8 research outputs found

    Učešće sadržaja proteina dobijenih od svinjskih kožica u barenim kobasicama proizvedenim od svinjskog mesa

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    The aim of our study was to determine the participation of protein content received from pork skins in cooked pork sausage and their economic cost-effectiveness. Taken were frozen pork skins from Macedonian origin. Tested were chemical and microbiological composition of pork skins and emulsion before and after cuterring. First, the pork skins are thawed and 24 hours immersed in a solution of the acid, then washed with water and well drained. Emulsion of skins are prepared in that manner: 20 kg skins + 20 kg water (ice) + 200 g soy proteins. Approximately, 20% of the emulsion of skins were been installed in seven different batches of cooked pork sausage, in which after the heat treatment is determined by the chemical and microbiological composition. With chemical analysis we found, the amount of protein in the pork skin several lower of emulsions of the skin, while the quantity of protein in cooked pork sausage in the range of 12.20 to 14.82 %. With microbiological analysis we not found bacteria of the genus Clostridium, Staphylocoscus, Proteus, Escherichia in the skin and emulsion of skins and cooked pork sausages. The total number of bacteria (Bacillus) is increased after cuttering in the emulsion of skins (2.90 log CFU/g) in comparisons with pork skins (2.44 log CFU/g), while the finished product after thermal treatment of the total number of bacteria in the border from 1.30 to 1.69 log CFU/g.Cilj našeg istrażivanja bio je da se utvrdi učešče sadrżaja proteina dobijenih od svinjskih kożica u barenim kobasicama proizvedenim od svinjskog mesa i ekonomska isplatlivost njihove primene. Uzete su zamrznute svinjske kożice makedonskog porekla i ispitan je hemijski i mikrobiološki sastav svinjskih kożica i emulzije od kożica, pre i nakon kuterovanja. Prvo su svinjske kożice odmrznute i 24 časa potopljene u rastvor kiselina, potom isprane vodom i isceđene. Emulzija od kożica je pripremljena u odnosu: 20 kg svinske kožice + 20 kg vode (leda) + 200 g proteina od soje. Pribliżno, 20% od emulzija kożice je bilo ugraðeno u sedam različitih šarżi barene svinjske kobasice, kojoj je nakon termičke obrade određivan hemijski i mikrobiološki sastav. Hemijskom analizom utvrdili smo da je sadržaj proteina u svinskoj kożici nekoliko puta niżi od sadržaja proteina u emulziji kożice, dok je sadržaj proteina u barenoj svinjskoj kobasici u opsegu od 12,20 do 14,82%. Mikrobiološkom analizom nismo utvrdili bakterije iz roda Clostridium, Staphylocoñcus, Proteus, Escherichia u kożicama, emulziji od kożica i u barenoj svinjskoj kobasici. Ukupan broj bakterija (Bacillus) je uvećan posle kuterovanja u emulziji od kożica (2,90 log CFU/g) u poređenju sa svinjskim kożicama (2,44 log CFU/g) dok je u gotovom proizvodu posle termičke obrade ukupan broj bakterija u granici od 1,30 do 1,69 log CFU/g

    Ispitivanje potencijalnog probiotika – Lactobacillus Plantarum soj L6 izolovanog iz "Karlovske kobasice"

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    The use of probiotic starter cultures in the production of crude - of dried meat products are topical scientific and practical interest for research in the meat industry. The aim of this study was to investigate the strain Lactobacillus plantarum (L6) isolated from "Karlovska sausage" with potential probiotic properties. It was found that the L6 strain possesses a potential probiotic properties. This is evidenced by an ability of this strain to survive in acidic environments and in the presence of 0.15% and 0.30% bile salts to form a biofilm on polypropylene surfaces, thereby demonstrating the ability of adhesion to the intestinal epithelial cells, Examined L. plantarum strain L6 can effectively serve as an antimicrobial barrier to the development of pathogenic bacteria in the production of dried raw meat products.Upotreba probiotskih starter kultura u proizvodnji sirovih - sušenih proizvoda od mesa predstavlja aktuelan naučni i praktični interes za istraživanje u industriji mesa. Cilj ove studije je da se ispitaju potencijalna probiotska svojstva soja Lactobacillus plantarum (L6), izolovanog iz "Karlovske kobasice". Utvrđeno je da soj L6 poseduje potencijalna probiotska svojstva, što je potvrđeno sposobnošću ovog soja da opstane u kiselim sredinama, kao i da u prisustvu 0,15% i 0,30% žučnih soli formira biofilm na polipropilenskim površinama. Utvrđena je sposobnost za adheziju na crevne epitelne ćelije. Ispitivani L. plantarum L6 soj može efektivno da posluži kao antimikrobna prepreka za razvoj patogenih bakterija u proizvodnji sirovo sušenih mesnih proizvoda

