40 research outputs found
The Modeling of Complex Impact of Changing Climate and Environmental Factors on Pea Physiological Indices
Tyrimų tikslas – ištirti diferencijuotą ir kompleksinį aplinkos veiksnių poveikį skirtingų genotipų sėjamojo žirnio (Pisum sativum L.) fiziologinei reakcijai bei nustatyti šių veiksnių tarpusavio sąveikos įtaką fiziologiniams rodikliams. Tyrimų uždaviniai: Nustatyti skirtingos substrato drėgmės ir UV-B spinduliuotės diferencijuotą ir kompleksinį poveikį įvairių genotipų sėjamajam žirniui: 1.Esant dabartiniams klimato veiksnių parametrams. 2.Padidėjusios anglies dioksido koncentracijos sąlygomis. 3.Pakilusios temperatūros sąlygomis. 4.Prognozuojamų klimato veiksnių parametrų sąlygomis (padidėjus CO2 koncentracijai ir temperatūrai).The aim of research – to investigate the differential and complex effect of environmental factors on the physiological responses of different genotypes of sowing pea (Pisum sativum L.) and to evaluate the impact of factor interaction among factors on physiological indices. The tasks of research: To identify the differentiated and integrated effect of different substrate moisture and UV-B radiation on different genotypes of sowing pea: 1.Under the current parameters of climatic factors; 2.Under the increased CO2 concentrations; 3.Under increased temperature; 4.Under predicted climatic factors conditions (increased CO2 concentration and temperature).Žemės ūkio akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
The research was carried out in 2005 at the Lithuanian University of Agriculture, Department of Horticulture. The aim of research was to investigate the yield and quality of different leeks cultivars as influenced by different grown methods. Leeks were growing in these ways: I way – growing in smooth surface; 2 way – growing into 15 cm deep furrows; 3 way - growing on the 15 cm furrows; 4 way – growing in the holes of 20 cm depth. The biggest harvest has been received from the early leek varieties, total harvest - 36,63 t ha-1, standard harvest – 31,12 t ha-1 and late leek varieties total harvest - 26,85 t ha-1, standard harvest – 24,05 t ha-1) grown in smooth surface. The early leeks grown in the holes of 20 cm depth has been received the biggest mass per plant (average 325,0 g) and mass per plant of the late leeks has been received from the leeks grown on the 15 cm furrows (average 274,7 g). The early leeks of the best biochemical composition have been grown in the holes of 20 cm depth and the late leeks have been grown on the 15 cm furrows.Žemės ūkio akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Dynamics of photosynthetic and oxidative stress parameters of two spinach species after short-term low UV-B radiation effect
This work aimed to underline the dynamics of photosynthetic and oxidative stress parameters of ‘Matador’ and ‘Andromeda’ spinach species after short-term 1 and 2 kJm–2 UV-B radiation effect. When plants reached 3–4 leaves growths stage, the exposure to 1 kJm–2 and 2 kJm–2 UV-B radiation was done once for 68 and 136 minutes, respectively. The photosynthetic and oxidative stress parameters were determined 2, 24, 48 and 72 hours after exposure. The stimulating effect of UV-B emerged on the 3rd day after exposure. The positive effect of UV-B was more pronounced for ‘Matador’. The highest DPPH radical-scavenging capacity and the highest concentration of α-tocopherols were detected 24 hours after 2 kJ UV-B exposure, but the decrease in photosynthetic rate was the highest as well. Meanwhile, on the 3rd day after 1 kJ UV-B exposure, the indicators of oxidative stress of ‘Matador’ decreased, and the photosynthetic rate increased. This study highlights that low UV-B radiation acts as an eustress, by awaking positive changes in photosynthetic and oxidative stress parameters of spinachAplinkotyros katedraLietuvos sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
The changes of photosynthetic parameters of „Matador“ and „Andromeda“ spinach under low and medium UVB radiation effect on the first day
Aplinkotyros katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Moisture and short-term UV-B radiation effect on nitrate and photosynthesis in Spinacia oleracea
