144 research outputs found

    A study of abuse including physical, substance, and sexual abuse among urban adolescent children

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    Background: Adolescents are the future citizens of a country, and it is imperative to systematically address their needs. The prevalenceof abuse including physical and sexual, by these adolescents as well as against them, have been increased. Objective: The study wasundertaken to estimate the prevalence of abuse including physical, substance, and sexual abuse in adolescents of Bengaluru urban.Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional survey conducted among the adolescents aged 10-19 years in Bengaluru. A pretestedself-designed semi-structured questionnaire which included demographic profile and details of the substance abuse (physical and sexualabuse), juvenile delinquency was used. Data were analyzed using SPSS software. Results: A total of 303 adolescents were enrolledduring the study period, out of which 167 adolescents were from school and 136 adolescents from the slum. Most children (54.1%)belonged to the age group of 14-16 years. Smoking (48.5%) was the most common form of abuse among the parents. The most commonsubstance abuse seen among children was smoking (30%). Majority were involved in violence with other adolescents (71%). Sexualabuse was seen more in slum children as compared to school children. Substance abuse among children was mostly influenced byfriends in 70 (40.7%) cases. Conclusion: Substance abuse was common in male slum adolescents for which peer pressure and curiositywere the main influences. More than one-quarter of slum adolescents reported physical abuse while sexual abuse was more commonlyreported in female slum adolescents

    Single dose oral zinc as adjuvant therapy in children admitted with severe pneumonia: A randomized, placebo-controlled study

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    Background: Childhood pneumonia is one of the major causes of under-five mortality in developing countries. Any interventions whichcan reduce the mortality and morbidity of pneumonia are of great importance. Adjuvant zinc therapy is one such intervention studiedin various parts of the world with inconclusive results. Objective: We aim to study the impact of a single dose of zinc therapy on theoutcome of childhood severe pneumonia. Material and Methods: Randomized, placebo-controlled study of young children between2 and 24 months was conducted to study the impact of single dose zinc administration on time to resolution of severe pneumonia. Thesubjects were assigned two groups, zinc group and non-zinc group, by stratified randomization. The zinc group received unlabeled oralzinc syrup 20 mg of elemental zinc as single dose for children >6 months of age and 10 mg of elemental zinc as single dose for children<6 months. The non-zinc group children were administered unlabeled non-zinc containing placebo as single dose. Results: From April2011 to December 2011, 1284 children screened for pneumonia as per Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnessesguidelines and 126 children were included in the study. Of these 126 children, 63 were randomized to receive zinc and 63 to receiveplacebo. The mean duration of respiratory distress before hospitalization was 1.4±0.5 days in zinc group as compared to 1.1±0.5 days innon-zinc group (p=0.001). The mean duration of resolution of distress was 52.47±33.99 h in zinc group as compared to 74.17±37.76 h inthe non-zinc group (p=0.05). Similarly, the mean duration for resolution of symptoms was 65.52±36.03 h in zinc group as compared to88.00±37.97 in non-zinc group (p=0.05). The 23% of the children in non-zinc group had treatment failure (p=0.03). Conclusion: Singledose of adjuvant oral zinc therapy in severe pneumonia, reduces the duration of respiratory distress, resolves the symptoms early anddecreases the incidence of treatment failure. However, the total duration of hospitalization was not affected by zinc therapy


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    The recommended electricity micro grid connects acquiring a wind generator employing a current-source ripping tools (VSC), a wave generator employing a VSC, an electrical storage battery employing a bidirectional electricity/electricity ripping tools, a resistive electricity load employing a load electricity/electricity ripping tools, with an ac utility company employing a bidirectional grid-tied inverter. So that you can begin to see the uncertainty and intermittent characteristics of wind power and wave, this paper proposes a built-in wind and wave generation system given by having an ac utility company or in the isolated load getting a electricity micro grid. The examined integrated wind and wave system elevated to finish up a part of when using the electricity micro grid is modeled and simulated while using the written program based on MATLAB/Simulink. Root-loci plots inside the examined system under various speeds inside the wave generator are examined. Comparative simulation and experimental results show the examined integrated system can maintain stable operation to supply power under different operating conditions while using the recommended electricity micro grid. To consider the essential operating characteristics inside the examined integrated system elevated to finish up a part of when using the electricity micro grid, a laboratory- scale platform may also be established

