self-similar motion of laser fusion plasmas. Absorption in an unbounded plasma

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    The one-dimensional motion generated in a cold, infinite, uniform plasma of density na by the absorption, in a certain plane, of a linear pulse of energy per unit time and area = 4>0t/r, 0< t< r, is considered, the analysis allows for thermal conduction and viscosity of ions and electrons, their energy exchange, and an electron heat flux limiter The resulting motion is self-similar and governed by a single nondimensional parameter a«(n0 2T/0)2/3 Detailed asymptotic results are obtained for both a l , the general behavior of the solution for arbitrary a is discussed The analysis can be extended to the case of a plasma initially occupying a half-space, and throws light on how to optimize the hydrodynamics of laser fusion plasmas Known approximate results corresponding to motion of a plasma submitted to constant irradiation (<()) are recovered in the present work under appropriate limiting processe

    The Mobility of Homomeric Lasso- and Daisy Chain-Like Rotaxanes in Solution and in the Gas Phase as a Means to Study Structure and Switching Behaviour

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    ©2023 The Authors. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 license https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ This document is the Published Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Israel Journal of Chemistry. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.1002/ijch.202300022A precise structural determination of supramolecular architectures is a non-trivial challenge. This daunting task can be made even more difficult when interlocked species are to be analysed having macrocycles covalently equipped with a thread as repeating units, such as molecular lassos and daisy chains. When such functionalized macrocycles are included as scaffolds, different products having analogous NMR spectra as well as dynamic libraries can be obtained. Furthermore, if control over the motion of the parts relative to each other is to be achieved, a full understanding of the machinery's operation mechanism requires detailed insight into the structures involved. This understanding also helps designing improved synthetic molecular machines. Diffusion-ordered NMR spectroscopy and ion-mobility MS techniques are ideal tools to study such compounds in depth. This review covers recent examples on the use of the above-mentioned techniques to characterize these interlocked architectures

    Nonuniform irradiation of laser targets

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    Smoothing of plasma ablated from a laser target under weakly nonuniform irradiation is discussed. Conduction is assumed restricted to a quasisteady layer enclosing the critical surface (large pellet or focal spot, and long, low-intensity, short-wavelength pulse). Light refraction can make the ablated plasma unstable

    Zero-G Gauging systems. CONTRACT No 17/8/4

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    Various systems for measuring propellant content in spacecrafts under weightlessness conditions are reviewed. The cavity resonator method is found to be the most suitable measurement; technique. This method is analyzed in detail. A determination of errors intrinsec to the method is carried out

    Pseudo-K\"ahler Lie algebras with abelian complex structures

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    We study Lie algebras endowed with an abelian complex structure which admit a symplectic form compatible with the complex structure. We prove that each of those Lie algebras is completely determined by a pair (U,H) where U is a complex commutative associative algebra and H is a sesquilinear hermitian form on U which verifies certain compatibility conditions with respect to the associative product on U. The Riemannian and Ricci curvatures of the associated pseudo-K\"ahler metric are studied and a characterization of those Lie algebras which are Einstein but not Ricci flat is given. It is seen that all pseudo-K\"ahler Lie algebras can be inductively described by a certain method of double extensions applied to the associated complex asssociative commutative algebras
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