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of substrate moisture and short-term UV-B irradiation on spinach’s (Spinacia oleracea) nitrate ion assimilation and photosynthesis intensity. Experiment was conducted in growth chambers of controlled environment at the Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Three separate chambers (24 m2each) were used for the study. Seeds of spinach plant were sown in120 ml vessels (one seed per vessel) in peat substrate (Durpeta, Lithuania). Plants were placed at 18/13⁰C day/night thermo period and 12/12h day/night photoperiod. High pressure sodium lamps (SON-T Agro, Philips) were used for illumination (photon flux density 150 μ mol m-2 s-1). Plants were grown in those conditions 21 days before the experiment started. Plants were grown in peat substrate at two moisture regimes: well watered (̴ 40 %) and mild water deficiency (̴ 25 %) substrate moisture. After 7 days effect of substrate moisture plants were exposed to 0 kJm-2day-1, 1 kJm-2day-1 and 2 kJm-2 day-1 UV-B for 1 day. The results showed that UV-B radiation, independently of dosage, resulted in decrease of nitrate ion content in spinaches grown in well-watered substrate. When spinaches were exposed to1 kJm-2day-1 UV-B radiation, nitrate ion content determined 1.58 times lower and when plants were exposed to 2 kJm-2day-1 – it was 1.42 times lower as compared to UV-B untreated plants. Statistically reliable effect of UV-B dosage on nitrate ion content in plants grown in mild water deficiency was not identified. Photosynthesis intensity also decreases under UV-B exposure in spinaches grown in both moisture conditions. Plants affected by UV-B radiation and grown in well-watered substrate showed significantly lower photosynthesis intensity decrease. [...]Gamtos mokslų fakultetasLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
The effect of UV-B radiation on phytochemical properties of Spinacia oleracea
The influence of different dosages of UV-B radiation on spinach antioxidant phytochemical constituents was studied. Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) cv. ‘Andromeda H’ and ‘Matador’ were the objects of this study. Experiment was conducted in closed growth chambers of controlled environment at the Institute of Horticulture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Plants were placed in different growth chambers at 18/13 °C day/night temperature and 12 h photoperiod. High-pressure sodium lamps (SON-T Agro, Philips) were used for illumination (150 µmol m-2 s-1). UV-B radiation (290 – 320 nm) was provided by UV-B fluorescent tubes (TL 40W/12 RS UV-B Medical, Philips). Spinach plants were exposed to 0 kJm-2 day-1, 2 kJm-2 day-1, 4 kJm-2 day-1 and 6 kJm-2 day-1 UV-B for 3 days. The results of investigation showed that more intense (6 kJ) UV-B radiation reduced the ascorbic acid amount in the investigated species spinach leaves. The lowest DPPH radical immobilization ability of both species spinaches is determined when they are affected by the UV-B. The amount of phenolic compounds in spinaches depended on their species and UV-B dose. Spinaches of both species exposed to 4 kJ UV-B radiation have accumulated a larger amount of anthocyanins. ”Matador” spinaches affected by UV-B radiation, accumulated the significantly lower amount of total tocopherolsAplinkotyros katedraLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centras, Sodininkystės ir Daržininkystės InstitutasLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas, Sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Red Light-Dose or Wavelength-Dependent Photoresponse of Antioxidants in Herb Microgreens.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of 638-nm and 665-nm LEDs on changes of antioxidants of basil (Ocimum basilicum) and parsley (Petroselinum crispum), and to assess the effect of light quality on antioxidative status. Plants were grown in peat substrate for 19 days (21/17 ±2°C, 16 h). Experiments were performed in (I) a controlled-environment: B455,R638,R665,FR731(control); B455,R*638,R665,FR731; B455,R638,R*665,FR731; R638; R665 (B-blue, R- red, FR-far-red light). PPFD was set from 231 during growth, upto 300 μmol m-2 s-1 during 3-day treatment changing R638 or R665 PPFD level; in (II) greenhouse (November): high-pressure sodium lamps (HPS) (control-300 μmol m-2s-1); and HPS + 638 (HPS generated 90 and red LEDs-210 μmol m-2s-1). In general, under supplemental or increased red 638 nm light, amounts of tested antioxidants were greater in basil, whereas sole 665 nm or sole 638 nm is more favourable for parsley. Increased or supplemental red light significantly increased contents of phenolics, α-tocopherol, ascorbic acid and DPPH• but suppressed accumulation of lutein and β-carotene in basil, whereas an increase of β-carotene and DPPH• was observed in parsley. Hereby, the photoresponse of antioxidant compounds suggests that photoprotective mechanism is stimulated by both light-dose-dependent and wavelength-dependent reactions