    Funkcionalne osobine sojeva bakterija mlečne kiseline i mikrokoka u sredini sličnoj mesnoj masi sirovih kobasica kao modelu

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    In this study we investigated the potential probiotic properties of Lactobacillus plantarum L 24 - 2, Lactococcus lactis biovar diacetylactis N 237 and strain Micrococcus sp. It has been found that microbial species exhibited the ability to survive under conditions of high concentrations of bile salts (2.0%) and low pH (2.0). This ability varies for different types, but they will remain until the end of experiments zivotosposobne. This, together with the antimicrobial activity projavljenoj them makes them suitable for the new composition uklucivane the starter culture, which can be effectively used as an antimicrobial barrier to the development of pathogenic bacteria in the manufacture of a crude - product of dried meat.U ovom radu su ispitivana potencijalna probiotska svojstva bakterija Lactobacillus Plantarum soj L 24 - 2, Lactococcus lactis biovar diacetilactis soj N 237 i Micrococcus sp. Utvrđeno je da mikrobne vrste pokazuju sposobnost za preživljavanje pod uslovima visoke koncentracije žučnih soli (2,0%) i niskog pH (2.0). Ova sposobnost varira kod različitih ispitivanih bakterija, ali sve one ostaju životno sposobne do kraja eksperimenata. Ovo, zajedno sa dokazanom antimikrobnom aktivnošću čini ih pogodnim za uključivane u sastav novih starter kultura, koje mogu efikasno poslužiti kao antimikrobna barijera za razvoj patogenih bakterija u proizvodnji sirovih - sušenih proizvoda od mesa

