95 research outputs found

    Notes on animal associations. 3. A parthenopid Crab, Harrovia albolineata Adams & White on a Mariametrid crinoid, lamprometra sp.

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    Insrances of decapod crustaceans living in association with crinoids are known (Hyman, 1955) and from Indian waters one such example of Galathea elegans living in association with Antedon has been recorded by Southwell (1909) from Okha in the Gulf of Kutch. The same species of anomuran crab was reported from South Africa by Barnard (1950) as commensal on another crinoid, Tropiometra carinata. The brachyuran crab, Harrovia albolineata Adams & White, has already been recorded to live in association with comatulids by Serene et al. (1957-58) in the Gulf of Nhatrang, Vietnam. In this article an association between H. albolineata and Lamprometra sp. is recorded

    On Decapoda Brachyura from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands - 3. Families: Calappidae, Leucosiidae, Parthenopidae, Maiidae and Gecarcinidae

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    The present paper is the third in the series on Decapoda Brachyura from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands

    Redesignation of the porcellanid crab Pisidia brasiliensis (Rodrigues da Costa, 1968) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Porcellanidae)

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    The porcellanid crab, Pisidia brasiliensis (Rodrigues da Costa), reported from the Brazilian coast as a new species and attributed to Haig by Rodrigues da Costa (1968), is now transferred to the genus Porcellana Lamarck and a detailed description is provided for the first time

    Decapoda brachyura from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands : 2. Family Xanthidae

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    The present paper is the second in the series on Decapoda Brachyura from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and reports 43 species and 2 varieties belonging to 22 genera of which genus Jonesius is new to science apart from 7 new records for the region. Heller (1868) reported 12 species of xanthid crabs from Nicobars. Later Alcock (1898) recorded 85 species and 3 varieties belonging to 33 genera including 8 species already reported by Heller. Since the first male pleopod is known to distinguish the closely related species, the same is illustrated wherever male specimens were available in the collection. Description of the first male pleopod is given for those which were not earlier described by Chopra (1935), Chopra and Das (1937), and Chhapghar (1957). Detailed descriptions of Zozymodes pumilus (Jacquinot) and Pilumnus heterdon Sakai axe also given, both of them being additions to the faunistic fist of India

    A note on the abnormalities in Thalamita integra Dana

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    Among a large number of specimens of the species collected from Palk Bay, near Mandapam, some showed abnormalities, most important among them being the total absence of a walking leg from the right sid

    On some crabs (Decapoda-Brachyura) from the Laccadive Archipelago

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    EARLIER investigations on the brachyuran fauna of the Maldive and Laccadive Archipelagos were initiated by Alcock (1895, 1896, 1898, 1899, 1899b and 1900) ; who recorded 43 species of crabs belonging to 9 families. Subsequently, Borradaile (1903 and 1906) reported 191 species including 27 already described by Alcock ; which brought up the total record from this region to 207 species. The present account deals with 36 species of which 5 have hitherto not been described from these regions. Of the above 5 species (indicated by a single asterisk in the list given below) 4 are not known from the Indian peninsula. Another 11 species (denoted by double asterisks) have been previously reported from the Maldives but not from the Laccadives. Out of the 36 species reported in this paper, 29 species have been collected from Minicoy and the rest from Kavarathy, Amenidivi and Bitra Islands. Part of the material was kindly handed over to me by Dr. S. Jones, who collected them in 1958 during a cruise to the Laccadive Islands. Additional material was collected in the year 1961 by Messrs. P. T. Thomas, and Alimanickfan from Minicoy and by Mr. P. M. Sayeed from the Laccadive and Amenidive Islands

    On Decapoda Brachyura from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands тАУ Families Portunidae, Ocypodidae, Grapsidae and Mictyridae.

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    The present paper begins a series on the brachyuran fauna of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and describes 29 species and a variety collected during February to March 1960 from (1) Localities around Port Blair, viz. Bimbletan, South Point, Corbins Cove, Aberdeen Bay, Phoenix Bay, North Bay and Kalapahad ; (2) Neil! Island ; (3) Car Nicobar ; (4) Maya Bandar ; (5) Long Island ; and (6) Nancauri. Of these reported in this account, 8 species and 1 variety are recorded for the first time from this region. Heller (1868) recorded 27 species of crabs belonging to the three famiUes Portunidae, Ocypodidae, and Grapsidae. Alcock (1899 & 1900) in his ' Materials for a Carcinological Fauna of India' described 35 species of portunids, 13 species of ocypodids and 24 species of grapsoids from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, apart from Mictyris longicarpus Latreille. Later de Man (1908-09) reported Sesarma thelxionae de Man ; Kemp (1919) Macrophthalmus pacificus Dana (=M. bicarinatus Heller) and Dotilla wichmanni de Man and Chopra (1931) Lissocarcinus ornatus Chopra from the same region. The collections were made mainly from the coral reefs and the intertidal region, vast areas of which get exposed during the ebb tide. A number of specimens were collected from the submerged reef with the help of a mask and snorkel. Portunids were mainly collected with a small dredge operated at 10 metres in the Aberdeen Bay, Port Blair

    On a new genus of Porcellanidae ( Crustacea - Anomura)

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    The specimen described below was collected during one of the regular dredge operations near Manoli Island in the Gulf of Mannar at a depth of about 6 meters. Unfortunately this interesting form was not collected during the subsequent dredge operations, which may indicate its relative rarity

    On three species of porcellanids (Crustacea-Anomura) from the Gulf of Mannar

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    The present report is based on a small collection of porcellanids from the Gulf of Mannar off Tuticorin and has been found to be of interest since it includes a new species and yet another species which has not so far been recorded from the coasts of Indian peninsula. All three species were found to live as commensal on coelenterates and were collected from depths ranging from 18 to 25 metres using aqualung

    On decapoda brachyura from the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay

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    Materials forming the basis of the present investigation are 88 species of Brachyura representing the &milies Dromiidae, Dorippidae, Calapidae, Leucosiidae, Hymenosomidae, Maiidae, Parthenopidae, Pinnothwidae, Ooimplacidae, Portunidae, Grapsidae, Ocypodidae and Xanthidae collected from the Indian coast of the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay. Of the total of 88 species, Zalasius indica is new to science, Portimus samoensis (Ward) is pertiaps known only from the type locality and Rhabdonotus pictus A. Milne Edwards has SQ far been reported only by A. Milne Edwards (1878) and De Man (1888); the additional records for the Indian region are Dromldiopsis cranioides (De Man), Dorippe polita Alcock and Anderson, Ekunena stndensis Alcock, Halimus aries (Latreille), Melopograpsus frontalis Miers, M. thulcuar (Owen), nalamita spinifera Borradaile, T. parvidens Rathbun, Clusrybdis {Charybdis) anisodon (De Haan), Portunus pubescens (Dana) and P. samoensis. Xenophthabrms plmotheroides White, Philyra verrucosa Henderson and Aethra scruposa (Linnaeus) are species of interest
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