18 research outputs found
The origin of mafic–ultramafic rocks and felsic plutons along the Clarke River suture zone: implications for porphyry exploration in the northern Tasmanides
The Clarke River Fault in northeast Queensland records an early Paleozoic history of subduction, accretion and continental suturing. Samples of mafic–ultramafic rocks collected proximal to the Clarke River Fault record oceanic geochemical affinities and comprise alteration assemblages consistent with an ophiolitic origin. The ca 456 Ma Falls Creek Tonalite records a continental-arc geochemical signature and was formed in response to long-lived subduction beneath the Thomson Orogen. Ordovician subduction beneath the Thomson Orogen is broadly coeval with arc magmatism documented in the Lachlan Orogen, which has been associated with the formation of several large porphyry ore deposits. The Falls Creek Tonalite yields adakite-like geochemical signatures that reflect a fertile melt source conducive to the formation of porphyry ore deposits. The outcropping plutons record ductile deformation consistent with mid-crustal depths, and they were emplaced during late syntectonic activity. This implies that the Falls Creek Tonalite was emplaced at too great a depth to have formed porphyry ore deposits. The northern Charters Towers Province shares many geological similarities to the Greenvale Province, where the erosional level may be shallower, and the potential for porphyry deposit formation and preservation may be greater
Cu isotopes in groundwater for hydrogeochemical mineral exploration: A case study using the world-class Mount Isa Cu–Pb–Zn deposit (Australia)
Copper is the crux resource in the transition to renewable energy sources, with green technologies such as solar panels, wind turbines and batteries all relying on this critical metal for their componentry, and more importantly for connection to electrical grids. While demand intensifies, copper discovery rates continue to fall due to increased scarcity of deposits that are outcropping and/or detectable by conventional means. This has engendered novel methods of detecting Cu-bearing ore under cover, such as hydrogeochemical analyses to trace ore mineral interaction with natural waters. This notably includes the development of Cu isotope systematics in natural waters, wherein proximal to Cu-bearing ore bodies enrichment of water in the heavier Cu isotope occurs (e.g. from oxidative weathering), thus providing a fingerprint of water interaction with Cu-bearing sulfides. Here, Cu isotope compositions for eighteen groundwater samples overlying and distal to the world-class, sediment-hosted stratiform Mount Isa Cu–Zn–Pb deposit were analyzed to assess the utility of groundwater Cu isotope compositions as an exploration tool for Cu-bearing ore under cover. A further 12 chalcopyrite Cu isotope compositions were determined from two drill cores directly overlying the main Cu-bearing ore body, to establish a baseline Cu isotope composition for the Mt Isa deposit. Cu isotope data were synthesized together with field water parameters and placed within a geological context to construct a framework for interpretation. When accounting for industrially impacted sites and underlying geology, results show a clear trend towards heavy Cu isotope enrichment in groundwater proximal to known mineralization, with enrichments of ∼1 per mil (‰) or more relative to distal groundwater and primary deposit chalcopyrite. These results corroborate and expand upon similar work from surface and groundwater samples around porphyry, exotic and IOCG Cu-bearing deposits. Moreover, these results strongly indicate that groundwater Cu isotope systematics for exploration under cover has great potential as a vectoring tool, illustrating that thus far the technique is applicable across deposit types
The structural history and mineralization controls of the world-class Geita Hill gold deposit, Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania
The Geita Hill gold deposit is located in the Archean Geita Greenstone Belt and is one of the largest gold deposits in East Africa. The Geita Greenstone Belt experienced a complex deformation and intrusive history that is well illustrated and preserved in and around the Geita Hill gold deposit. Deformation involved early stages of ductile shearing and folding (D1 to D5), during which episodic emplacement of large diorite intrusive complexes, sills, and dykes occurred. These ductile deformation phases were followed by the development of brittle-ductile shear zones and faults (D6 to D8). The last stages of deformation were accompanied by voluminous felsic magmatism involving the intrusion of felsic porphyry dykes, within the greenstone belt, and the emplacement of large granitic bodies now forming the margins of the greenstone belt. Early, folded lamprophyre dykes, and later lamprophyre dykes, crosscutting the folded sequence are common, although volumetrically insignificant. The gold deposit formed late during the tectonic history of the greenstone belt, post-dating ductile deformation and synchronous with the development of brittle-ductile shear zones that overprinted earlier structural elements. The main mineralizing process involved sulfide replacement of magnetite-rich layers in ironstone and locally the replacement of ferromagnesian phases and magnetite in the diorite intrusions. The intersection between the brittle-ductile (D6) Geita Hill Shear Zone and different structural elements of ductile origin (e.g., fold hinges), and the contact between banded ironstone and folded diorite dykes and sills provided the optimal sites for gold mineralization
Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotope data from the Kukuluma Terrain of the Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania Craton: Implications for stratigraphy, crustal growth and timing of gold mineralization
The Geita Greenstone Belt is a late Archean greenstone belt located in the Tanzania Craton, trending approximately E-Wand can be subdivided into three NW-SE trending terrains: the Kukuluma Terrain to the east, the Central Terrain in the middle and the Nyamullilima Terrain in the west. The Kukuluma Terrain, forms a NW-SE trending zone of complexly deformed sediments, intruded by the Kukuluma Intrusive Complex which, contains an early-syntectonic diorite-monzonite suite and a late-syntectonic granodiorite suite. Three gold deposits (Matandani, Kukuluma and Area 3W) are found along the contact between the Kukuluma Intrusive Complex and the sediments. A crystal tuff layer from the Kukuluma deposits returned an age of 2717 ± 12 Ma which can be used to constrain maximum sedimentation age in the area. Two granodiorite dykes from the same deposit and a small granodiorite intrusion found along a road cut yielded zircon ages of 2667 ± 17 Ma, 2661 ± 16 Ma and 2663 ± 11 Ma respectively. One mineralized granodiorite dyke from the Matandani deposit has an age of 2651 ± 14 Ma which can be used to constrain the maximum age of the gold mineralization in the area. The 2717 Ma crystal tuff has zircon grains with suprachondritic 176Hf/177Hf ratios (0.28108e0.28111 at 2717 Ma) and positive (þ1.6 to þ2.6) εHf values indicating derivation from juvenile mafic crust. Two of the granodiorite samples have suprachondritic 176Hf/177Hf ratios (avg. 0.28106 and 0.28107 at 2663 and 2651 Ma respectively) and nearly chondritic εHf values (avg. -0.5 and -0.3 respectively). The other two granodiorite samples have chondritic 176Hf/177Hf ratios (avg. 0.28104 and 0.28103 at 2667 and 2661 Ma respectively) and slightly negative εHf values (avg. -1.1 and -1.5 respectively). The new zircon age and isotope data suggest that the igneous activity in the Kukuluma Terrain involves a significant juvenile component and occurred within the 2720 to 2620 Ma period which, is the main period of crustal growth in the northern half of the Tanzania Craton
Decision Agriculture
In this chapter, the latest developments in the field of decision agriculture are discussed. The practice of management zones in digital agriculture is described for efficient and smart faming. Accordingly, the methodology for delineating management zones is presented. Modeling of decision support systems is explained along with discussion of the issues and challenges in this area. Moreover, the precision agriculture technology is also considered. Moreover, the chapter surveys the state of the decision agriculture technologies in the countries such as Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Israel, Malaysia, Pakistan, United Kingdom, Ukraine, and Sweden. Finally, different field factors such as GPS accuracy and crop growth are also analyzed
Data for: The tectonic history of a crustal-scale shear zone in the Tanzania Craton from the Geita Greenstone Belt, NW-Tanzania Craton
Zircon U-Pb age dat
Structural geology applied to the evaluation of hydrothermal gold deposits
The structural geology and tectonic setting of hydrothermal gold deposits are paramount for understanding their genesis and for their exploration. Strong structural control on mineralization is one of the defining features of these deposits and arises because the permeabilities of crustal rocks are too low to allow the formation of hydrothermal deposits on realistic timescales unless rocks are deformed. Deformation zones and networks of deformation zones are the fundamental structures that control mineralization. Systematically analyzing deposit geometry, kinematics, and dynamics leads to the most thorough comprehension of a deposit. Geometric analysis relates orebody shape to controlling structures, and networks of deformation zones can be analyzed using topol-ogy to understand their connectivity and mineralizing potential. Kinematic analysis determines the location of permeability creation and mineralization. New views of shear zone kinematics allow for variable ratios of pure to simple shear, which change likely directions of mineralization. Multiple orientations of mineralized deformation zones may form simultaneously and symmetrically about the principal strain axes. Dynamic analysis is necessary for a mechanical understanding of deformation, fluid flow, and mineralization and can be achieved through numerical modeling. The relationship between deformation (kinematics) and stress (dynamics) constitutes the rheology; rheological contrasts are critical for the localization of many deposits. Numerous gold deposits, especially the largest, have evidence for multiple mineralizing events that may be separated by tens to hundreds of millions of years. In these cases, reactivation of structures is common, and a range of orientations of preexisting structures are predicted to be reactivated, given that they are weaker than intact rock. Physical and chemical processes of mineralization can be integrated using a nonequilibrium thermodynamics approach. Hydrothermal gold deposits form in contractional, strike-slip, and extensional tectonic settings. However, there may be great variation in the spatial scale over which the tectonic setting applies, and tectonic settings may also change on rapid timescales, so that it is inadvisable to infer local tectonics from deposit-scale patterns, and vice versa. It is essential to place mineralizing events within a complete geologic history in order to distinguish pre-and postmineralizing structures from synmineralization deformation features
