16 research outputs found

    Mechanical Failure Mode of Metal Nanowires: Global Deformation versus Local Deformation

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    It is believed that the failure mode of metal nanowires under tensile loading is the result of the nucleation and propagation of dislocations. Such failure modes can be slip, partial slip or twinning and therefore they are regarded as local deformation. Here we provide numerical and theoretical evidences to show that global deformation is another predominant failure mode of nanowires under tensile loading. At the global deformation mode, nanowires fail with a large contraction along a lateral direction and a large expansion along the other lateral direction. In addition, there is a competition between global and local deformations. Nanowires loaded at low temperature exhibit global failure mode first and then local deformation follows later. We show that the global deformation originates from the intrinsic instability of the nanowires and that temperature is a main parameter that decides the global or local deformation as the failure mode of nanowires.close10

    Graphene Overcoats for Ultra-High Storage Density Magnetic Media

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    Hard disk drives (HDDs) are used as secondary storage in a number of digital electronic devices owing to low cost (10Tb/in2^2

    Structural imaging of nanoscale phonon transport in ferroelectrics excited by metamaterial-enhanced terahertz fields

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    Nanoscale phonon transport is a key process that governs thermal conduction in a wide range of materials and devices. Creating controlled phonon populations by resonant excitation at terahertz (THz) frequencies can drastically change the characteristics of nanoscale thermal transport and allow a direct real-space characterization of phonon mean-free paths. Using metamaterial-enhanced terahertz excitation, we tailored a phononic excitation by selectively populating low-frequency phonons within a nanoscale volume in a ferroelectric BaTiO3 thin film. Real-space time-resolved x-ray diffraction microscopy following THz excitation reveals ballistic phonon transport over a distance of hundreds of nm, two orders of magnitude longer than the averaged phonon mean-free path in BaTiO3. On longer length scales, diffusive phonon transport dominates the recovery of the transient strain response, largely due to heat conduction into the substrate. The measured real-space phonon transport can be directly compared with the phonon mean-free path as predicted by molecular dynamics modeling. This time-resolved real-space visualization of THz-matter interactions opens up opportunities to engineer and image nanoscale transient structural states with new functionalities