22 research outputs found

    Essential control of an endothelial cell ISOC by the spectrin membrane skeleton

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    Mechanism(s) underlying activation of store-operated Ca2+ entry currents, ISOC, remain incompletely understood. F-actin configuration is an important determinant of channel function, although the nature of interaction between the cytoskeleton and ISOC channels is unknown. We examined whether the spectrin membrane skeleton couples Ca2+ store depletion to Ca2+ entry. Thapsigargin activated an endothelial cell ISOC (−45 pA at −80 mV) that reversed at +40 mV, was inwardly rectifying when Ca2+ was the charge carrier, and was inhibited by La3+ (50 μM). Disruption of the spectrin–protein 4.1 interaction at residues A207-V445 of βSpIIΣ1 decreased the thapsigargin-induced global cytosolic Ca2+ response by 50% and selectively abolished the endothelial cell ISOC, without altering activation of a nonselective current through cyclic nucleotide–gated channels. In contrast, disruption of the spectrin–actin interaction at residues A47-K186 of βSpIIΣ1 did not decrease the thapsigargin-induced global cytosolic Ca2+ response or inhibit ISOC. Results indicate that the spectrin–protein 4.1 interaction selectively controls ISOC, indicating that physical coupling between calcium release and calcium entry is reliant upon the spectrin membrane skeleton

    Novel Inducers of Fetal Globin Identified through High Throughput Screening (HTS) Are Active In Vivo in Anemic Baboons and Transgenic Mice

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    We thank Sarah Haigh, Ada Kane, Nicole Reuter, David Carey, and Marilyn Perry Carey for dedicated and expert technical assistance and Cloret Carl for assistance with preparation of the manuscript.This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, R01 DK-52962, (SPP, Boston University), R41 HL-105816 (SPP, Phoenicia BioSciences), and R42 HL-110727 (Phoenicia BioSciences), 2 P40 ODO010988-16 (GLW, University of Oklahoma) and UL1-TR000157 (RFW, University of Oklahoma). SMN was supported by P50 HL-118006. The funders had no role in study design, data collection or analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.High-level fetal (γ) globin expression ameliorates clinical severity of the beta (β) hemoglobinopathies, and safe, orally-bioavailable γ-globin inducing agents would benefit many patients. We adapted a LCR-γ-globin promoter-GFP reporter assay to a high-throughput robotic system to evaluate five diverse chemical libraries for this activity. Multiple structurally- and functionally-diverse compounds were identified which activate the γ-globin gene promoter at nanomolar concentrations, including some therapeutics approved for other conditions. Three candidates with established safety profiles were further evaluated in erythroid progenitors, anemic baboons and transgenic mice, with significant induction of γ-globin expression observed in vivo. A lead candidate, Benserazide, emerged which demonstrated > 20-fold induction of γ-globin mRNA expression in anemic baboons and increased F-cell proportions by 3.5-fold in transgenic mice. Benserazide has been used chronically to inhibit amino acid decarboxylase to enhance plasma levels of L-dopa. These studies confirm the utility of high-throughput screening and identify previously unrecognized fetal globin inducing candidates which can be developed expediently for treatment of hemoglobinopathies.Yeshttp://www.plosone.org/static/editorial#pee