60 research outputs found

    Religion, Affect and Cognition in Listener Contributions to NPR’s Talk of the Nation

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    Broadcast media often provide forums for public expression, which may be useful for understanding public thought and emotion during times of public crisis. This exploratory study had two purposes. First, we examined broadcast content for support of Marx\u27s notion that religion serves to reduce suffering during a time of public crisis. Given the important roles of affect and cognition in religious experience, the second goal was to examine how the public\u27s affective and cognitive expressions in broadcasts differ in times of crisis. Public contributions to National Public Radio\u27s (NPR) Talk of the Nation were examined for statements relating to religion, affect and cognition using linguistic inquiry and word count (LIWC) software. This longitudinal analysis included three, week-long periods in the years before, during and after 9/11. No differences were observed for expressions of religion among the three time periods. However, differences in negative affect and cognitive processing were observed. © 2010 Mudra Institute of Communications SAGE Publications

    The Condition of South Carolina's Estuarine and Coastal Habitats During 2017-2018: Technical Report No. 111

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    This Estuarine and Coastal Habitats Technical Report is a collaboration between the Marine Resources Division of the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control's Bureau of Water and provides updated information on the condition of South Carolina’s estuarine habitats. The goal of SCECAP is to monitor the condition of the state’s estuarine habitats to determine the proportion of the coastal zone that meets desired criteria with respect to water quality, sediment quality, and biotic condition