5 research outputs found

    Figurations of displacement in and beyond Tanzania: reflections on protracted displacement and translocal connections of Congolese and Burundian refugees in Dar es Salaam

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    This working paper investigates the livelihoods, trajectories, networks and self-generated opportunities of vulnerable migrants in refugee-like situations in Dar es Salaam. Its main purpose is to arrive at a deeper understanding of protracted displacement through a 'figurational approach', which stresses the networks and the interdependencies of urban refugees in Dar es Salaam, across Tanzania, and across national borders. Refugees' social relations do not unfold in a vacuum but are shaped by the regimes of aid and asylum that govern their lives. In a context of constant fear of imprisonment and deportation, this working paper gives particular attention to the alliances that the vulnerable migrants build within Dar es Salaam. It underlines their agency and coping strategies, as they bring with them many valuable skills. Capitalising on these skills can result in longstanding partnerships between vulnerable migrants and locals. Spaces of freedom where displaced people do not need to live in a perpetual state of fear and uncertainty are equally important. More than focusing on constraints, this paper underlines the urban refugees' agency and survival strategies. We pay particular attention to the mobility and connectivity of female urban refugees, also within a digital context. Through (social media) entrepreneurship, women in refugee-like situations have managed to overcome immobilisation and create new opportunities for themselves. By analysing a variety of life situations throughout this paper, we seek to recognise and pro mote urban refugees' agency and dignity

    Defining malaria burden from morbidity and mortality records, self treatment practices and serological data in Magugu, Babati District, northern Tanzania

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    Malaria morbidity and mortality data from clinical records provide essential information towards defining disease burden in the area and for planning control strategies, but should be augmented with data on transmission intensity and serological data as measures for exposure to malaria. The objective of this study was to estimate the malaria burden based on serological data and prevalence of malaria, and compare it with existing self-treatment practices in Magugu in Babati District of northern Tanzania. Prospectively, 470 individuals were selected for the study. Both microscopy and Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) were used for malaria diagnosis. Seroprevalence of antibodies to merozoite surface proteins (MSP-119) and apical membrane antigen (AMA-1) was performed and the entomological inoculation rate (EIR) was estimated. To complement this information, retrospective data on treatment history, prescriptions by physicians and use of bed nets were collected. Malaria prevalence in the area was 6.8% (32/470). Of 130 individuals treated with artemisinin combination therapy (ACT), 22.3 % (29/130) were slide confirmed while 75.3% (98/130) of them were blood smear negative. Three of the slides confirmed individuals were not treated with ACT. Fever was reported in 38.2% of individuals, of whom 48.8 % (88/180) were given ACT. Forty-two (32.3%) of those who received ACT had no history of fever. About half (51.1%) of those treated with ACT were childre

    Defining malaria burden from morbidity and mortality records, self treatment practices and serological data in Magugu, Babati District, northern Tanzania

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    Malaria morbidity and mortality data from clinical records provide essential information towards defining disease burden in the area and for planning control strategies, but should be augmented with data on transmission intensity and serological data as measures for exposure to malaria. The objective of this study was to estimate the malaria burden based on serological data and prevalence of malaria, and compare it with existing self-treatment practices in Magugu in Babati District of northern Tanzania. Prospectively, 470 individuals were selected for the study. Both microscopy and Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) were used for malaria diagnosis. Seroprevalence of antibodies to merozoite surface proteins (MSP- 119) and apical membrane antigen (AMA-1) was performed and the entomological inoculation rate (EIR) was estimated. To complement this information, retrospective data on treatment history, prescriptions by physicians and use of bed nets were collected. Malaria prevalence in the area was 6.8% (32/470). Of 130 individuals treated with artemisinin combination therapy (ACT), 22.3 % (29/130) were slide confirmed while 75.3% (98/130) of them were blood smear negative. Three of the slides confirmed individuals were not treated with ACT. Fever was reported in 38.2% of individuals, of whom 48.8 % (88/180) were given ACT. Forty-two (32.3%) of those who received ACT had no history of fever. About half (51.1%) of those treated with ACT were children <10 years old. Immunoglobulin against MSP-119 was positive in 16.9% (74/437) while against AMA-1 was positive in 29.8 % (130/436). Transmission intensity was estimated at <0.2 infectious bites per person per year. The RDT was highly specific (96.3%) but with low sensitivity (15.6%). In conclusion, Magugu is a low endemic area. There is substantial over diagnosis, over treatment and self treatment in the community. The burden of malaria based on medical records is over estimated as was mostly presumptive. The low sensitivity of RDT reflects the low number of immune individuals as well as the low parasite density

