237 research outputs found

    Electron microscopy in disease diagnosis - Winter school on recent advances in diagnosis and management of diseases in mariculture, 7th to 27th November 2002, Course Manual

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    Understanding the pathogen and the pathogenesis at cellular levels are imperative in the studies of disease causing organisms. With its very high resolving and magnifying powers. Electron Microscopy has opened up new vistas in studying the ultra structure and has become an indispensable tool in understanding many of the diseases and their etiological agents. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) can reveal the ultra structural details at cellular levels, whereas Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) can A show the morphology of minute structures/organisms in three-dimensional state. Combining the TEM and SEM, it has become possible to study and classify the viruses and virus like organisms

    Disease Management in Aquaculture

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    Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. When the ability of traditional food production systems such as agriculture and animal husbandry has shown stagnation, an alternative source has to be found out. In this endeavour, `aqua farmingтАЩ is to play a major role in our country, considering the vast water bodies of India, where aquaculture can be practised

    Introduction to Exotics and Trans-Boundary Movement of Aquatic Organisms: Policy Requirements and Relevance to Indian Aquaculture in the Post-WTO Scenario

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    Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing industries with an annual growth rate of more than 11 per cent for the past 10 years, producing about 16 per cent of the world supply of animal protein, primarily for human consumption. FAO (2007) has estimated the production from aquaculture at 47.8 million tonnes in 2005 and the global aquaculture production in comparison has overtaken the global production of meat from bovine, ovine, porcine and poultry. Global aquaculture production has jumped from a mere 3.9 per cent of the food produced in 1970 to an impressive 47 per cent in 2006, which indicates a 10 per cent per annum growth. The Indian aquaculture sector led by shrimp and carp farming has recorded an impressive growth during the past decades, raising itself to the status of an industry and a major source of foreign exchange to the country to the tune of @15000 crores/year. The strength of Indian aquaculture lies in (a) large water bodies suitable for aquaculture, (b) tropical Climate, (c) species diversity and (d) availability of cheap labour. While the weakness include (a) unregulated development, (b) disease problems and (c) lack of scientific approaches and (d) non-compliance with guidelines and regulations

    Diseases in Ornamental Fishes

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    Any impairment that interferes with the performance of normal funcrions including responses to environmental factors, roxicants, dimare, nutrition, infectious agents etc can be termed a disease. Diseases can be caused by a variety of factors, the most important being pathogens. Other factors contributing cowards the development of disease conditions include stress, environmental/water qualiry, physical agents, nutritional imbalance, toxins etc. or a combination of these

    Internal anatomy of the terminal ampoule of Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) and its role in spermatophore formation

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    Internal anatomy of terminal ampoule of Metapenaeus monoceros and the role played by this organ in spermatophore formation were elucidated employing histological and ultrastructural techniques. Terminal ampoule of mature male specimens consisted of an outer layer of connective tissue surrounding a layer of circular and longitudinal muscle fibres. The lumen of terminal ampoule was divided into four chambers lined by basophilic glandular epithelial cells, which showed intense secretary activity. One of the chambers had sperm mass surrounded by primary and secondary spermatophore layers. Formation of an eosinophilic matrix and adhesive globules resulting from secretions by glandular epithelial cells were observed in other chambers. Ultrastructural studies revealed that the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells had numerous free ribosomes, concentric arrangement of rough endoplasmic reticulum with vesicles often discharged into the lumen, and numerous electron dense bodies, all confirming the intense secretary activity taking place in the ampoule

    Spermatogenesis and spermatozoal ultrastructure in Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798)

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    Spermatogenesis in the тАШspeckled shrimpтАЩ Metapenaeus monoceros (Fabricius, 1798) was studied employing histological and transmission electron microscopic techniques. Male specimens of the species were classified into three maturity stages based on gross morphology. Spermatozoa of M. monoceros was observed to be unistellate with a spherical main body and a spike. The main body was made up of a central nuclear region, a peripheral cytoplasmic band and an acrosomal cap, which overlaid the nuclear region anteriorly. From the acrosomal cap projected an extended spike towards the anterior of the spermatozoa. The spike and the acrosomal cap together were called the acrosomal vesicle. The average length of the spermatozoa was 6┬╡ m. The main body had a mean diameter of 3.4┬╡ m with the spike measuring 2.6┬╡ m in length

    Evaluation of oil of Cedrus deodara and benzyl benzoate in sarcoptic mange in sheep

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    Two commonly used acaricidal drugs in India containing oil Cedrus deodara (OCD) and benzyl benzoate (BB), respectively, were used in 24 lambs (3тАУ6 months) naturally infected with Sarcoptes mites. The lambs were divided in three equal groups. Two groups were kept as treated groups and a third as control. Drugs were applied locally on affected parts on alternate days and recovery changes in skin lesions were observed regularly at the time of application. Blood samples from each group were collected and analysed for total erythrocytes, leukocytes, and haemoglobin concentration every 10 d Post treatment (PT). The two treated groups responded to the treatment but recovery in the C. deodara group (CDG) was faster and lesions were free from mites after 5 applications (tenth day) as compared to the seventh application (fourteenth day) in the benzyl benzoate group (BBG). Erythrocyte and leukocyte counts were significantly different in treated groups as compared to control. Animals treated with OCD had significantly more erythrocyte and leukocyte counts compared to control; however, haemoglobin did not show significant difference. Oil of C. deodara was found more efficacious in controlling sarcoptic mange in sheep

    Bibliography: Diseases, Parasites and Toxicology of Perna viridis,Crassostrea madrasensis and Villorita cyprinoids (Mollusca: Pelecypoda) of India

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    A proper understanding of the hazards associated with the fishery products on national basis has been the primary objective of the AP Cess Funded National Network Project on National Risk Assessment Programme for Fish and Fish Products for Domestic and International Markets. In this connection, the bibliography is prepared with the sole aim to compile all the available literature on this subject to produce a ready source of reference material for future investigators. In spite of the meticulous task and completeness, the authors express their regrets for any errors or omissions

    Health Management Concepts in Lobster Mariculture

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    Lobsters are considered as highly priced delicacies and command high prices in the domestic and. export markets. Lobster fishety which remained as subsistence fishery till the sixties bas now flourished into a commercial activity earning valuable foreign excbange for the country
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