176 research outputs found

    Pulsed source of spectrally uncorrelated and indistinguishable photons at telecom wavelengths

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    We report on the generation of indistinguishable photon pairs at telecom wavelengths based on a type-II parametric down conversion process in a periodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate (PPKTP) crystal. The phase matching, pump laser characteristics and coupling geometry are optimised to obtain spectrally uncorrelated photons with high coupling efficiencies. Four photons are generated by a counter- propagating pump in the same crystal and anlysed via two photon interference experiments between photons from each pair source as well as joint spectral and g^(2) measurements. We obtain a spectral purity of 0.91 and coupling efficiencies around 90% for all four photons without any filtering. These pure indistinguishable photon sources at telecom wavelengths are perfectly adapted for quantum network demonstrations and other multi-photon protocols

    Intrinsically stable light source at telecom wavelengths

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    We present a highly stable light source at telecom wavelengths, based on a short erbium doped fiber. The high stability arises from the high inversion of the Er3+ion population. This source is developed to work as a stable reference in radiometric applications and is useful in any application where high stability and/or a large bandwidth are necessary. The achieved long-term stability is 10 ppm

    Quantum random number generation on a mobile phone

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    Quantum random number generators (QRNGs) can significantly improve the security of cryptographic protocols, by ensuring that generated keys cannot be predicted. However, the cost, size, and power requirements of current QRNGs has prevented them from becoming widespread. In the meantime, the quality of the cameras integrated in mobile telephones has improved significantly, so that now they are sensitive to light at the few-photon level. We demonstrate how these can be used to generate random numbers of a quantum origin

    Absolute calibration of fiber-coupled single-photon detector

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    We show a setup for characterising the efficiency of a single-photon-detector absolutely and with a precision better of 1%. Since the setup does not rely on calibrated devices and can be implemented with standard-optic components, it can be realised in any laboratory. Our approach is based on an Erbium-Doped-Fiber-Amplifier (EDFA) radiometer as a primary measurement standard for optical power, and on an ultra-stable source of spontaneous emission. As a proof of principle, we characterise the efficiency of an InGaAs/InP single-photon detector. We verified the correctness of the characterisation with independent measurements. In particular, the measurement of the optical power made with the EDFA radiometer has been compared to that of the Swiss Federal Office of Metrology using a transfer power meter. Our approach is suitable for frequent characterisations of high-efficient single-photon detectors.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Measuring absolute spectral radiance using an Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifier

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    We describe a method to measure the spectral radiance of a source in an absolute way without the need of a reference. Here we give the necessary detail to allow for the device to be reproduced from standard fiber-optic components. The device is suited for fiber-optic applications at telecom wavelengths and calibration of powermeters and spectrometers at light levels from 1nW to 1uW

    Single-photon space-like antibunching

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    We use heralded single photons to perform an antibunching experiment in which the clicks at the detectors are spacelike separated events. The idea of such experiment dates back to the 5th Solvay conference, when it was proposed by Einstein as an expression of his concerns about quantum theory

    Perfectly secure steganography: hiding information in the quantum noise of a photograph

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    We show that the quantum nature of light can be used to hide a secret message within a photograph. Using this physical principle we achieve information-theoretic secure steganography, which had remained elusive until now. The protocol is such that the digital picture in which the secret message is embedded is perfectly undistinguishable from an ordinary photograph. This implies that, on a fundamental level, it is impossible to discriminate a private communication from an exchange of photographs.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures + appendix : 5 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum Cloning for Absolute Radiometry

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    In the quantum regime information can be copied with only a finite fidelity. This fidelity gradually increases to 1 as the system becomes classical. In this article we show how this fact can be used to directly measure the amount of radiated power. We demonstrate how these principles could be used to build a practical primary standard

    Cloning Entangled Qubits to Scales One Can See

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    By amplifying photonic qubits it is possible to produce states that contain enough photons to be seen with a human eye, potentially bringing quantum effects to macroscopic scales [1]. In this paper we theoretically study quantum states obtained by amplifying one side of an entangled photon pair with different types of optical cloning machines for photonic qubits. We propose a detection scheme that involves lossy threshold detectors (such as human eye) on the amplified side and conventional photon detectors on the other side. We show that correlations obtained with such coarse-grained measurements prove the entanglement of the initial photon pair and do not prove the entanglement of the amplified state. We emphasize the importance of the detection loophole in Bell violation experiments by giving a simple preparation technique for separable states that violate a Bell inequality without closing this loophole. Finally we analyze the genuine entanglement of the amplified states and its robustness to losses before, during and after amplification.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    High efficiency coupling of photon pairs in practice

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    Multi-photon and quantum communication experiments such as loophole-free Bell tests and device independent quantum key distribution require entangled photon sources which display high coupling efficiency. In this paper we put forward a simple quantum theoretical model which allows the experimenter to design a source with high pair coupling efficiency. In particular we apply this approach to a situation where high coupling has not been previously obtained: we demonstrate a symmetric coupling efficiency of more than 80% in a highly frequency non-degenerate configuration. Furthermore, we demonstrate this technique in a broad range of configurations, i.e. in continuous wave and pulsed pump regimes, and for different nonlinear crystals