3,470 research outputs found

    Asymmetric magnetization splitting in diamond domain structure: Dependence on exchange interaction and anisotropy

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    The distributions of magnetization orientation for both Landau and diamond domain structures in nano-rectangles have been investigated by micromagnetic simulation with various exchange coefficient and anisotropy constant. Both symmetric and asymmetric magnetization splitting are found in diamond domain structure, as well as only symmetric magnetization splitting in Landau structure. In the Landau structure, the splitting angle increases with the exchange coefficient but decreases slightly with the anisotropy constant, suggesting that the exchange interaction mainly contributes to the magnetization splitting in Landau structure. However in the diamond structure, the splitting angle increases with the anisotropy constant but derceases with the exchange coefficient, indicating that the magnetization splitting in diamond structure is resulted from magnetic anisotropy.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Performance Evaluation of Automated Static Analysis Tools

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    Automated static analysis tools can perform efficient thorough checking of important properties of, and extract and summarize critical information about, a source program. This paper evaluates three open-source static analysis tools; Flawfinder, Cppcheck and Yasca. Each tool is analyzed with regards to usability, IDE integration, performance, and accuracy. Special emphasis is placed on the integration of these tools into the development environment to enable analysis during all phases of development as well as to enable extension of rules and other improvements within the tools. It is shown that Flawfinder be the easiest to modify and extend, Cppcheck be inviting to novices, and Yasca be the most accurate and versatile

    Optical limiting using Laguerre-Gaussian beams

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    We demonstrate optical limiting using the self-lensing effect of a higher-order Laguerre-Gaussian beam in a thin dye-doped polymer sample, which we find is consistent with our model using Gaussian decomposition. The peak phase shift in the sample required for limiting is smaller than for a fundamental Gaussian beam with the added flexibility that the nonlinear medium can be placed either in front of or behind the beam focus.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    OMRA: Online Motion Resolution Adaptation to Remedy Domain Shift in Learned Hierarchical B-frame Coding

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    Learned hierarchical B-frame coding aims to leverage bi-directional reference frames for better coding efficiency. However, the domain shift between training and test scenarios due to dataset limitations poses a challenge. This issue arises from training the codec with small groups of pictures (GOP) but testing it on large GOPs. Specifically, the motion estimation network, when trained on small GOPs, is unable to handle large motion at test time, incurring a negative impact on compression performance. To mitigate the domain shift, we present an online motion resolution adaptation (OMRA) method. It adapts the spatial resolution of video frames on a per-frame basis to suit the capability of the motion estimation network in a pre-trained B-frame codec. Our OMRA is an online, inference technique. It need not re-train the codec and is readily applicable to existing B-frame codecs that adopt hierarchical bi-directional prediction. Experimental results show that OMRA significantly enhances the compression performance of two state-of-the-art learned B-frame codecs on commonly used datasets.Comment: 7 pages, submitted to IEEE ICIP 202

    Structure and mechanical properties of tungsten-containing hydrogenated diamond like carbon coatings for space applications

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    AbstractTungsten-containing diamond like carbon (W-C:H) coatings were prepared by unbalanced magnetron sputtering (UBM) using tungsten carbide targets in Ar/C2H2 atmosphere. The structure and mechanical properties of these coatings with different C2H2 flow (from 40sccm to 140sccm) were studied. According to the analysis of Raman spectroscopy and the measurement of hardness and Young's modulus about the coatings, it was showed that sp3/sp2 ratio in the coatings changed and the hardness and Young's modulus decreased with increase of the C2H2 flow. Besides, the adhension and friction wear properties of the coatings were evaluated using the scratch test and dry sliding tests respectively. It was found that the coatings exhibited very good adhension and the C2H2 flow (actually the hydrogen) played a very important role in the tribological behavior of the W-C:H coatings in vacuum
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