459 research outputs found

    A Formalization of Robustness for Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks have been shown to lack robustness to small input perturbations. The process of generating the perturbations that expose the lack of robustness of neural networks is known as adversarial input generation. This process depends on the goals and capabilities of the adversary, In this paper, we propose a unifying formalization of the adversarial input generation process from a formal methods perspective. We provide a definition of robustness that is general enough to capture different formulations. The expressiveness of our formalization is shown by modeling and comparing a variety of adversarial attack techniques

    Some Algebraic Aspects of Assume-Guarantee Reasoning

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    We present the algebra of assume-guarantee (AG) contracts. We define contracts, provide new as well as known operations, and show how these operations are related. Contracts are functorial: any Boolean algebra has an associated contract algebra. We study monoid and semiring structures in contract algebra -- and the mappings between such structures. We discuss the actions of a Boolean algebra on its contract algebra

    Beating Backdoor Attack at Its Own Game

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to backdoor attack, which does not affect the network's performance on clean data but would manipulate the network behavior once a trigger pattern is added. Existing defense methods have greatly reduced attack success rate, but their prediction accuracy on clean data still lags behind a clean model by a large margin. Inspired by the stealthiness and effectiveness of backdoor attack, we propose a simple but highly effective defense framework which injects non-adversarial backdoors targeting poisoned samples. Following the general steps in backdoor attack, we detect a small set of suspected samples and then apply a poisoning strategy to them. The non-adversarial backdoor, once triggered, suppresses the attacker's backdoor on poisoned data, but has limited influence on clean data. The defense can be carried out during data preprocessing, without any modification to the standard end-to-end training pipeline. We conduct extensive experiments on multiple benchmarks with different architectures and representative attacks. Results demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art defense effectiveness with by far the lowest performance drop on clean data. Considering the surprising defense ability displayed by our framework, we call for more attention to utilizing backdoor for backdoor defense. Code is available at https://github.com/damianliumin/non-adversarial_backdoor.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 202

    A One-Class Support Vector Machine Calibration Method for Time Series Change Point Detection

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    It is important to identify the change point of a system's health status, which usually signifies an incipient fault under development. The One-Class Support Vector Machine (OC-SVM) is a popular machine learning model for anomaly detection and hence could be used for identifying change points; however, it is sometimes difficult to obtain a good OC-SVM model that can be used on sensor measurement time series to identify the change points in system health status. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for calibrating OC-SVM models. The approach uses a heuristic search method to find a good set of input data and hyperparameters that yield a well-performing model. Our results on the C-MAPSS dataset demonstrate that OC-SVM can also achieve satisfactory accuracy in detecting change point in time series with fewer training data, compared to state-of-the-art deep learning approaches. In our case study, the OC-SVM calibrated by the proposed model is shown to be useful especially in scenarios with limited amount of training data
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