18 research outputs found

    Secretion of middle ear in infants - Occurrence, recurrence and related factors

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    Objective: The present study aimed at evaluating the occurrence and recurrence of middle ear effusion and possible associated factors in the first two years of life of 190 newborns and infants, participants in the interdisciplinary prevention, detection, and intervention program at the Clínica de Educação para Saúde of Universidade do Sagrado Coração, Methods: Newborns and infants were monthly submitted to anamneses, otoscopy, behavioral hearing assessment using sound instruments and pure tones (pediatric audiometry) and tympanometry. Results: The results revealed that 68.4% of infants presented one or more episodes of middle ear effusion during their two first years, with more recurrence among males. Peak occurrence was between four and 12 months of age and, the earlier the first episode, the higher the probability of recurrence. Greatest incidence was during May and August. It was found that, of the variables investigated, the period of exclusive breastfeeding actuated as a protector factor. With respect of risk factors, it was observed that passive smoking, gastro-esophageal reflux and respiratory allergy were related with the recurrences of effusion. Conclusion: Findings revealed the importance of periodic auditory follow-up for infants during their first two years of life, considered to be the critical period of auditory system maturation, during which sensory deprivation can be responsible for damage to the development of speech, language and other auditory abilities. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria

    Auditory characteristics of individuals with temporomandibular dysfunctions and dentofacial deformities

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether there is any relationship between otological as well as vestibular symptoms, audiological findings and type of temporomandibular disorder (articular, muscular and mixed); and to check the distribution of the temporomandibular disorders (TMD) dysfunction degree in the research population. METHODS: A retrospective study involving 30 patients of both sexes, aged between 18 and 49 years old, diagnosed with TMD and dentofacial deformities, who were subject to clinical evaluation (muscle palpation, auscultation of temporomandibular joint during mandibular motion and measurement of jaw movement), audiological testing (pure tone audiometry and immittance testing) and two questionnaires, one on otological and vestibular symptoms and the other on TMD anamnesis. Based on both the anamnesis questionnaire and the clinical assessment, the subjects were divided according to the type and degree of TMD dysfunction (mild, moderate and severe), and compared regarding the occurrence of auditory signs and symptoms, vestibular symptoms and audiological findings according to TMD type. RESULTS: The anamnesis questionnaire demonstrated higher prevalence (83.33%) of severe TMD. Subjects with mixed TMD had more complaints about hypoacusis than those with muscular TMD (p < 0.05). The results showed no change in either audiological and immittance testing for all assessed individuals. CONCLUSION: Otological symptoms are present in subjects with TMD and dentofacial deformities, regardless of the classification of TMD (articular, muscular or mixed). Those with mixed TMD may have higher incidence of complaints about hypoacusis than subjects with muscular TMD. Further studies are needed to investigate the relationship between otological symptoms and the different types of TMD

    Abortamento na adolescência: um estudo epidemiológico

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    O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido no Hospital Maternidade Santa Izabel da cidade de Bauru, São Paulo, Brasil, e teve como objetivo investigar o abortamento na adolescência e compará-lo com o das mulheres adultas. Os indicadores buscaram traçar o perfil epidemiológico das mulheres internadas, por meio de dados coletados em prontuários, entre aquelas com diagnóstico de aborto, independente da forma clínica, entre os anos de 2000 a 2003. O total de abortamentos registrados foi de 2.286, sendo 459 (20,08%) na faixa etária da adolescência e a forma completa foi significativamente maior nas adolescentes quando comparada às das mulheres adultas; segundo o ano de análise, constatou-se decréscimo de ocorrência entre as adolescentes, com maior incidência em 2000 (30,50%), seguida dos anos de 2001 (25,05%), 2002 (23,53%) e 2003 (20,92%), sendo que as adolescentes apresentaram tendência a permanecer dois ou mais dias hospitalizadas. Enfatiza-se a implementação de políticas e programas direcionados à saúde sexual e reprodutiva e suas co-morbidades.This study was conducted at the Santa Izabel Maternity Hospital in the town of Bauru, São Paulo State, Brazil, in order to investigate abortions and miscarriages in adolescence, comparing them to terminations among adult women. The indicators are used to draw up an epidemiological profile of hospitalized women through data collected from documents on women with diagnoses of abortion or miscarriage from 2000 to 2003, regardless of their clinical form. The total number of registered early terminations of pregnancy reached 2,286, with 459 (20.08%) during adolescence, with the complete form being significantly higher among teenagers than adults; a decrease in the occurrence among adolescents was noted, dropping from 30.5% in 2000 to 25.05% in 2001, 23.53% in 2002 and 20.92% in 2003; with adolescents tending to remain in hospital for two or more days. The implementation is stressed of policies and programs addressing sexual and reproductive health and its co-morbidities

    Considerations on contraceptive methods used by adolescents in Brazil

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    Faz-se uma reflexão sobre a contracepção e suas conseqüências na adolescência, baseada em trabalhos nacionais e internacionais alertam para a precocidade do início da atividade sexual, a qual expõe os adolescentes aos riscos da gravidez e das doenças sexualmente transmissíveis e AIDS. Verifica-se que a maioria dos adolescentes recebe informações sobre contracepção, sendo a pílula e o preservativo os mais conhecidos e utilizados. Porém, registram-se elevada inadequação na utilização dos métodos contraceptivos, além da falta de serviços assistências, onde possam buscar orientações e atendimento. Tal realidade alerta para a necessidade de maior envolvimento de profissionais da saúde, da educação, família e comunidade, garantindo qualidade de vida aos adolescentes.Considerations about the consequences of contraceptives use by adolescents, are made, based on National and international studies warn against early sexual life exposing adolescents to the risks of pregnancy and sexualy transmissible diseases including AIDS. For the most adolescents informations on contraceptives are offered, the pill and the condom being the most popular and used methods. However, a high inadequacy level of contraceptive methods was determined in addition to the lack of guidance and assistance services. Such a situation alerts to the need to have health and education professionals, family and community involved to warrant adolescents an improved life quality


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    Resumo A integração entre ensino e serviço proporciona melhor capacitação do docente, do estudante e do profissional do serviço de saúde, e assim garante ações e serviços de qualidade à população. Este estudo teve como objetivo reorientar a formação dos profissionais dos cursos do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Sagrado Coração, Bauru, São Paulo, em consonância com o Programa Nacional de Reorientação da Formação Profissional em Saúde II. Nestes cursos, foram reorganizadas as suas matrizes curriculares, incluindo a adequação do ensino às demandas sociais, do mercado de trabalho e a incorporação de novas tecnologias educacionais. A partir desta análise, criou-se um grupo de disciplinas comum a todos os cursos de saúde da instituição, ou seja, desenvolveu-se uma identidade que caracteriza o perfil do profissional dos cursos do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da Universidade Sagrado Coração. Os resultados foram a formação do profissional com competência para atuar como gestor e multiplicador dos princípios do Sistema Único de Saúde, o incremento no processo de capacitação do profissional em serviço e a promoção do trabalho multiprofissional. Para os usuários, os resultados revertem-se em melhoria da qualidade dos serviços recebidos