2 research outputs found
H!FISH: Aquaculture dalam Aplikasi Sebagai Solusi Tepat pada Era Pandemic Covid19
Sanjaya R, Syam DA, Absharina FD, Rarassari MA. 2020. !FISH: Aquaculture in Application As The Right Solution in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-8 Tahun 2020, Palembang 20 Oktober 2020. pp. xx: Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).The Covid19 Pandemic has impact starting to depress the national economy. The business sector is negatively affected, with a lot of employees being victimized by layoffs. This has an effect on the financial situation, thus encouraging people to rise up by taking entrepreneurial alternatives. H!FISH was presented as the right solution for covid19 Pandemic. The aims for this application to provide information and knowledge in the field of fisheries to people who have a desire to start entrepreneurial, given the abundant fishery resources. The advantages offered in the form of intensive and suistainable consultation from competent experts in the field of fisheries include aquaculture techniques, fish disease management, water quality management and fish nutrition. Consultation can be done from preparation to product marketing, even H! FISH will also provide special capital loans for people who want to be entrepreneurial fisheries. It is hoped that this innovation will be a breakthrough to help people affected by Covid19 and increase the skill to be professionally entrepreneurial and produce fish to meet the needs of independent food
Pematangan Gonad Calon Induk Ikan Selincah (Belontia hasselti Cuvier, 1831) dengan Tingkat Kepadatan Berbeda di Embung Sriwijaya
The domestication of java combtail (Belontia hasselti Cuvier, 1831) has not been carried out so far, its existence in nature is getting less and less. This causes the domestication of java combtail to be very important, so that it can maintain sustainability and meet market demand for these fish. Stocking density is one of the factors that influence the development of gonadal maturity levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the best stocking density in the maturation of java combtail broodstock. This research was conducted at the Sriwijaya Reservoir, Aquaculture Laboratory and Experimental Ponds, Department of Fisheries, Universitas Sriwijaya. The test fish used were obtained from the catch of fishermen in the swamp area on the Belida River, Gumai Village. The results of the rearing of java combtail with different stocking densities in P2 treatment significantly affected the male gonad maturity index of 1.11±1.63% and females of 13.91±17.06%, male gonad index of 7.98±10 .53 and females 81.63±107.54, fecundity of 4174±4884 eggs and egg diameter of 40.34±45.97 m. Meanwhile, the maturity level of fish gonads was faster, especially in female java combtail (B. hasselti Cuvier, 1831) at TKG IV.Domestikasi terhadap ikan selincah (Belontia hasselti Cuvier, 1831) selama ini masih belum dilakukan, keberadaannya di alam semakin lama semakin berkurang. Hal ini menyebabkan dometikasi terhadap ikan selincah sangat penting untuk dilakukan, sehingga dapat menjaga kelestarian dan memenuhi permintaan pasar terhadap ikan tersebut. Padat tebar merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan tingkat kematangan gonad. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui padat tebar terbaik dalam pematangan induk ikan selincah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Embung Sriwijaya, Labobatorium Budidaya Perairan dan Kolam Percobaan Jurusan Perikanan Unsri. Ikan uji yang digunakan di dapat dari hasil tangkapan nelayan di daerah rawa di Sungai Belida Desa Gumai. Hasil penelitian pemeliharaan ikan selincah dengan padat tebar yang berbeda pada perlakuan P2 dengan kepadatan 30 ekor/m3 berpengaruh nyata terhadap indeks kematangan gonad jantan sebesar 1,11±1,63% dan betina sebesar 13,91±17,06%, indeks gonad jantan sebesar 7,98±10,53 dan betina 81,63±107,54, fekunditas sebesar 4174±4884 butir dan diamater telur sebesar 40,34±45,97 µm. Sedangkan tingkat kematangan gonad ikan lebih cepat terutama pada ikan selincah (B. hasselti Cuvier, 1831) betina pada TKG IV