Effect of simulated frost on growth of potato plants
Imituotų šalnų poveikio bulvių augimo rodikliams vegetaciniai bandymai atlikti 2008 metais Lietuvos sodininkystės ir daržininkystės instituto Augalų fiziologijos laboratorijos fitotroniniame komplekse. Tirta - maistinės paskirties vidutinio ankstyvumo bulvių veislė 'Satiną' (Solanum tuberosum L.). Tyrimų tikslas - nustatyti bulvių reakciją į trumpalaikes šalnas. Bulvių augalai šaldyti dvi ir keturias dienas, imituojant 3,5 valandos trukmes šalnas. Atlikus bandymą paaiškėjo, kad bulvių asimiliacinį plotą, žalią ir sausą masę, stiebų skaičių kere sutrikdė ilgiau trukusios (ketunų dienų) šalnos. Patekę į optimalias augimo sąlygas, augalai regeneravo pažeistas struktūrasThe object of this study was to evaluate the effect of simulated frost on growth indices of potato plants. Vegetative experiments were carried cttij Laboratory of Plant Physiology, in phytotron complex at the Lithuanian Institute of Horticulture in 2008. Investigated Solatium tuberosum L. var. 'Satina'. Underfetl effect plants were treated for two and four days, simulating frosts of 3.5 hour. Different influence on plants growth indices of two and four day's frosts was obstmi| Analysing growth of potatoes negative influence of four day's frost was observed. Potato plants under optimal conditions regenerated damaged structuresVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij
Influence of stage of development in the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization on poplar
ISSN 1532-4087 (Online)Poplar cuttings (Populus x euroamericana) were planted in pots and grown in a greenhouse for four months with drip irrigation. Two nitrogen (N) doses of 60 and 120 kg nitrate (N-NO3−) ha−1 (labeling with 15N stable isotopes) were applied at one (time I), two (time II) and three months after of the plantation (time III). The aim of this study was to determine the N-fertilizer application method that resulted in optimal N-uptake by a short-rotation of poplar crop during first year of growth. Our data revealed that NUE (N use efficiency) was largest in the last part of the experiment. The larger development of those plants at this stage enabled the improved absorption and assimilation of N. Furthermore, 15N also revealed that supply of N at three months post-planting generated more biomass and increased the N reserves in the stem; a key factor for ensuring the optimum regrowth during the second yearAplinkotyros katedraVytauto Didžiojo universiteta
Effect of liquid complex fertilizers and growth regulators on photosynthesis system indices of sugar beets
Tirta papildomo trešimo per lapus skystosiomis kompleksinėmis ARVI fertis trašomis ir augimo reguliatoriais itaka cukriniu runkeliu šviesos absorbcijai, fotosintez s pigmentu koncentracijai, fotosintez s produktyvumui. Tyrimai atlikti 2005–2006 m. LŽUU Bandymu stotyje. Dirvožemis – karbonatingas sekliai gl jiškas išplautžemis (Calcari – Epihypogleyic Luvisols). Nustatyta, kad cukriniu runkeliu daigus šešiu poru tikruju lapeliu tarpsnyje (22–23 tarpsnis pagal BBCH skale) apipurškus kompleksiniu trašu Atgaiva-2, Atgaiva-P bei augimo reguliatoriu Penergetic-P arba Stilito-123 tirpalais, runkeliu lapuose sukaupta daugiau chlorofilo a (vidutiniškai 4–6%) ir karotenoidu (vidutiniškai 2–7%), lyginant su papildomai netreštais augalais; vegetacijos metu cukriniai runkeliai absorbavo daugiau fotosintetiškai aktyvios radiacijos (FAR); nustatytas didesnis elektronu transporto našumas (4,8– 12,9%) bei elektronu pernašos greitis (4,9–13,2%), cukriniai runkeliai sukaup daugiau sausuju medžiagu (0,65–1,26%), lyginant su papildomai netreštais augalaisEffect of additional fertilization through leaves with liquid complex fertilizers ARVI - fertis and growth regulators on light absorption, photosynthesis pigments content and net assimilation rate of sugar beet was investigated at the Experimental Station of the Lithuanian University of Agriculture in 2005-2006. The research data revealed that having sprinkled the crop with solutions of complex fertilizers Atgaiva-2, Atgaiva-P and growth regulators Penergetic-P or Stilit-123 the accumulation of photosynthesis pigments in leaves of sugar beets was more intensive than that in seedlings of sugar beets (18 –19 growth stages according to BBCH scale). Sprinkling of such solutions resulted in a higher absorption of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), greater electron transmission rate and increased accumulation of dry matterKauno technologijos universitetasLietuvos sodininkystės ir daržininkystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij