5 research outputs found

    Diagnose emendada de Gangamopteris buriadica Feistmantel do Permiano do Gondwana

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    O principal objetivo deste estudo é reavaliar os caracteres diagnósticos de Gangamopteris (?) buriadica Feistmantel com base na análise do material tipo, depositado na coleção do Serviço Geológico da Índia, Calcutá, e outros espécimes depositados em distintas coleções situadas no sudeste (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro) e sul (Porto Alegre) do Brasil. Um recente reexame do material tipo revelou uma feição tafonômica única: a lâmina foliar está lateralmente dobrada sobre si mesma. Este fato implica em uma nova interpretação da forma da folha de um contorno lanceolado-espatulado para um mais ovalado-obovado. Além disso, a visão apenas parcial da lâmina não permite o entendimento do verdadeiro padrão das veias laterais por completo, as quais se inclinam em direção às margens laterais. Como uma conseqüência desta reinterpretação, propomos uma emenda à diagnose original desta espécie, a fim de incluir a lâmina curvada e o padrão de venação das margens laterais da folha como características diagnósticas da mesma. Alguns outros espécimes dos estratos permianos iniciais da Bacia do Paraná, também demonstraram essas mesmas feições diagnósticas e por isso foram incluídas nesta espécie fóssil. Conseqüentemente, a ocorrência de G. buriadica Feistm. emend. é confirmada e estendida para a Bacia do Paraná, sendo estratigráfica (Grupo Itararé e Formação Rio Bonito) e geograficamente (estados de São Paulo e Rio Grande do Sul) distribuída pelo sudeste-sul do Brasil. Por último, os significados taxonômico, tafonômico e ecológico da presença de folhas curvadas são brevemente discutidos.This study aims mainly to revaluate the diagnostic characters of Gangamopteris (?) buriadica Feistmantel based on the analysis of the type material, housed at the collection of the Geological Survey of India, Calcutta, and other specimens, housed in distinct collections of southeastern (São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro) and southern Brazil (Porto Alegre). A recent reexamination of the type material revealed an unusual taphonomic feature which is characterized by the lateral folding of the leaf lamina under itself. This fact leads to a new interpretation of the leaf shape from a lanceolate-spathulate to a more ovate to obovate outline. Additionally, the partial view of the lamina hinders the observation of the true lateral veins pattern in their full extent, which inclines towards the lateral margins. As a consequence of this reinterpretation, we propose an amendment to the species original diagnosis, to include the curled lamina and lateral venation pattern of leaf margins as diagnostic characters of the species. Some specimens from the Early Permian strata of the Paraná Basin also show the same diagnostic characters and therefore have been included in this fossil-species. Consequently, the occurrence of G. buriadica Feistm. emend. is confirmed and extended to the Paraná Basin, being stratigraphically (e.g., Itararé Group and Rio Bonito Formation) and geographically (e.g., São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul states) spread over southeast-southern Brazil. Finally, the taxonomic, taphonomic and ecological implications of the presence of curled leaves are briefly discussed

    IPSD: e-repository of Permian seeds from Indian Lower Gondwana

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    The interest and importance of studying the reproductive strategies of Palaeozoic plants are growing. Fossil seeds play an essential role in this line of study, as they are widely described from different sedimentary formations throughout the Permian period. The Indian Permian Seed Database (IPSD) software will be an information system for ensuring the storage, safety, accessibility and recovery of the details of Indian Permian seed records in a selective manner. The current database includes 28 genera and 44 species of compressed seeds described from Lower Gondwana (Permian), with all the details for researchers. The software provides options for addition, deletion, modification and search facility. The search also includes different options (single or combination). It is a quick and organised way to look for seeds, especially on a data grid for information about seeds that have already been published in the same or different sediments. IPSD is a tool for the computer-based identification of seeds and distinguishing different genera or species within the same category. It is user-friendly and provides updated knowledge of seeds from the Lower Gondwana basins of India. It provides morphotaxonomical characters, distribution and photo documentation of seeds. The software increases accuracy through computerassisted identification of seeds. Hence, reducing and curtailing unnecessary information while describing a new species with inadequate earlier knowledge of Permian seeds

    Biodiversity of a Permian temperate forest: A case study from Ustali area, Ib River Basin, Odisha, India

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