195 research outputs found

    Projective Ring Line Encompassing Two-Qubits

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    The projective line over the (non-commutative) ring of two-by-two matrices with coefficients in GF(2) is found to fully accommodate the algebra of 15 operators - generalized Pauli matrices - characterizing two-qubit systems. The relevant sub-configuration consists of 15 points each of which is either simultaneously distant or simultaneously neighbor to (any) two given distant points of the line. The operators can be identified with the points in such a one-to-one manner that their commutation relations are exactly reproduced by the underlying geometry of the points, with the ring geometrical notions of neighbor/distant answering, respectively, to the operational ones of commuting/non-commuting. This remarkable configuration can be viewed in two principally different ways accounting, respectively, for the basic 9+6 and 10+5 factorizations of the algebra of the observables. First, as a disjoint union of the projective line over GF(2) x GF(2) (the "Mermin" part) and two lines over GF(4) passing through the two selected points, the latter omitted. Second, as the generalized quadrangle of order two, with its ovoids and/or spreads standing for (maximum) sets of five mutually non-commuting operators and/or groups of five maximally commuting subsets of three operators each. These findings open up rather unexpected vistas for an algebraic geometrical modelling of finite-dimensional quantum systems and give their numerous applications a wholly new perspective.Comment: 8 pages, three tables; Version 2 - a few typos and one discrepancy corrected; Version 3: substantial extension of the paper - two-qubits are generalized quadrangles of order two; Version 4: self-dual picture completed; Version 5: intriguing triality found -- three kinds of geometric hyperplanes within GQ and three distinguished subsets of Pauli operator

    Multi-Line Geometry of Qubit-Qutrit and Higher-Order Pauli Operators

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    The commutation relations of the generalized Pauli operators of a qubit-qutrit system are discussed in the newly established graph-theoretic and finite-geometrical settings. The dual of the Pauli graph of this system is found to be isomorphic to the projective line over the product ring Z2xZ3. A "peculiar" feature in comparison with two-qubits is that two distinct points/operators can be joined by more than one line. The multi-line property is shown to be also present in the graphs/geometries characterizing two-qutrit and three-qubit Pauli operators' space and surmised to be exhibited by any other higher-level quantum system.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. International Journal of Theoretical Physics (2007) accept\'

    Projective Ring Line of an Arbitrary Single Qudit

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    As a continuation of our previous work (arXiv:0708.4333) an algebraic geometrical study of a single dd-dimensional qudit is made, with dd being {\it any} positive integer. The study is based on an intricate relation between the symplectic module of the generalized Pauli group of the qudit and the fine structure of the projective line over the (modular) ring \bZ_{d}. Explicit formulae are given for both the number of generalized Pauli operators commuting with a given one and the number of points of the projective line containing the corresponding vector of \bZ^{2}_{d}. We find, remarkably, that a perp-set is not a set-theoretic union of the corresponding points of the associated projective line unless dd is a product of distinct primes. The operators are also seen to be structured into disjoint `layers' according to the degree of their representing vectors. A brief comparison with some multiple-qudit cases is made

    The attractor mechanism as a distillation procedure

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    In a recent paper it has been shown that for double extremal static spherically symmetric BPS black hole solutions in the STU model the well-known process of moduli stabilization at the horizon can be recast in a form of a distillation procedure of a three-qubit entangled state of GHZ-type. By studying the full flow in moduli space in this paper we investigate this distillation procedure in more detail. We introduce a three-qubit state with amplitudes depending on the conserved charges the warp factor, and the moduli. We show that for the recently discovered non-BPS solutions it is possible to see how the distillation procedure unfolds itself as we approach the horizon. For the non-BPS seed solutions at the asymptotically Minkowski region we are starting with a three-qubit state having seven nonequal nonvanishing amplitudes and finally at the horizon we get a GHZ state with merely four nonvanishing ones with equal magnitudes. The magnitude of the surviving nonvanishing amplitudes is proportional to the macroscopic black hole entropy. A systematic study of such attractor states shows that their properties reflect the structure of the fake superpotential. We also demonstrate that when starting with the very special values for the moduli corresponding to flat directions the uniform structure at the horizon deteriorates due to errors generalizing the usual bit flips acting on the qubits of the attractor states.Comment: 38 pages LaTe

    MUBs: From finite projective geometry to quantum phase enciphering

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    This short note highlights the most prominent mathematical problems and physical questions associated with the existence of the maximum sets of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) in the Hilbert space of a given dimensionComment: 5 pages, accepted for AIP Conf Book, QCMC 2004, Strathclyde, Glasgow, minor correction

