15 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Appearance Characteristics of Suspicious Microcalcifications Detected by Ultrasonography

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    Objective: To investigate the imaging properties of mammographically suspicious microcalcifications (MC) that can be detected by ultrasonography (USG)

    Comparison of Olfactory Cleft Width and Volumes in Patients with COVID-19 Anosmia and COVID-19 Cases Without Anosmia

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between olfactory cleft width/volume and COVID-19-related anosmia. Methods: This study consisted of PCR-proven COVID-19 patients. Cases with COVID-19-related anosmia constituted Group 1 and cases without any olfactory dysfunction (OD) throughout COVID-19 infection or after recovery constituted Group 2. A total of 50 patients were included in the study, comprising 24 cases in Group 1 and 26 cases in Group 2. Group 1 patients underwent a 4-item-odor identification test during active symptoms and a Sniffin' Sticks test after reconversion of PCR results to negative. All patients in Group 2 also underwent the Sniffin' Stick test to document normosmia. All cases had paranasal sinus CT performed. Olfactory cleft widths and olfactory volumes were measured. The differences in width and volume between groups and the correlation with odor test scores (threshold-discrimination-identification [TDI]) were calculated. In addition, regression analyzes analysis was performed for cleft widths, volumes, and TDI scores according to age. Results: Olfactory cleft widths and olfactory volumes were significantly higher in Group 1 than those in Group 2 (p = 0.001; p < 0.01). There was a significant negative correlation between total TDI scores and olfactory cleft widths and total olfactory volumes (r = -0.665; r = -0.731, respectively). Patients younger than 40 years of age had significantly higher right olfactory cleft width, left olfactory cleft width, and olfactory cleft volume than those in patients older than 40 years of age (p = 0.004, p = 0.005, p = 0.003; p < 0,01, respectively). However, patients younger than 40 years of age had a significantly lower total TDI score and in all other values individually (t-d-i) than those in patients older than 40 years of age (p = 0.004; p < 0.01). Conclusion: Patients with COVID-19-related OD had larger olfactory cleft width and volumes than those without OD in this study. Total TDI score was found to be inversely correlated with cleft width and volume

    A new perspective on imaging of olfactory dysfunction: Does size matter?

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    Purpose: This study assesses the diagnostic utility of olfactory nerve and bulb morphologies in addition to volumetric analysis in classification of different olfactory dysfunction etiologies

    Evaluation of Multiparametric Shear Wave Elastography Indices in Malignant and Benign Breast Lesions

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    Rationale and Objectives: To evaluate the shear wave elastography indices (multiparametric SWE) of breast lesions based on patient and lesion dependent features and assess the contribution of different elastographic parameters to radiological diagnosis

    Acute Enteric Eosinophilic Myenteric Ganglionitis: A challenging and uncommon case of lung adenocarcinoma

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    Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction (CIPO) is caused by metabolic and endocrine factors, but it can also be caused by the cancer's paraneoplastic effect. The cancers most associated with paraneoplastic syndromes are lung cancers and are generally associated with small cell lung cancers. Lung adenocarcinomas may rarely cause paraneoplastic syndromes, however, they mostly cause general effects such as cachexia and leukocytosis. The goal of this case report was to provide a case of non-mechanical obstruction due to lung adenocarcinoma as a very unusual cause of intestinal pseudo-obstruction, together with clinical, laboratory, and imaging results. [Med-Science 2022; 11(1.000): 410-2

    Outcomes after combined right hemicolectomy and pancreaticoduodenectomy for locally advanced right-sided colon cancer: a case series

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    Background: Although right colon cancers mostly grow intraluminally, they may rarely invade neighboring organs without distant organ metastasis. En bloc resection is required for R0 resection in pancreas and duodenum-invasive right colon tumors. Despite the high mortality and morbidity rates, the en bloc right hemicolectomy and pancreaticoduodenectomy (RHPD) procedure can be safely performed in centers experienced in colorectal and hepatobiliary surgery. Objective: In this study, we aimed to share the results of our patients who underwent en bloc pancreaticoduodenectomy in addition to right hemicolectomy for cases with locally advanced right colon cancer. Materials and Methods: Patients who were operated on the right colon cancer between January 2010 and March 2018 were retrospectively screened. Patients who underwent RHPD due to locally advanced colon cancer invading the duodenum and pancreas were included in this study. RHPD was performed in cases where radical resection was deemed appropriate, and R0 resection could be performed. Demographic information, intraoperative and postoperative findings, and long-term follow-up data of the patients were recorded. Results: Six cases underwent RHPD. All of the cases were male, and the mean age was 67 +/- 6. Proximal PD was performed in five cases, and total PD was performed in one case. SMV reconstruction was performed in one case with an SMV invasion. One case died due to pneumonia and anastomotic leak in the postoperative period. The other five patients had a mean disease-free survival of 29.2 +/- 14.7 months. The 1 and 2-year survival rate was 66.6% and 66.6%, respectively. Conclusion: RHPD is a surgical operation that can be performed safely in experienced centers with acceptable mortality and morbidity rates in cases suitable for R0 resection

