111 research outputs found

    Computed tomography guided laser ablation of osteoid osteoma: a study of 30 cases

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    Background: Osteoid osteoma (OO) is a benign but painful bone lesion that primarily occurs in children and young adults 1. Male:Female ratio is 3:1. The aim of the study was to present our experience of CT guided LASER  ablation  of  radiologicaly proven Osteoid osteomas  in the various bones.Methods: Over the period of 5 years 30 cases of osteoid osteomas in various bones diagnosed on various modalities were treated by CT guided LASER ablation. Bone wise distribution of cases was spine (3), upper end of femur (11), lower end of femur (6), upper end of tibia (4), upper end of humerus (3), lower end of radius (2) and calcaneum (1). 22 patients were treated under spinal and regional anesthesia and 8 patients were treated under short general anesthesia. All the patients were treated on day care basis. The LASER fiber was inserted in the nidus under CT guidance through bone biopsy needle and 1800 joules energy delivered in the lesion continuous mode.Results: 29 (96%) patients have complete relief of pain in twenty-four hours after LASER ablation, One week after treatment all 30 patients were pain free. No neurologic complication was observed in any of our patients with spinal osteoid osteomas.Conclusions: CT guided LASER ablation is a safe, simple and effective method of treatment for osteoid osteoma

    Dopamine increases risky choice while D2 blockade shortens decision time

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    Dopamine is crucially involved in decision-making and overstimulation within dopaminergic pathways can lead to impulsive behaviour, including a desire to take risks and reduced deliberation before acting. These behavioural changes are side effects of treatment with dopaminergic drugs in Parkinson disease, but their likelihood of occurrence is difficult to predict and may be influenced by the individual’s baseline endogenous dopamine state, and indeed correlate with sensation-seeking personality traits. We here collected data on a standard gambling task in healthy volunteers given either placebo, 2.5 mg of the dopamine antagonist haloperidol or 100/25 mg of the dopamine precursor levodopa in a within-subject design. We found an increase in risky choices on levodopa. Choices were, however, made faster on haloperidol with no effect of levodopa on deliberation time. Shortened deliberation times on haloperidol occurred in low sensation-seekers only, suggesting a correlation between sensation-seeking personality trait and baseline dopamine levels. We hypothesise that levodopa increases risk-taking behaviour via overstimulation at both D1 and D2 receptor level, while a single low dose of haloperidol, as previously reported (Frank and O’Reilly 2006), may block D2 receptors pre- and post-synaptically and may paradoxically lead to higher striatal dopamine acting on remaining striatal D1 receptors, causing speedier decision without influencing risk tolerance. These effects could also fit with a recently proposed computational model of the basal ganglia (Moeller and Bogacz 2019; Moeller et al. 2021). Furthermore, our data suggest that the actual dopaminergic drug effect may be dependent on the individual’s baseline dopamine state, which may influence our therapeutic decision as clinicians in the future

    Dopamine promotes instrumental motivation, but reduces reward-related vigour.

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    We can be motivated when reward depends on performance, or merely by the prospect of a guaranteed reward. Performance-dependent (contingent) reward is instrumental, relying on an internal action-outcome model, whereas motivation by guaranteed reward may minimise opportunity cost in reward-rich environments. Competing theories propose that each type of motivation should be dependent on dopaminergic activity. We contrasted these two types of motivation with a rewarded saccade task, in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). When PD patients were ON dopamine, they had greater response vigour (peak saccadic velocity residuals) for contingent rewards, whereas when PD patients were OFF medication, they had greater vigour for guaranteed rewards. These results support the view that reward expectation and contingency drive distinct motivational processes, and can be dissociated by manipulating dopaminergic activity. We posit that dopamine promotes goal-directed motivation, but dampens reward-driven vigour, contradictory to the prediction that increased tonic dopamine amplifies reward expectation

    Dopamine D2 receptor stimulation modulates the balance between ignoring and updating according to baseline working memory ability