Sequential deuteric and hydrothermal alterations in the Late Neoproterozoic Um Naggat rare metal-bearing granite, Central Eastern Desert, Egypt
The Late Neoproterozoic rare metal-bearing granite of Um Naggat pluton records deuteric and magmatic-hydrothermal fluid activities that culminated in overlapping sequential metasomatic alterations. The pluton is petrographically discriminated into subsolvus biotite, hypersolvus alkali-feldspar, and subsolvus albite granites. The residual fluid interacted and re-equilibrated with the mica and feldspars. Two phases of albitization, greisenization, chloritization and hematitization, and one phase of silicification, as well as microclinization are recognized. Compared to the alkali-feldspar and albite granites, the microclinization is restricted to the biotite granite, whereas greisenization and albitization increase in the former two granites and reaches their climax in the albite granite. Repeated contrasting acid-and alkaline-based alterations emphasize the fluctuation of the acidic-basic behavior of the fluid as a consequence of dominantly hydrogen-and alkali-exchange reactions
Alteration paragenesis and the timing of mineralised quartz veins at the world-class Geita Hill gold deposit, Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania
The world-class Geita Hill deposit is one of the largest gold deposits located within the Geita Greenstone Belt in NW Tanzania. The deposit is hosted within a complexly deformed sedimentary package dominated by ironstone and intruded by diorite dykes. The gold mineralisation is spatially associated with the Geita Hill Shear Zone which, is a NE-trending, moderately NW dipping deformation zone consisting of a network of discontinuous shear fractures that record early thrusting overprinted by later strike-slip and normal events. The regional metamorphic assemblage in the meta-sediments is characterised by biotite +chlorite + actinolite +K-feldspar + magnetite ± pyrrhotite ± pyrite indicating upper greenschist facies conditions. The gold-related alteration overprints the regional metamorphic assemblage, and is characterised by silicification and sulfidation fronts that generally extend out from the mineralised zone by no more than one meter. The alteration assemblage includes sub-vertical, mineralised quartz veins that trend approximately E-W. The mineralised quartz veins are accompanied by alteration halos of quartz +biotite+ K-feldspar +pyrite which overprints the peak metamorphic assemblage. Gold is closely associated with secondary pyrite and occurs as free gold and gold tellurides (sylvanite, calaverite and nagyagite). It occurs mainly as inclusions in pyrite and as invisible gold in pyrite but also as gold inclusions in biotite and along quartz grain boundaries. Two distinct textural styles of auriferous pyrite can be distinguished: inclusion rich subhedral pyrite, hosting invisible gold, and inclusion free euhedral pyrite, hosting visible gold grains. It is common for the inclusions rich pyrite to have thick rims of inclusion free pyrite. The mineralising alteration is overprinted by barren, multiphase quartz-carbonate, and carbonate-chlorite veins. This alteration is characterised by the assemblage calcite +siderite +chlorite ± quartz ± pyrite ± barite. Palaeostress analysis of mineralised shear fractures along the Geita Hill Shear Zone are indicative of sigma 1 being vertical and sigma 3 trending N-S, indicating N-S extension, which is consistent with the orientation of the mineralised quartz veins
The geology of the giant Nyankanga gold deposit, Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania
Nyankanga is the largest gold deposit in the Geita Greenstone Belt of the northern Tanzania Craton. The deposit is hosted within an Archean volcano-sedimentary package dominated by ironstones and intruded by a large diorite complex, the Nyankanga Intrusive Complex. The supracrustal package is now included within the intrusive complex as roof pendants. The ironstone fragments contain evidence of multiple folding events that occurred prior to intrusion. The supracrustal package and Nyankanga Intrusive Complex are cut by a series of NE–SW trending, moderately NW dipping fault zones with a dominant reverse component of movement but showing multiple reactivation events with both oblique and normal movement components. The deposit is cut by a series of NW trending strike slip faults and ~ E–W trending late normal faults. The Nyankanga Fault Zone is a major NW dipping deformation zone developed mainly along the ironstone–diorite contacts that is mineralised over its entire length. The gold mineralization is hosted within the damage zone associated with Nyankanga Fault Zone by both diorite and ironstone with higher grades typically occurring in ironstone. Ore shoots dip more steeply than the Nyankanga Fault Zone. The mineralization is associated with sulfidation fronts and replacement textures in ironstones and is mostly contained as disseminated sulphides in diorite. The close spatial relationship between gold mineralization and the ironstone/diorite contact suggests that the reaction between the mineralising fluid and iron rich lithotypes played an important role in precipitating gold. Intense brecciation and veining, mainly in the footwall of Nyankanga Fault Zone, indicates that the fault zone increased permeability and allowed the access of mineralising fluids. The steeper dip of the ore shoots is consistent with mineralization during normal reactivation of the Nyankanga Fault Zone