    Splenic artery aneurysm: Management of a rare entity in a series of patients

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    Splenic artery aneurysm (SAA) is a rare clinical condition; however, it can lead to life-threatening hemorrhages. Endoscopic and endovascular treatments or laparoscopic and open surgical approaches can be used for the treatment. On the grounds of its rarity, there are few series in the literature. We aimed to present our centers experience of splenic artery aneurysm management. Patients' data who were treated in our hospital between 2008 and 2019 due to splenic artery aneurysm was retrieved from the hospitals registry software. Patients demographic data (age, gender); type, localization and the diameter of aneurysms and treatment methods applied were examined. There were 13 (10 females, 3 males) consecutive patients (mean age was 51.7±16.9 years) in the study. Aneurysms were located proximally in six patients, distally in six patients, and one patient had aneurysm both proximally and distally. Nine of the aneurysms were saccular and four were fusiform. Coil embolization was successful in one patient, splenic artery ligation was applied to six patients and splenectomy was performed in four patients. Two patients, in whom coil embolization failed, were included in the follow-up program since they were asymptomatic. Morbidity and/or mortality due to aneurysms were not seen in treated patients. Nowadays, endovascular interventions are the primary treatment option for SAAs. However, they do not apply to every patient and surgery may be necessary. While choosing the appropriate surgery, the primary goal should be minimally invasive procedures that require good laparoscopic experience. Isolated ligation of the splenic artery and protection of the spleen should be performed if possible. [Med-Science 2021; 10(2.000): 386-90

    Evaluating Portal Vein and Right Colon Venous Vascular Anatomy and Its Variations via Multidetector CT in Healthy Individuals

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    To evaluate the anatomical variations of the portal vein and right colonic and gastro-pancreatic-colic venous vascular structures by MDCT (multidetector computed tomography). In cases who applied for dynamic abdominal MDCT examination with various indications, the occurrence of Henle trunk (HT), venous vascular formations and variations of HT (type Ia-b-c; IIa-b-c), the relationship of ileocolic and right colic artery with superior mesenteric vein (anterior-posterior), portal vein types by the origin of the right branch (1-2-3-4-5-miscellaneous), and differences by gender were evaluated retrospectively. Of the cases (600) who participated in the study, HT was detected in 81.2% (n: 487) of the cases, and the most common type of HT was type Ia (39.7%). The incidence of type Ia in women (p: 0.007; p 0.05) in terms of gender in other types of HT. While the most common portal vein type was type 1 (n: 350) at a rate of 58.3%, there was no significant difference between portal vein types by gender (p > 0.05). In the process of stomach, colon, and pancreatic surgery, especially during laparoscopic and robotic surgical operations, mastering important anatomical variations such as HT in terms of vascular ligation, lymph node dissection, mesocolic excision, and bleeding control is an important factor affecting the success of the operation and postoperative prognosis

    A practical approach to imaging characteristics and standardized reporting of COVID-19: a radiologic review

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    Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), also known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is a pathogen that has caused a rapidly spreading pandemic all over the world. The primary mean of transmission is inhalation with a predilection for respiratory system involvement, especially in the distal airways. The disease that arises from this novel coronavirus is named coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19 may have a rapid and devastating course in some cases leading to severe complications and death. Radiological imaging methods have an invaluable role in diagnosis, follow-up, and treatment. In this review, radiological imaging findings of COVID-19 have been systematically reviewed based on the published literature so far. Radiologic reporting templates are also emphasized from a different point of view, considering specific distinctive patterns of involvement

    The temporal course of COVID-19 anosmia and relation to other clinical symptoms

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    Objective This study aimed to define the clinical course of anosmia in relation to other clinical symptoms. Methods 135 patients with COVID-19 were reached by phone and subsequently included in the study. Olfactory functions were evaluated using a questionnaire for assessment of self-reported olfactory function. Patients were divided into four subgroups according to the presence of olfactory symptoms and temporal relationship with the other symptoms: group1 had only olfactory complaints (isolated, sudden-onset loss of smell); group2 had sudden-onset loss of smell, followed by COVID-19 related complaints; group3 initially had COVID-19 related complaints, then gradually developed olfactory complaints; and group4 had no olfactory complaints. Results In total, 59.3% of the patients interviewed had olfactory complaints during the disease course. The olfactory dysfunction severity during COVID-19 infection was significantly higher in group1 compared to groups 2 and 3. In groups1-3, the odor scores after recovery from COVID-19 disease were significantly lower compared to the status prior to disease onset. The residual olfactory dysfunction was similar between groups1 and 2, but was more evident than group3. Mean duration for loss of smell was 7.8 +/- 3.1 (2-15) days. Duration of loss of smell was longer in groups1 and 2 than in group3. Odor scores completely returned back to the pre-disease values in 41 (51.2%) patients with olfactory dysfunction. Rate of complete olfactory dysfunction recovery was higher in group3 compared to groups1 and 2. Conclusion In isolated anosmia cases, anosmia is more severe, and complete recovery rates are lower compared to the patients who have other clinical symptoms