    The Projective Line Over the Finite Quotient Ring GF(2)[xx]/<x3x>< x^{3} - x> and Quantum Entanglement II. The Mermin "Magic" Square/Pentagram

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    In 1993, Mermin (Rev. Mod. Phys. 65, 803--815) gave lucid and strikingly simple proofs of the Bell-Kochen-Specker (BKS) theorem in Hilbert spaces of dimensions four and eight by making use of what has since been referred to as the Mermin(-Peres) "magic square" and the Mermin pentagram, respectively. The former is a 3×33 \times 3 array of nine observables commuting pairwise in each row and column and arranged so that their product properties contradict those of the assigned eigenvalues. The latter is a set of ten observables arranged in five groups of four lying along five edges of the pentagram and characterized by similar contradiction. An interesting one-to-one correspondence between the operators of the Mermin-Peres square and the points of the projective line over the product ring GF(2)GF(2){\rm GF}(2) \otimes \rm{GF}(2) is established. Under this mapping, the concept "mutually commuting" translates into "mutually distant" and the distinguishing character of the third column's observables has its counterpart in the distinguished properties of the coordinates of the corresponding points, whose entries are both either zero-divisors, or units. The ten operators of the Mermin pentagram answer to a specific subset of points of the line over GF(2)[xx]/. The situation here is, however, more intricate as there are two different configurations that seem to serve equally well our purpose. The first one comprises the three distinguished points of the (sub)line over GF(2), their three "Jacobson" counterparts and the four points whose both coordinates are zero-divisors; the other features the neighbourhood of the point (1,01, 0) (or, equivalently, that of (0,10, 1)). Some other ring lines that might be relevant for BKS proofs in higher dimensions are also mentioned.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Geometry of Time and Dimensionality of Space

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    One of the most distinguished features of our algebraic geometrical, pencil concept of space-time is the fact that spatial dimensions and time stand, as far as their intrinsic structure is concerned, on completely different footings: the former being represented by pencils of lines, the latter by a pencil of conics. As a consequence, we argue that even at the classical (macroscopic) level there exists a much more intricate and profound coupling between space and time than that dictated by (general) relativity theory. It is surmised that this coupling can be furnished by so-called Cremona (or birational) transformations between two projective spaces of three dimensions, being fully embodied in the structure of configurations of their fundamental elements. We review properties of some of the simplest Cremona transformations and show that the corresponding "fundamental" space-times exhibit an intimate connection between the extrinsic geometry of time dimension and the dimensionality of space. Moreover, these Cremonian space-times seem to provide us with a promising conceptual basis for the possible reconciliation between two extreme concepts of (space-)time, viz. physical and psychological. Some speculative remarks in this respect are made

    Mermin's Pentagram as an Ovoid of PG(3,2)

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    Mermin's pentagram, a specific set of ten three-qubit observables arranged in quadruples of pairwise commuting ones into five edges of a pentagram and used to provide a very simple proof of the Kochen-Specker theorem, is shown to be isomorphic to an ovoid (elliptic quadric) of the three-dimensional projective space of order two, PG(3,2). This demonstration employs properties of the real three-qubit Pauli group embodied in the geometry of the symplectic polar space W(5,2) and rests on the facts that: 1) the four observables/operators on any of the five edges of the pentagram can be viewed as points of an affine plane of order two, 2) all the ten observables lie on a hyperbolic quadric of the five-dimensional projective space of order two, PG(5,2), and 3) that the points of this quadric are in a well-known bijective correspondence with the lines of PG(3,2).Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Projective Ring Line of a Specific Qudit

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    A very particular connection between the commutation relations of the elements of the generalized Pauli group of a dd-dimensional qudit, dd being a product of distinct primes, and the structure of the projective line over the (modular) ring \bZ_{d} is established, where the integer exponents of the generating shift (XX) and clock (ZZ) operators are associated with submodules of \bZ^{2}_{d}. Under this correspondence, the set of operators commuting with a given one -- a perp-set -- represents a \bZ_{d}-submodule of \bZ^{2}_{d}. A crucial novel feature here is that the operators are also represented by {\it non}-admissible pairs of \bZ^{2}_{d}. This additional degree of freedom makes it possible to view any perp-set as a {\it set-theoretic} union of the corresponding points of the associated projective line