    Reconfigurable Radiation Using Double Layered High Impedance Surfaces

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    ABSTRACT: In the recent communication applications the need for antenna pattern synthesis and the radiation steering is very much desirable to deal with some of the problems in communications. Especially in the domain of multiplexing to give the same channel in multiple directions to get more efficient frequency spectrum appropriate adaptive antennas are desirable. In this paper we design a two-layered model of HIS to shift the radiation energy from theta=0° to theta=45 and 135° direction by using the rotation of inner hidden layer. And the radiation pattern is presented in the results. KEYWORDS: Rotatable Patch, HIS, Radiation Steering, Two-Layer I.INTRODUCTION From past two decades High Impedance Ground planes proved very useful in enhancing the antenna parameters without changing the antenna physically. Due to its properties and TE and TM modes exhibiting in the presence of antenna II.RELATED WORK Up to now various models were introduced in the high impedance ground planes. Different shapes like square, circle, hexagonal etc are used as patch of the HIS. And some used the two-layered models for further enhancement of antenna patterns. Especially the frequency selective models with ring circle model are very useful. Various materials were used to design metallic plates of the HIS plane. Some exhibited better results than the existing ones. And in recent researches some attempted to modify the antenna parameters by changing the working of HIS electronically. In this some electronically variable diodes are used between the metallic plates when these biasing voltages are changed than the antenna radiation will reconfigure respectively. III.PROPOSED MODEL In present paper we propose a new two-layered HIS to obtain radiation recofigurability . Here the first layer will have pins at the corners and the second hidden layer has pins at the centre and which is rotatable. One unit cell will contain the four patches in first layer and one in second layers and the model is shown in th


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    Objective: To develop a novel, accurate, precise and linear reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method for simultaneous quantitative estimation of ramipril, atorvastatin and clopidogrel in Atamra-CV tablet and validate as per international conference on harmonization (ICH) guidelines and to perform the force degradation studies using the developed method.Methods: In the present work, the good chromatographic separation was achieved isocratically using a shim-pack HPLC Kromasil 150 mm x 4.6 mm, 5 m. m. And mobile phase consisting of 0.05 M potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate pH 3 adjusted with orthophosphoric acid and acetonitrile in the ratio (52:48), at flow rate 1 ml/min and column temperature (30 °C). The effluents obtained were monitored at 210 nm with the UV-visible detector.Results: The retention time of ramipril, atorvastatin and clopidogrel was found to be 2.893 min, 5.012 min and 6.102 min respectively. The linearity of ramipril, atorvastatin and clopidogrel was found in the range of 25-150 % and the correlation coefficient for ramipril, atorvastatin and clopidogrel were>0.999. The high recovery values (98%-101%) indicate a satisfactory accuracy. The low percent relative standard deviation (% RSD) values in the precision study reveals that the method is precise. The three-drug samples were subjected to stress conditions of acidic and alkaline hydrolysis, oxidation, photolysis and thermal degradation. The proposed method proved to be stability-indicating by resolution of the analytes from their forced-degradation products.Conclusion: The developed method is novel, simple, precise, rapid, accurate and reproducible for simultaneous estimation of ramipril, atorvastatin and clopidogrel tablet dosage form. Hence the proposed method may find practical applications as a quality-control tool in the simultaneous analysis of the three drugs in combined dosage forms in quality-control laboratories. The proposed method was made use of photodiode array (PDA) as a tool for peak identification and purity confirmation

    Constraints in dry chilli cultivation practices and mechanization of harvesting in Southern India

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    Dry chilli production in India condition faces many challenges apart from adverse weather conditions, labor-intensive production practices and higher overall production costs are limiting profitable dry chilli cultivation. Therefore, a study was carried to know the key constraints in current chilli production practices in eight major production districts of three states. A systematic research and development approach is essential to know the range of constraints and farmers preferences over technological options for field operations. The harvesting operation alone demands 43% of labour 360.5 man-days/ha. So, red chilli harvesting mechanization is a definite immediate requirement to reduce labour input. Farmers (47%) prefer small size self-propelled chilli harvester over tractor operated equipment. In the production catchments, farmer also inferred to change the cultivation practices to mechanize chilli production operations, but 18% of farmers hesitant to adopt one-timeharvesting chilli varieties due to suspicion about the yield potentials

    Human ventromedial prefrontal cortex is necessary for prosocial motivation

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    Ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) is vital for decision-making. Functional neuroimaging links vmPFC to processing rewards and effort, while parallel work suggests vmPFC involvement in prosocial behaviour. However, the necessity of vmPFC for these functions is unknown. Patients with rare focal vmPFC lesions (n = 25), patients with lesions elsewhere (n = 15) and healthy controls (n = 40) chose between rest and exerting effort to earn rewards for themselves or another person. vmPFC damage decreased prosociality across behavioural and computational measures. vmPFC patients earned less, discounted rewards by effort more, and exerted less force when another person benefited, compared to both control groups. Voxel-based lesion mapping revealed dissociations between vmPFC subregions. While medial damage led to antisocial behaviour, lateral damage increased prosocial behaviour relative to patients with damage elsewhere. vmPFC patients also showed reduced effort sensitivity overall, but reward sensitivity was limited to specific subregions. These results reveal multiple causal contributions of vmPFC to prosocial behaviour, effort and reward