2 research outputs found

    ResistĂȘncia ao fogo de vigas alveolares

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a UTFPR - Universidade TecnolĂłgica Federal do ParanĂĄVigas alveolares sĂŁo vigas que apresentam aberturas em suas almas. A inserção destas aberturas causam boas caracterĂ­sticas arquitetĂŽnicas, mas a principal motivação Ă© o desempenho mecĂąnico, superando vĂŁo mais longos quando comparado com vigas sĂłlidas, reduz a massa da viga e possibilita a passagem de instalaçÔes tĂ©cnicas atravĂ©s das aberturas. Entretanto, vigas alveolares estĂŁo sujeitas a modos de falha especĂ­ficos diferentes das vigas sĂłlidas, como o mecanismo de Vierendeel, encurvadura do montante da alma ou colapso plĂĄstico da secção 2-tĂȘ. Este trabalho objetiva analisar o comportamento de vigas alveolares em temperatura ambiente e elevada, representando uma situação de incĂȘndio. Um conjunto de experimentos foram realizados em vigas IPE220, de aço classe S275, com aberturas na alma dispostas em diferentes formataçÔes. As vigas foram fixadas pela extremidade e foi aplicada uma carga incremental na extremidade livre atĂ© o colapso da viga. Durante os ensaios, o deslocamento vertical da extremidade livre foi medido por meio de um transdutor diferencial linear, e as deformaçÔes no entorno das aberturas e alma da viga por meio de extensĂŽmetros. Para ensaios a temperatura elevada, resistĂȘncias electro-cerĂąmicas foram utilizadas para o aumento da temperatura Ă  uma taxa de 800 [ÂșC/h] atĂ© o estado estacionĂĄrio de temperatura constante e igual a 600 [ÂșC] ser atingido, e a carga mecĂąnica começou a ser aplicada atĂ© o colapso da viga. Os resultados experimentais foram comparados com valores numĂ©ricos obtidos em um modelo de elementos finitos usando o software Ansys, considerando comportamento nĂŁo linear geomĂ©trico e material. Um processo incremental e iterativo foi usado, com o mĂ©todo de Newton-Raphson. Curvas experimentais e numĂ©ricas de carga vs deslocamento foram comparadas e tambĂ©m as cargas de colapso de cada viga. Os ensaios experimentais permitiram calibrar o modelo numĂ©rico e expandir seu uso para outras configuraçÔes geomĂ©tricas.Cellular beams are beams that present openings in the web. The insertion of this openings can cause a good architectural characteristic, but the main reason is to improve the mechanical performance, overcoming larger spans compared to the original solid beams, reducing its weight in addition to the passage of technical installations trough the openings. However, cellular beams are subject to specific failure modes, different from solid beams, such as the Vierendeel mechanism, the web-post buckling or the 2T plastic collapse, among others. This work aims to analyse the behaviour of cellular beams at ambient and elevated temperatures, representing the effect of a fire situation. A set of experimental tests were performed in IPE220 steel beams, class S275, with openings in their webs, considering different diameters and web post widths. The cantilever beams were fixed at one end and subjected to an incremental concentrated load at the free end until the collapse. During experimental tests the vertical displacement at the free end was measured using a potentiometric wire gauge, and the strains around the holes and at the web post were measured by extensometers. For tests at elevated temperatures an electro-ceramic resistances were used to increase the temperatures at a heating rate of 800 [ÂșC/h] until a steady state regime of a constant temperature equal to 600[ÂșC] was attained and the mechanical load start to be applied until the collapse. The experimental results were compared with numerical results obtained from the finite element method using the software Ansys, considering nonlinear geometric and material simulations. The model includes local geometric imperfections based on the first buckling mode. An incremental and iterative procedure was used, with the Newton-Raphson method. Experimental and numerical load vs displacement curves are compared and the collapse loads obtained for each beam. The experimental tests allowed to calibrate the numerical model and expand it for other geometric configurations

    Behaviour of cellular beams at elevated temperatures

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    Cellular beams are beams that present openings in the web. The insertion of this openings can cause a good architectural characteristic, but the main reason is to improve the mechanical performance, overcoming larger spans compared to the original solid beams, reducing its weight in addition to the passage of technical installations trough the openings. However, cellular beams are subject to specific failure modes, different from solid beams, such as the Vierendeel mechanism, the web-post buckling or the 2T plastic collapse, among others. This work aims to analyse the behaviour of cellular beams at ambient and elevated temperatures, representing the effect of a fire situation. A set of experimental tests were performed in IPE220 steel beams, class S275, with openings in their webs, considering different diameters and web post widths. The cantilever beams were fixed at one end and subjected to an incremental concentrated load at the free end until the collapse, as represented in Figure 1. During experimental tests the vertical displacement at the free end was measured using a potentiometric wire gauge, and the strains around the holes and at the web post were measured by extensometers. For tests at elevated temperatures an electro-ceramic resistances were used to increase the temperatures at a heating rate of 800 [Âșc/h] until a steady state regime of a constant temperature equal to 600[Âșc] was attained and the mechanical load start to be applied until the collapse. The experimental results were compared with numerical results obtained from the finite element method using the software Ansys, considering nonlinear geometric and material simulations. The model includes local geometric imperfections based on the first buckling mode. An incremental and iterative procedure was used, with the Newton-Raphson method Experimental and numerical load vs displacement curves are compared and the collapse loads obtained for each beam. The experimental tests allowed to calibrate the numerical model and expand it for other geometric configurations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio