1,314 research outputs found

    A Clinical Observation of Delayed Neurologic Deterioration Following Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

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    Some patients with anoxic exposure develop new neurologic deficits after periods of delay when they recover from the initial anoxia. This Delayed Neurologic Deterioration(DND) is most commonly seen following carbon monoxidelf'O) poisoning. This study was done to further describe the clinical features of this interesting but rare entity. We reviewed the records and brain scans of 37 patients who were admitted to Seoul National University Hospital because of DND following CO poisoning during the period January 1980 to December 1986. On reviewing the data, we were able to see certain patterns. Age may be important in the development of DND. Most patients were in their 40's to 60's. Patients with severe CO poisoning may be at higher risk of developing DND. However many patients with DND had brief periods of unconsciousness during acute poisoning. The lucid interval was usually 1-4 weeks. Long lucid interval may predict good prognosis. Global encephalopathy was the most common. Post-CO Parkinsonism was diagnosed in 5. Parkinsonism was part of global encephalopathy. They improved with L-dopa better than with anticholinergics. Low density in the globus pallidus may not be associated with Parkinsonism. Diffuse brain atrophy was the most common radiological finding

    Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Late Fall-Applied Urea and Pig Slurry for Regrowth of Perennial Ryegrass Sward

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    Pig slurry is the most important organic resource in Korea, as estimated to be more than 15% of recycled animal manure. The use of pig slurry as an alternative organic fertilizer is the most viable recycling option as it is produced in large amount on pig farms that has usually less or not surface for cultivation of forage crops in Korea. Perennial grasses in grassland system regrow successively after harvests by cutting or grazing. The regrowth yield at each harvest would be a crucial determinant for the productivity of sward. During vegetative regrowth, soil mineral N and N reserves meet the N requirements for shoot regrowth. The aims of this study are to estimate the N use efficiency of urea and pig slurry applied at late fall in relation to the N availability for restoring organic reserves and constructing ultimate regrowth biomass during successive three cycle of regrowth of perennial ryegrass sward

    S Nutrition Is Involved in Alleviation of Damage of Photosynthetic Organelles by Salt Stress in Kentucky Bluegrass (\u3cem\u3ePoa pratensis\u3c/em\u3e L.)

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    Salt-stress is considered as one of the major environmental factor limiting plant growth and productivity. It has been well reported that salt stress induce the reduction of stomatal density and number leading to poor gaseous exchange which resulted in decrease of photosynthesis is associated with inhibition of several enzymes related to the Calvin cycle such as RuBisCo. In addition, salt stress decreases photosynthetic pigments such as chlorophyll and carotenoid which has important role in photosynthesis. Sulfur (S) is one of six macronutrients needed for proper plant growth and development. In our previous work, we found that sulfur nutrition has significant role in ameliorating the damaged in photosynthetic organelles caused by Fe-deficiency in oilseed rape (Muneer et al., 2014). In addition, application of sulfur mitigated the adverse effects of heavy metals stress by enhancing plant growth, chlorophyll content and net photosynthetic rate. Despite extensive researches attempting to elucidate the interactions between external sulfur supplies and stress tolerance, to our knowledge, the responses of the photosynthetic mechanism to combined S deficiency and salt stress have not yet been fully investigated. In this study, therefore, we hypothesized that S nutrition affects photosynthetic organs to salt stress, so that may involve in alleviating negative impact of salt stress in Kentucky bluegrass. To test this hypothesis, the responses of photosynthetic parameters, thylakoid protein complexes and ion uptake were compared for 21 days of four S and salt stress combined treatments; sulfur sufficient without salt stress (+S/non-salt, control), present of sulfur with salt stress (+S/salt), sulfur deprivation without salt stress (-S/non-salt) and sulfur deprivation and salt stress (-S/salt)

    Value of Paraspinal Electromyography in the Evaluation of Thoracic Myelopathy

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    The authors have performed paraspinal needle EMG studies in twenty five patients with thoracic myelopathy. They were divided into demonstrable thoracic lesions and non-demonstrable thoracic lesions by neuroimaging studies resulting in 12 cases of the former and 13 cases of the latter. There were abnormal paraspinal EMG findings in 83% with demonstrable thoracic lesions. All five patients with thoracic disc diseases revealed abnormalities which indicated subsequent involvement of ventral roots by compressive lesions. In non-demonstrable thoracic lesions, the authors could demonstrate abnormal paraspinal EMGs in a relatively high percentage (62.5%) of preseumed and still occult thoracc myelopathy, but not in all four patients with demyelinating disease. Therefore it is concluded that paraspinal EMG studies are valuable in those patients wih thoracic myelopathy as a method of predicting he presumed nature of their causes and indicating the level of anticipated myelography or spinal CT. However, it was impossible to differentiate among patients with malignancy, those with thoracic disc diseases and those with unknown thoracic myelopathy by the paraspinal EMG studies

    Comparative Sulfur Use Efficiency and Water Stress Tolerance in Two \u3cem\u3eBrassica napus\u3c/em\u3e Cultivars

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    S-deficiency and/or S-deprivation decreases the cell sap osmotic potential resulting from a net increase of intracellular solutes rather than from a loss of cell water and chlorophyll content resulting in a restriction of Rubisco synthesis and provoked the chlorosis of young leaves (Lee et al., 2014; Muneer et al., 2014). These imply that S-deficiency results in a general inhibition of photosynthesis and protein synthesis. On the other hand, several studies have indicated that S nutrition has a potential role in stress tolerance and defense mechanism. Sulfur is an essential element in the formation of sulfhydryl (S-H) and disulphide bond (S-S). These bonds are important for the stabilization of protein structures. In this context, the roles of S nutrition in alleviating negative responses to salinity stress (Fatma et al., 2014) and iron deficiency (Muneer et al., 2014) have been widely reported. In this study, we hypothesized that cultivar variation in sulfur use efficiency (SUE) under Polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced water stress may be attributed to S-uptake efficiency (SUpE; S uptake per S supplied), and that the genotype having higher SUE is more tolerant to PEG-induced water stress. To test this hypothesis, direct quantifications of S uptake was done by a 34S tracing method. The responses of photosynthetic activity-related parameters to PEG-induced water stress were also assessed in relation to SUE in two B. napus cultivars

    Migration profile of the Republic of Korea

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    Estimation of genetic parameters for pork belly traits

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    Objective Pork belly is a cut of meat with high worldwide demand. However, although the belly is comprised of multiple muscles and fat, unlike the loin muscle, research on their genetic parameters has yet to focus on a representative cut. To use swine breeding, it is necessary to estimate heritability against pork belly traits. Moreover, estimating genetic correlations is needed to identify genetic relationship among the traditional carcass and meat quality traits. This study sought to estimate the heritability of the carcass, belly, and their component traits, as well as the genetic correlations among them, to confirm whether these traits can be improved. Methods A total of 543 Yorkshire pigs (406 castrated males and 137 females) from 49 sires and 244 dam were used in this study. To estimate genetic parameters, a total of 12 traits such as lean meat production ability, meat quality and pork belly traits were chosen. The heritabilities were estimated by using genome-wide efficient mixed model association software. The statistical model was selected so that farm, carcass weight, sex, and slaughter season were fixed effects. In addition, its genetic parameters were calculated via MTG2 software. Results The heritability estimates for the 7th belly slice along the whole plate and its components were low to moderate (0.07±0.07 to 0.33±0.07). Moreover, the genetic correlations among the carcass and belly traits were moderate to high (0.28±0.20 to 0.99±0.31). Particularly, the rectus abdominis muscle exhibited a high absolute genetic correlation with the belly and meat quality (0.73±52 to 0.93±0.43). Conclusion A moderate to high correlation coefficient was obtained based on the genetic parameters. The belly could be genetically improved to contain a larger proportion of muscle regardless of lean meat production ability