323 research outputs found


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    The research aims to study components and indicators of education management according to Sub – District Non – Formal and Informal Education Centre Standards for Excellence. The researcher studies principles, concepts, and theories from documents, textbooks, and related research both domestically and internationally. Then gather information analyze and synthesize data. To obtain the components and indicators of educational management according to the Sub – District Non – Formal and In-Formal Education Centre Standards for Excellence. The tools used for data collection were document recording forms and a form to assess the suitability of components and indicators by confirming the elements and indicators from the 9 experts. The results of the study showed that 1) the Components and Indicators of Education Management according to Sub-District Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre Standards for Excellence consisted 7 components: (1) Organizational Leadership, (2) Strategic Planning, (3) Learner and Stakeholder focus, (4) Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management, (5) Personnel focus, (6) Process management, and (7) outcomes. 2) Organizational leadership elements and indicators. It is most appropriate. 3) Strategic planning elements and indicators. It is the most appropriate. 4) Elements and indicators of learner and stakeholder focus are most appropriate. 5) Elements and indicators of measurement, analysis, and knowledge management are very appropriate. 6) Composition and indicators of personnel focus. It is very appropriate. 7) Process management elements and indicators. It is the most appropriate


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    This paper is to report for developing a web-based form of social learning performances of the social gamification functional learning online to enhance behaviors and critical thinking abilities of undergraduate students, to assess the effectiveness of learning lessons that based on the development model in according to the Meguigans criteria, and to investigate of learning activities based on the theme of learning development were as the main purpose study which the sample size consisted of 28 full-time fleshy students who sat in the Computer Education Program, Faculty of Education in Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University.  Administrations with the research instruments, such as; the Web-Based Lessons, the Learning Behavior Measurement, the Learning Achievement Test were used. Statistically significant was compared between students’ learning outcomes of their learning different learning functions with an average mean score and the standard deviation was analyzed. The results of these findings have indicated that: the quality of Web-based lessons from professional content on the web techniques and methods evidence at a high level. Students’ learning on the performance efficiency of the Web-based model was developed on the basis of Meguigans criteria as 1.06, which was more than one lesson on the Web efficiently. The effects of the learning activities as a form of social gamification functional learning online to the enhancing behaviors toward critical thinking abilities of undergraduate students, which revealed those students’ learning behaviors of in the usual form of learning that develop depended on to a large extent at the high level. Statistically significant was compared between the average scores of students’ critical thinking of their social gamification functional learning online and usual learning form was differenced at the level of 0.01. Students’ responses of their learning achievements in according to be developed the social gamification functional learning online was higher than their usual learning indicated that of 0.01, differentiated significantly.  Article visualizations

    Design and Construction of an Automatic Height Sorting Mechatronic Training Set

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    This research aimed to design and construct of an automated height sorting mechatronic training set for separating work pieces. The quality of this developed training set was evaluated by experts to find the efficiency. The research tools consisted of an automated height sorting mechatronic training set and worksheet. The developed training set was able to sorting 3 different height and became quite suitable for using in industry. The evaluation of this training set was assessed by experts for example the training set itself and worksheet. The efficient evaluation was experimented by 30 undergraduate students (4th year) in electronic engineering and automation control systems. The statistics analysis such as percentile mean and standard deviation was applied to evaluation this training set. The results showed that the quality of this developed training set w

    Effect of SiO2 and TiO2 Nanoparticles on the Performance of Dye- Sensitized Solar Cells Using PVDF-HFP/PVA Gel Electrolytes

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    AbstractIn this work, we aimed to study the effect of nanoparticles on the efficiency of dye-sensitiezed solar cells (DSSC) using polymer gel electrolytes (PGE) of PVDF-HFP/PVA blends. The concentration of polymer blend was fixed at 10 wt% with ratios of 8:2. The TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles was varied at 0.25 - 2.0 wt%. It was found that the efficiencies (η) of the cells using liquid electrolyte and PGE were 3.49¹0.05% and 3.26¹0.09%, respectively. While the efficiencies of DSSCs using nanocomposite electrolytes was considerably decreased. The best effeciency of DSSCs using PGE containing 0.25 wt% TiO2 and 0.5 wt% SiO2 were found to be 2.71¹0.10% and 3.03¹0.09%, respectively. This may be due to the higher viscosity of the nanocomposite gels and phase separations between nanoparticles and polymer matrices. Furthermore, the electrical resistances of electrolytes were investigated by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The EIS showed that DSSC using ionic liquid electrolyte (ILE) shows the lowest Rct2 and Rdiff, and the interfacial resistances. While the DSSC containing nanoparticles exhibits the higher Rct2 and Rdiff, corresponding to their DSSC efficiency. This result corresponding with their DSSCs effeciences. The functional groups of polymer gel electrolytes were investigated by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and the thermal properties of polymer gel electrolytes were analysis by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) for applications in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs)