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    BACKGROUND:Working memory (WM) deficits in neuropsychiatric disorders have often been attributed to altered dopaminergic signalling. Specifically, D2 receptor stimulation is thought to affect the ease with which items can be gated into and out of WM. In addition, this effect has been hypothesised to vary according to baseline WM ability, a putative index of dopamine synthesis levels. Moreover, whether D2 stimulation affects WM vicariously through modulating relatively WM-free cognitive control processes has not been explored. AIMS:We examined the effect of administering a dopamine agonist on the ability to ignore or update information in WM. METHOD:A single dose of cabergoline (1 mg) was administered to healthy older adult humans in a within-subject, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. In addition, we obtained measures of baseline WM ability and relatively WM-free cognitive control (overcoming response conflict). RESULTS:Consistent with predictions, baseline WM ability significantly modulated the effect that drug administration had on the proficiency of ignoring and updating. High-WM individuals were relatively better at ignoring compared to updating after drug administration. Whereas the opposite occurred in low-WM individuals. Although the ability to overcome response conflict was not affected by cabergoline, a negative relationship between the effect the drug had on response conflict performance and ignoring was observed. Thus, both response conflict and ignoring are coupled to dopaminergic stimulation levels. CONCLUSIONS:Cumulatively, these results provide evidence that dopamine affects subcomponents of cognitive control in a diverse, antagonistic fashion and that the direction of these effects is dependent upon baseline WM

    A new toolbox to distinguish the sources of spatial memory error

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    Characterization of reward and effort mechanisms in apathy

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    AbstractApathy is a common but poorly understood condition with a wide societal impact observed in several brain disorders as well as, to some extent, in the normal population. Hence the need for better characterization of the underlying mechanisms. The processes by which individuals decide to attribute physical effort to obtain rewards might be particularly relevant to relate to apathy traits. Here, we designed two paradigms to assess individual differences in physical effort production and effort-based decision-making and their relation to apathy in healthy people. Apathy scores were measured using a modified version of the Lille Apathy Rating Scale, suitable for use in a non-clinical population.In the first study, apathy scores were correlated with the degree to which stake (reward on offer) and difficulty level impacts on physical effort production. Individuals with relatively high apathy traits showed an increased modulation of effort while more motivated individuals generally exerted greater force across different levels of stake. To clarify the underlying mechanisms for this behavior, we designed a second task that allows independent titration of stake and effort levels for which subjects are willing to engage in an effortful response to obtain a reward. Our results suggest that apathy traits in the normal population are related to the way reward subjectively affects the estimation of effort costs, and more particularly manifest as decreased willingness to exert effort when rewards are small, or below threshold. The tasks we introduce here may provide useful tools to further investigate apathy in clinical populations

    Neural mechanisms of attending to items in working memory

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    Working memory, the ability to keep recently accessed information available for immediate manipulation, has been proposed to rely on two mechanisms that appear difficult to reconcile: self-sustained neural firing, or the opposite-activity-silent synaptic traces. Here we review and contrast models of these two mechanisms, and then show that both phenomena can co-exist within a unified system in which neurons hold information in both activity and synapses. Rapid plasticity in flexibly-coding neurons allows features to be bound together into objects, with an important emergent property being the focus of attention. One memory item is held by persistent activity in an attended or "focused" state, and is thus remembered better than other items. Other, previously attended items can remain in memory but in the background, encoded in activity-silent synaptic traces. This dual functional architecture provides a unified common mechanism accounting for a diversity of perplexing attention and memory effects that have been hitherto difficult to explain in a single theoretical framework

    Dopamine guides competition for cognitive control:Common effects of haloperidol on working memory and response conflict

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    Several lines of evidence suggest that dopamine modulates working memory (the ability to faithfully maintain and efficiently manipulate information over time) but its specific role has not been fully defined. Nor is it clear whether any effects of dopamine are specific to memory processes or whether they reflect more general cognitive mechanisms that extend beyond the working memory domain. Here, we examine the effect of haloperidol, principally a dopamine D2 receptor antagonist, on the ability of humans to ignore distracting information or update working memory contents. We compare these effects to performance on an independent measure of cognitive control (response conflict) which has minimal memory requirements. Haloperidol did not selectively affect the ability to ignore or update, but instead reduced the overall quality of recall. In addition, it impaired the ability to overcome response conflict. The deleterious effect of haloperidol on response conflict was selectively associated with the negative effect of the drug on ignoring - but not updating - suggesting that dopamine affects protection of working memory contents and inhibition in response conflict through a common mechanism. These findings provide new insights into the role of dopamine D2 receptors on human cognition. They suggest that D2 receptor effects on protecting the memory contents from distraction might be related to a more general process that supports inhibitory control in contexts that do not require working memory
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