    Transmission intensity and malaria vector population structure in Magugu, Babati District in northern Tanzania

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    A 1-year longitudinal study was conducted in Magugu in Babati district, northern Tanzania to determine malaria vector population structure and malaria transmission indices. Mosquitoes were sampled using the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) light traps. A total of 110,357 adult female mosquitoes were collected. Anopheles gambiae s.l. accounted 25% of the total female mosquito collected. Relatively fewer An. funestus were collected. Other mosquito species collected were An. pharoensis, An. coustani, An. maculipalpis, An. marshallii, Culex quinquefasciatus , Cx unnivittatus, Mansonia uniformis and Ma. africana. An analysis by Polymerase Chain Reaction revealed that An. arabiensis was the only member of the An. gambiae complex in the collected samples. The number of mosquito collected correlated with the increasing mean rainfall. Blood meal analysis showed a higher human enzymatic reaction among An. gambiae s.l. (63.5%) followed by An. funestus (42.9%). Bovine enzymatic reaction was higher among An. coustani (73.7%) followed by the An. pharoensis (66.7%). The Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was used to detect Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoites proteins in 10,000 female Anopheles mosquitoes. Only two An. arabiensis were found to be infected. The entomological inoculation rate (EIR) was estimated at 0.51 infectious bites per person per year. This EIR was considered to be relatively low, indicating that malaria transmission in this area is low. Variability in mosquito blood meal shows availability of variety of preferred blood meal choices and impact of other factors inhibiting mosquito-human host contact.The study has provided information considered useful in the mapping of the vector distribution and population structure in the country. Such information is considered to be among the essential tools for planning malaria control interventions

    Transmission intensity and malaria vector population structure in Magugu, Babati District in northern Tanzania

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    A 1-year longitudinal study was conducted in Magugu in Babati district, northern Tanzania to determine malaria vector population structure and malaria transmission indices. Mosquitoes were sampled using the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) light traps. A total of 110,357 adult female mosquitoes were collected. Anopheles gambiae s.l. accounted 25% of the total female mosquito collected. Relatively fewer An. funestus were collected. Other mosquito species collected were An. pharoensis, An. coustani, An. maculipalpis, An. marshallii, Culex quinquefasciatus , Cx unnivittatus, Mansonia uniformis and Ma. africana. An analysis by Polymerase Chain Reaction revealed that An. arabiensis was the only member of the An. gambiae complex in the collected samples. The number of mosquito collected correlated with the increasing mean rainfall. Blood meal analysis showed a higher human enzymatic reaction among An. gambiae s.l. (63.5%) followed by An. funestus (42.9%). Bovine enzymatic reaction was higher among An. coustani (73.7%) followed by the An. pharoensis (66.7%). The Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was used to detect Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoites proteins in 10,000 female Anopheles mosquitoes. Only two An. arabiensis were found to be infected. The entomological inoculation rate (EIR) was estimated at 0.51 infectious bites per person per year. This EIR was considered to be relatively low, indicating that malaria transmission in this area is low. Variability in mosquito blood meal shows availability of variety of preferred blood meal choices and impact of other factors inhibiting mosquito-human host contact.The study has provided information considered useful in the mapping of the vector distribution and population structure in the country. Such information is considered to be among the essential tools for planning malaria control interventions