268 research outputs found


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    Steganography is defined as camoufling, secret information within other information i.e. hiding information. The steganography’s main objective is to communicate securely in such a manner that the true information/message is not visible to the intruder. Any unwanted parties should not be able to correlate any sense between cover image and stego image. Thus the stego image must be same as the original cover image. In this paper, a comparative study of steganographic methods that use skin tone detection is done. For comparison three methods are considered. At first steganography using DWT is discussed. It is done in frequency domain as we obtain more precise stego images. Here Haar transform is used which leads to four sub bands. The secret data is embedded into one of the high frequency sub band. In the second method, secret data is embedded within skin region of image that provides an excellent secure location for data hiding. Skin tone detection is performed using HSV and YCbCr color space models. The last implementation is performed by applying skin tone detection using YCbCr color space and the edge of those skin pixels is detected using canny edge detection filter and then the secret image is steganoflaged into cover image. Performances of the three techniques are compared based on the PSNR obtained

    Comperehencive review of Tankana

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    Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana is branch of the ancient Indian medical science based on herbs and herbo-mineral preparation. Tankana has been described under Uparasa Tankana, which is one among the Kshara Trayas has been used since very long time in Ayurveda. It has a wide range of therapeutic applications, including diseases like Varna (ulcers), Shvasa (asthma), Kasa (cough), Hrudya (beneficial to heart disease), Streepushpajanana (menstrual disorders) etc. It is used in the form of compound formulations like Parpati, Kupipakwa, Khalvee Rasayana, Churna, Vati, Lepa etc. In this paper Tankana Shodhana procedure, different synonyms, dose, Anupana, indications and different formulations containing Tankana Bhasma has been discussed

    Review of Document Clustering Methods and Similarity Measurement Methods

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    The process of document clustering is nothing but the data mining method used for grouping of same items together. The clustering approach is aiming to identify the required structures from the input data as well as arranging them into the subgroup. There are many clustering algorithms presented by various authors already such as k-means clustering, Agglomerative Clustering, EM methods, direct clustering methods etc. Each clustering method is having its own advantages and disadvantages. The similarity measure used to measure the similarity between two clusters of input dataset derived from different or similar algorithms. In this paper we are first presenting the review over the document clustering and its different methods, and then later we taking the review of similarity measure method. The techniques of similarity measurements discussed in this paper are used for single viewpoint only. Finally, the limitations of this method are introduced. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150514

    Resource Allocation and Receiver Localization for Underlay CRs Using Interference Tweets

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    Cognitive radio network provides re-utilization of unused portions of the licensed spectrum. Such that primary users do not affect harmful interference from the transmission of secondary users. Therefore, to analyze the effect of interference across primary user and their minimization have become an important criterion in cognitive network. This paper attempts to provide localization technique based on Bayesian approach gives exact location of primary user. The conventional localization technique provides information related to coverage region of primary user so we cannot estimate accurate location. Secondary users opportunistically share a fixed spectrum resource with different probability of interference constraints. The proposed algorithm shows increased network utility with optimize performance of secondary network. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15028

    A Survey on Cyber Security for Smart Grid Networks

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    Smart grid is a electrical grid in which power generation units, transmission units, distribution units and electricity consumers are connected using advanced communication and information technologies. It is a new form of next generation power grid. Most of the countries across the globe are transforming their existing electrical grids to smart grid and hence smart grid technology is progressing worldwide. Smart grid provides a bi-directional flow of electricity and information from generation to transmission to distribution and hence more exposed to attacks. Many advanced communication technologies have been identified for smart grid usages. A secure communication infrastructure is a critical component of smart grid systems. Success of smart grids highly depends on secure communication network. Thus cyber security of smart grid networks is very important. In this paper, we summarize the cyber security threats, possible vulnerabilities and existing standards and solutions available for cyber security in smart grids networks based on the available reference material. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15050

    Missile Materials

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    The development of missile materials is the key to indigenous materials and their components. The selection of materials includes some the properties such as high strength to weight ratio, easy fabrication, good corrosion resistance, reliable quality, and high fracture toughness. The materials used for the airframe and propulsion system are alloys of aluminum, titanium, magnesium, and maraging steel. Non-metallic materials are also used such as carbon-carbon composites and polymer materials. High purity materials like phosphorous, and silicon are also important for material advancements. The paper outlines the needs and challenges of research and its solutions

    Achieve High Verifiability using Proxy Resignature and TPA in User Revocation within the Cloud

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    Using Cloud Storage, users can remotely store their data and enjoy the on-demand high quality applications and services from cloud. User can get relaxation from the burden of local data storage and maintenance. In addition, we have an efficient probabilistic query and audit services to improve the performance of approach based on periodic confirmation. So that the users existing blocks by themselves do not need to sign up and download the proxy by using the idea of re-signatures, we block the user revocation on behalf of existing users to the cloud, the signing in again to allow for..In addition, a public Verifier always without retrieving all of the data shared data is able to audit the integrity of Cloud, even if part of the shared data has been signed by the cloud again. Moreover, our system by multiple auditing functions with batch verification audit is able to support. Experimental results show that our system fairly can improve the efficiency of user cancellation. Data storage and sharing services in the cloud, users can easily modify and share data in a group. Shared data to ensure unity in public, group users shared data to calculate signatures on all blocks need to be verified. Shared data by different users in different blocks are usually due to data revisions have been signed by individual users. The proposed system considers proxy resign, if the user from group get revoked. Cloud is able to resign block, which was created previously by the revoked user with existing users private kye. As a result, user revocation can be greatly improved, and capacity of computing and communications resources of existing users can be saved. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15062

    Industrial Automation on the Specification of HT Capacitor

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    Designing of capacitors has acquired so much attention in the development and recently different types of capacitors are also developed in the industry. Considering all the benefits such as power factor improvement, reduction of power losses, increasing efficiency so on. Capacitors are also used to raise the quality of supply and safe handling of power equipments. The main objective of this paper is focused on the design process of the power capacitor and different parameter of the capacitor. In the design process of the capacitor, parameters are considered namely microfarad rating of capacitor, Loss angle (tan delta), and temperature of capacitor. All these parameter are measured manually by the operator in the industry and this is sponsored by Sharada Electronics Pvt Ltd, MIDC Miraj. Most of the power system fails if there is any damage of capacitor so this system is designed in such a way that it measures all parameter automatically and send it to the control room to avoid the faults that are ignored by the operator. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15026

    Review On Home Security System

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    In the present days, there is a growing interest in smart home as a way to offer a convenient, comfortable, and safe residential environment. With the use of Internet and its applications, there is much potential and scope for remote access and control and monitoring of such network enabled appliances. This paper deals with discussion of different intelligent home automation systems and technologies from a various features standpoint.The main attraction of any automated system is reducing human labor, effort, time and errors due to human negligence.This paper present a survey on all such system
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