19 research outputs found

    CBV ratio analysis for all the 7 imaged animals based on single wavelength optoacoustic images acquired at isosbestic wavelength of blood at 790 nm.

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    <p>Ratios of the mean in the ischemic cortex to the mean of its contralateral counterpart were calculated for the cortical areas (marked by red squares in Figs. 2A and 2C) and striatum areas (marked by green squares in Figs. 2A and 2C) and % changes relative to pre-ischemia values are presented. A: All mice show reduction in CBV in the cortex, followed by return to normal values after reperfusion at 24 h (middle). B: For the striatum areas, the mice show an increase of CBV during ischemia, which remains elevated in most of the animals after reperfusion. Averaged data of absolute ratio values from all the mice (box plots with median and 25<sup>th</sup> and 75<sup>th</sup> percentile) are shown in panels C and D for the cortical and striatum areas, respectively.</p

    Hemispheric dominance ratio for different errors.

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    <p>The graph shows the hemispheric dominance ratio (HDR; quotient of the error rate for the left and right hemisphere) as a box plot for the different error types. A hemispheric dominance ratio >1 means left-sided dominance, and <1 means right-sided language dominance.</p

    Whole-brain optoacoustic images of a mouse.

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    <p>A: Structural features visible in the cryosection (right) are matched with the corresponding optoacoustic image features (left). The representative stained cryosection shows the infarct area caused by 1 h MCAO followed by 24 h reperfusion. In the optoacoustic image, the area corresponding to the brain is enclosed by a green dotted line. The area affected by MCAO has been enclosed by a yellow dotted line. B: the multispectral data unmixed for the oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin are overlaid on the single wavelength image from above (790 nm) in blue and red, respectively; the sagittal sinus is highly oxygenated due to the oxygen-isoflurane anesthetic. C: A coronal-slice set from a representative animal (distance between slices: 1 mm) with the multispectral unmixed data for deoxygenated hemoglobin in the brain presented in blue. The post ischemia set shows clear asymmetry (green arrow), while symmetry is intact in the pre ischemia set. Red and green squares in A and C indicate the ROIs for the ratio analysis.</p

    Hemispheric dominance ratio.

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    <p>Summary of the hemispheric dominance ratio as a quotient of the error rate (fraction of the absolute number of errors and number of stimulations per region) for the corresponding left and right CPS regions separated in the different error types. A hemispheric dominance ratio >1 means left-sided dominance, and <1 means right-sided language dominance. n.s.  =  statistically not significant (p>0.05).</p

    Tumor location.

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    <p>Detailed description of main tumor location and further affected gyri or fibre tracts (FT) by displacement or infiltration for male (M) and female (F) patients. Resting motor threshold (RMT) is also provided. Abbreviations: AA  =  anaplastic astrocytoma WHO grade III, GBM  =  glioblastoma WHO grade IV, C  =  cavernoma, DA  =  diffuse astrocytoma WHO grade II.</p

    Illustrations of the procedure and experimental setup.

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    <p>A: Schematic representation of the MCAO procedure. The filament is forwarded into the MCA (1) through the ICA (3), starting at the bifurcation of the CCA (5) into the ECA (4) and ICA. This causes formation of the stroke volume (2). B: Schematic representation of the MSOT scanner. The mouse holder (1) secures the mouse (2) in the scanner and anesthesia is supplied through the gas mask (3). Optoacoustic signals are generated in the illumination plane (4) and detected by the transducer array (5), covering and angle of 172°.</p

    Mapping parameters.

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    <p>Stimulation parameters used in the study including group and pain score, according to the visual analogue scale (VAS). RMT  =  resting motor threshold (stimulator output); Hz  =  stimulation train frequency; # pulses  =  number of pulses in train; int %  =  stimulation intensity (of maximum stimulator output). The designation n.s.  =  statistically not significant (p>0.05).</p

    Deoxygenated hemoglobin distribution in several mice.

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    <p>From top down: Pre-, during, and 24 hours post-ischemia MSOT images for three MCAO mice (left to right) with corresponding H&E stained cryosections for each mouse (bottom; per mouse). MSOT: multispectral data for deoxygenated hemoglobin are presented in blue. Compared with the pre-ischemia situation, images taken during and 24 h post ischemia show clear asymmetry in the vicinity of the infarcted regions, as also apparent in the corresponding histological sections.</p

    Naming errors during verb generation.

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    <p>Summary of all naming errors induced by rTMS trains during verb generation. Results are demonstrated as absolute values and error rates per stimulation point, as sum of all stimulation points, and separately for anterior and posterior regions.</p><p>Naming errors during verb generation.</p