    In print: ISSN 1857 -6907

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    The aim of our research was to examine the content of nitrite and salt and chemical composition of the shaped pieces of meat from the neck, shoulder, boneless and fresh bacon (pancetta) and understanding of consumer behavior in the market when choosing the appropriate meat product. The test used 12 pieces of shaped meat and 3 pieces of pork, neck, shoulder, boneless and bacon. All parts are separately measured before and after injection and heat treatment. Chemical composition and pH where tested before and after heat treatment. At the same time, microbiological assays are carried out on samples of meat (all four categories of meat) before and after injection and heat treatment. The content of nitrites and salt examined the finished product. The largest growth of the injection is found in pork boneless (20.8 %) and the lowest in pancetta (6.46 %). The lowest weight loss after heat treatment is found in pancetta (0.77 %), while the largest weight loss has the neck (8 %). The content of the salt in the finished meat products ranges from 1.65 and 2.38 %, while the content of nitrite ranging from 14 and 22 (mg/kg). After injection and thermal treatment water content and fat are reduced, while the protein content increased in the finished product: neck, shoulder and boneless. In finished products not found bacteria of the following types: Clostridium, Staphylococus, Proteus, Escherichia. Total number of bacteria (bacillus) showed a decrease after heat treatment in all four categories of meat. Key words: nitrites; salt; chemical composition; weight loss during heat treatment; microorganisms СОДРЖИНА НА НИТРИТИ, СОЛ И ХЕМИСКИОТ СОСТАВ НА НЕКОИ МЕСНИ ПРОИЗВОДИ Целта на нашето истражување беше да се испита содржината на нитрити и сол и на хемискиот состав на обликувани парчиња месо од пределот на вратот, плешката, карето и свежата сланина (панцета) и да се разбере однесувањето на потрошувачите на пазарот при изборот на соодветен месен производ. За испитување се употребени 12 парчиња обликувано месо, и тоа по 3 парчиња од свински: врат, плешка, каре и сланина. Сите парчиња се мерени посебно пред и по инјектирање и по термичка обработка. Хемискиот состав и pH се испитувани пред и по термичкиот третман. Во исто време се извршени микробиолошки анализи на примеро-ците од месо (во сите четири категории месо) пред и по инјектирањето и по термичкиот третман. Содржината на нитрити и сол се испита на готовиот производ. Најголем прираст по инјектирањето е констатиран во свинското каре (20.8 %), а најнизок во панцетата (6.46 %). Најмало губење на тежина (кало) по термичкиот третман е констатирано кај панцетата (0.77 %), додека најголемо кало има кај вратот (8 %). Содржината на сол во готовите производи од месо се движи од 1.65 и 2.38 %, додека содржината на нитрити се движи од 14 и 22 mg/kg. По инјектирањето и термичкиот третман содржината на вода и масти е намалена, додека содржината на протеини е зголемена во готовите производи: вратот, плешката и карето. Во готовите произво-ди не се пронајдени бактерии од следните типови: Clostridium, Staphylocoсcus, Proteus, Escherichia. Вкупниот број на бактерии (bacillus) покажа намалување по термичкиот третман во сите четири категории месо. Клучни зборови: нитрити; сол; хемиски состав; губење на тежина (кало) при термичка обработка; микроорганизми 36 D. Andronikov, A. Kuzelov, N.Taškov, D. Saneva, A. Janevski, K. Mojsov, E. Sofijanova Maced. J. Anim. Sci., 5 (1) 35-41 Wet curing is done in several ways: by dipping the meat in a solution of a curing compound or following the injection brine into the meat. Today brine meat is injected with a very injection or needle or picl injector where brine is injected into the meat quickly and evenly. As a result of brining in meat has increased sustainability while improving its sensory properties and above all the smell, taste, color and turgidity. In the production of semidry products are used all the mentioned funds, in order to reduce the number of unwanted bacteria while meat and meat products would increase durability. But every technical processing of meat has its drawbacks, and the meat loses some of its nutrients and loses its weight by evaporation -drying (weight loss). The aim of our study was to examine the content of nitrites and salt, chemical composition and microbiology of some pork products: neck, shoulder, boneless and fresh bacon in different times (before and after injection, and after heat treatment). MATERIAL AND METHODS As test material was taken fresh boneless pork meat and fresh bacon of the pigs breed Dalant. Pigs are slaughtered and processed after reaching the live weight of about 110 to 120 kg. After slaughter, primary processing and cooling of pig halves on the temperature of +4 °С for 24 hours was performed classification and categorization of pig halves of main parts and categories. The 3 pieces of pork: neck, shoulder, boneless and bacon (pancetta) are measured on electronic weigh (each piece separately) where was determined their weight before brining. After brining was performed measurement again in order to determine the mass of the pieces after the meat brining. The brine recipe that brined slices of meat with the needle injection -picl injector is composed of: salt, nitrite, malkovita, and water. Preparation malkovita is product of firm REGIS SA and is made of: stabilizer for consistency of meat Е 451, Е 452, sugars, glucose, antioxidant Е 301, Е 316, flavorings Е 621, flavors, salt and spices extracts. Pork neck and shoulder injected 50 -60 %, pork boneless injected 35 -45 %, pork bacon (pancetta) injected 25 -35 %. The thermal treatment of neck, shoulder, boneless pork and pancetta is performed at following recipe: 15 min. drying on Tk 60 °С, 45 min. smoking with hot smoke on Tk 65 °С, 45 min. smoking with thick smoke on Tk 70 °С, 120 min. baking with smoking Tk 85 °С, Tcp 72 °С. pH value was determined by a digital pH meter "Testo 230" (Testo, Germany, 2004). Сhemical analyses Total nitrogen (TN) was determined according to the Kjeldahl method. Moisture content was determined by drying at 103 ± 2 °C to constant mass. The intramuscular fat content was determined according to AOAC International method, with petroleum ether as solvent. Ash was determined by burning and combustion (4 -5 h) at 525 -550 °C [Ash of Microbiological analysis Following bacteria were determined: Total bacteria (bacillus) number -ISO 4833/2003. Sown on nutrient agar to 37 °С during 24 hours. Staphylocoсcus ISO 6888-1/1999. Sown on ETGP agar (barit parker agar) after termostating on 37 °С during 24 hours. Enterobacteriaceae ISO 21528-1/2004; ISO 21528-2/2009. Escherichia coli are sown on lactoza bujon and brilliant green, thermostated on 37 °С during 24-48 hours. Clostridium sown on sulfiten agar, thermostated on 37 °С during 24-48 hours. Data were transformed into log10 CFU/g before comparison of means.The results were statistically processed using mathematical program Microsoft ЕXЕL АNOVA (single factor