260 research outputs found

    Glycidyl Azide Polymer-based Enhanced Energy LOVA Gun Propellant

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    In this study, cyclotrimethylene trinitramine propellants with triacetin (TA)-plasticisedcellulose acetate (CA) and nitrocellulose (NC) combination as binders were evaluated for lowvulnerable ammunition (LOVA). Triacetin was replaced by energetic plasticiser; glycidyl azidepolymer (GAP) in increments to enhance the performance in terms of force constant . In additionto ballistics, parameters like vulnerability, mechanical and thermal properties of GAP-basedpropellants in comparison to those of TA-based propellants, were also determined. The studybrings out that the incorporation of 2-6 per cent GAP in place of TA resulted in the enhancementof force constant by 22-70 J/g and improved overall combustion characteristics. DSC revealedthat thermal decomposition of GAP-LOVA propellants evolved more energy than TA-LOVApropellants. GAP-based LOVA propellant similar to TA-plasticised LOVA propellant, was foundsuperior to NQ propellant in vulnerability tests as well as in hot fragment conductive ignition(HFCI) studies. As regards mechanical properties, incorporation of GAP resulted in improvedcompression strength

    Critical role of NKT cells in posttransplant alloantibody production

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    We previously reported that posttransplant alloantibody production in CD8-deficient hosts is IL-4+ CD4+ T cell-dependent and IgG1 isotype-dominant. The current studies investigated the hypothesis that IL-4-producing natural killer T cells (NKT cells) contribute to maximal alloantibody production. To investigate this, alloantibody levels were examined in CD8-deficient WT, CD1d KO and Jα18 KO transplant recipients. We found that the magnitude of IgG1 alloantibody production was critically dependent on the presence of type I NKT cells, which are activated by day 1 posttransplant. Unexpectedly, type I NKT cell contribution to enhanced IgG1 alloantibody levels was interferon-γ-dependent and IL-4-independent. Cognate interactions between type I NKT and B cells alone do not stimulate alloantibody production. Instead, NKT cells appear to enhance maturation of IL-4+ CD4+ T cells. To our knowledge, this is the first report to substantiate a critical role for type I NKT cells in enhancing in vivo antibody production in response to endogenous antigenic stimuli

    Where Do We Go From Here? The Need for Genetic Referrals in Patients who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Findings from a Regional Survey

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess primary health care providers’ knowledge and use of genetic services for children whose hearing screening indicates they may be deaf/hard of hearing (D/HH) and identify areas in which health care providers can be supported to increase family education and referral of families for genetic consultation. Methodology: A survey was developed on current practices, knowledge, and perceived beliefs regarding genetic education and referrals for deafness. The surveys were distributed to pediatricians, family medicine physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants in DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA, and WV. Results: Among 266 respondents, 80% were uninformed about Early Hearing Detection Intervention (EHDI) 1-3-6 guidelines prior to taking the survey. Approximately 55% were not confident about the genetic causes of deafness, 44% rarely consulted genetics professionals, 41% had not referred families to genetics, and 37% were not confident about the importance of genetic referrals. Conclusions: Integrated, targeted, and user-friendly genetics education strategies in the existing EHDI framework are needed to ensure adequate awareness and delivery of genetics services for D/HH children

    Gel meloksikama za topičku primjenu: In vitro i in vivo vrednovanje

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    Skin delivery of NSAIDs offers several advantages over the oral route associated with potential side effects. In the present investigation, topical gel of meloxicam (MLX) was formulated using N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) as a solubilizer and Carbopol Ultrez 10® as a gelling polymer. MLX gel was evaluated with respect to different physicochemical parameters such as pH, viscosity and spreadability. Irritation potential of MLX gel was studied on rabbits. Permeation of MLX gel was studied using freshly excised rat skin as a membrane. Anti-inflammatory activity of MLX gel was studied in rats and compared with the commercial formulation of piroxicam (Pirox® gel, 0.5 %, m/m). Accelerated stability studies were carried out for MLX gel for 6 months according to ICH guidelines. MLX gel was devoid of any skin irritation in rabbits. After 12 h, cumulative permeation of MLX through excised rat skin was 3.0 ± 1.2 mg cm2 with the corresponding flux value of 0.24 ± 0.09 mg cm2 h1. MLX gel exhibited significantly higher anti-inflammatory activity in rats compared to Pirox® gel. Physicochemically stable and non-irritant MLX gel was formulated which could deliver significant amounts of active substance across the skin in vitro and in vivo to elicit the anti-inflammatory activity.Primjena nesteroidnih protuupalnih lijekova na kožu ima nekoliko prednosti nad peroralnim načinom primjene uz koju se vežu određene nuspojave. U radu je opisana priprava gela meloksikama (MLX) za topičku primjenu. U pripravi gela korišten je N-metil pirolidon (NMP) kao otapalo i Carbopol ultrez 10® kao polimer za geliranje. Određivani su različiti fizikokemijski parametri kao što su pH, viskoznost i razmazljivost. Potencijalna iritacija MLX gela testirana je na kunićima, a svojstvo permeacije na svježim izrescima kože štakora. Protuupalno djelovanje praćeno je na štakorima i uspoređeno s registriranim pripravkom piroksikama (Pirox® gel, 0,5 % m/m). Testovi ubrzanog starenja MLX gela rađeni su tijekom 6 mjeseci prema ICH protokolu. Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju da MLX gel nimalo ne iritira kožu kunića. Kumulativna permeacija nakon 12 h bila je 3,0 ± 1,2 mg cm2, s odgovarajućem vrijednošću fluksa 0,24 ± 0,09 mg cm2 h1. MLX gel pokazao je značajno jače protuupalno djelovanje u odnosu na Pirox® gel. Pripravljeni gel je stabilan, ne iritira kožu, te in vitro i in vivo doprema kroz kožu ljekovitu tvar u dovoljnoj količini da ispolji protuupalno djelovanje

    On the exactness of the cavity method for Weighted b-Matchings on Arbitrary Graphs and its Relation to Linear Programs

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    We consider the general problem of finding the minimum weight b-matching on arbitrary graphs. We prove that, whenever the linear programming relaxation of the problem has no fractional solutions, then the cavity or belief propagation equations converge to the correct solution both for synchronous and asynchronous updating

    Detection of Repeating FRB 180916.J0158+65 Down to Frequencies of 300 MHz

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    We report on the detection of seven bursts from the periodically active, repeating fast radio burst (FRB) source FRB 180916.J0158+65 in the 300-400-MHz frequency range with the Green Bank Telescope (GBT). Emission in multiple bursts is visible down to the bottom of the GBT band, suggesting that the cutoff frequency (if it exists) for FRB emission is lower than 300 MHz. Observations were conducted during predicted periods of activity of the source, and had simultaneous coverage with the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) and the FRB backend on the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) telescope. We find that one of the GBT-detected bursts has potentially associated emission in the CHIME band (400-800 MHz) but we detect no bursts in the LOFAR band (110-190 MHz), placing a limit of α>1.0\alpha > -1.0 on the spectral index of broadband emission from the source. We also find that emission from the source is severely band-limited with burst bandwidths as low as \sim40 MHz. In addition, we place the strictest constraint on observable scattering of the source, << 1.7 ms, at 350 MHz, suggesting that the circumburst environment does not have strong scattering properties. Additionally, knowing that the circumburst environment is optically thin to free-free absorption at 300 MHz, we find evidence against the association of a hyper-compact HII region or a young supernova remnant (age << 50 yr) with the source.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