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    Penelitian hukum ini bertujuan mengetahui hukum kepailitan bagi Indonesia setelah menjadi anggota UNCITRAL PBB. Kepailitan adalah suatu sitaan dan eksekusi atau seluruh kekayaan si debitor (orang-orang yang berutang) untuk kepentingan semua kreditor kreditornya (orang-orang berpiutang). Penulisan mengunakan metode penelitian Kepustakaan (Library Research). Penelitian Kepustakaan (Library Research) adalah penelitian yang menggunakan data sekunder. penulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan Normatif. Pendekatan Normatif adalah peninjau permasalahan hukum secara normatif (boleh atau tidak boleh menurut hukum yang berlaku). Sumber data penelitian berupa data sekunder yaitu bahan hokum primer, dan bahan hukum sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan bahan hukum yaitu studi pustaka. Hasil penelitianini bahwa Setelah tergabungnya Indonesia menjadi anggota UNCITRAL Model Law, sebaiknya Indonesia perlu membuat peraturan positif yang mengatur pokok-pokok pendukung kerjasama tersebut, terutama menganai eksekusi dan kerjasama peradilan, juga yang lebih penting adalah tentang bantuan hukum timbal balik antar negara dibidang perkara perdata, agar nantinya tersinkronasi dengan baik antara pihak dengan negara berbeda dan konstitusi berbeda pada saat proses peradilan kepailitan berjalan. Dan perlunya kerjasama pengadilan dengan perwakilan dan pengadilan asing akan membantu langkah awal indonesia untuk merumuskan hukum kepailitan nasional yang modern dan harmonis. Indonesia harus mampu beradaptasi dengan baik namun juga tetap menjaga kepentingan nasional dalam menghadapi intergrasi ekonomi ASEAN yang berkembang pesat dan begitu dinamis. Kata kunci : Kepailitan , Anggota UNCITRAL PB

    Pematangan Demokrasi dan Sistem Politik Indonesia: Kendala Pelembagaan dan Kepemimpinan

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    Variasi kata ganti nama dialek di pesisir Sungai Perak: analisis Geographical Information System (GIS)

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    Kajian ini meneliti variasi leksikal kata ganti nama (KGN) diri pertama ‘saya’, kedua ‘kamu’ dan ketiga ‘mereka’ dalam dialek Melayu di pesisir Sungai Perak. Kajian geo-dialek ini telah menggabungkan penelitian kebahasaan iaitu dialek dengan maklumat bukan bahasa iaitu bentuk muka bumi, persempadanan, migrasi dan sejarah. Sejumlah 200 orang responden daripada 20 buah kampung telah dipilih. Mereka adalah 100 warga tua dan 100 dewasa. Mereka ditemubual dan seterusnya diminta mengisi soal selidik yang berkaitan. Penganalisisan data dilakukan dengan berbantukan teknologi daripada bidang kajian geografi iaitu Geographic Information System (GIS). Kajian ini telah mencapai objektif yang telah ditetapkan iaitu mengenal pasti penggunaan variasi leksikal bagi ketiga-tiga KGN dialek yang dituturkan di pesisir Sungai Perak. Selain itu, perbandingan dan pemetaan bagi setiap varian leksikal KGN di pesisir Sungai Perak tersebut telah berjaya dikemukakan dengan bantuan teknologi GIS. Seterusnya, penerapan aplikasi GIS ini telah berjaya menghuraikan faktor geografi yang mempengaruhi pembentukan dan penyebaran variasi leksikal bagi ketiga-tiga KGN dialek di pesisir Sungai Perak tersebut. Ternyata, perisian GIS ini telah berjaya membantu pengkaji dalam mengemukakan paparan peta setiap variasi dan varian tertinggi leksikal KGN dialek di pesisir Sungai Perak. Dapatan kajian telah dapat membuktikan bahawa Perak Tengah adalah kawasan asli dialek Perak dengan memberikan sempadan geografi yang tepat berbanding kajian terdahulu. Buktinya, beberapa kampung di Perak Tengah menggunakan varian Kuala Kangsar kerana faktor topografi dan migrasi. Pada masa yang sama, wujudnya tiga varian untuk mereka, iaitu /dem/ untuk Kuala Kangsar, /dem/ untuk Perak Tengah dan /depa/ untuk dialek Kedah. Diandaikan sukukata /de/ menjadi asas sukukata bagi tiga varian ganti nama yang tersebut. Sesungguhnya GIS mampu memberikan huraian penyebaran dialek Melayu pesisir Sungai Perak dengan lebih sistematik dan meyakinkan. Faktor muka bumi berserta faktor persempadanan, migrasi dan sejarah sememangnya memainkan peranan penting dalam penyebaran sesuatu dialek itu
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