1,653 research outputs found


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    This paper gives insight on the WebSocket communication methodin Internet of Things system, where the hardware part of the system is based on ESP32 microcontroller. Method of implementation is discussed and the reliability of the real-time data transfer in Wi-Fi networks is tested and compared with the long-polling method. Special circuit is designed with the goal to stress the hardware part of the system and the client-server communication link in order to enable proper comparison of data transfer methods. For the comprehensive testing of the real-time data ow, a web server application is designed and used to visualize received data. Impact of RSSI on transfer methods is discussed as well. Eciency of the WebSocket method is discussed and then compared to the long-polling method

    Overexpression of sgm 5ā€™ UTR mRNA reduces gentamicin resistance in both Escherichia coli and Micromonospora melanosporea cells

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    16S rRNK metilaze su eksprimirane u većini bakterija koje proizvode antibiotike da bi se zaÅ”titile od dejstva antibiotika putem metilacije 16S rRNK na pozicijama koje su bitne za njihovo dejstvo. Gen sgm koji je odgovoran za rezistenciju na sisomicin i gentamicin u soju Micromonospora zionensis, metilu je G1405 u okviru A mesta 16S rRNA gde se nalazi i CCGCCC heksanukleotid. Isti heksanukleotid se nalazi i 14 nukleotida ispred mesta vezivanja ribozoma na sgm informacionoj RNK. Predloženi model translacione regulacije sgm gena pretpostavlja da se Sgm protein vezuje za ovaj motiv kako na 16S rRNK, tako i na 5ā€™ netranslirajućem regionu (UTR) sopstvene informacione RNK. 5ā€™ UTR sekvenca je overeksprimirana na sgm informacionoj RNK sa skraćenim 3ā€™ krajem i testiran je efekat na gentamicinsku rezistenciju u ćelijama E. coli i Micromonospora melanosporea. Overekspresija ove regulatorne sekvence dovodi do smanjenja rezistencije u oba testirana soja najverovatnije zbog titracije Sgm molekula od strane 5ā€™ UTR-a.The 16S rRNA methylases are expressed by most of the antibiotic producing bacteria in order to protect themselves against antibiotics by methylation of 16S rRNA at positions which are crucial for their action. The sgm sisomicin-gentamicin resistance gene from Micromonospora zionensis methylates G1405 positioned in the A site of 16S rRNA, which includes a CCGCCC hexanucleotide. The same hexanucleotide is also present 14 nucleotides in front of the ribosome binding site of sgm mRNA. The model proposed for translational regulation of sgm assumes that Sgm binds to this motif, both on 16S rRNA and on the 5ā€™ untranslated region (UTR) of its own mRNA. The 5ā€™ UTR mRNA sequence was overexpressed on 3ā€™-truncated sgm mRNA, and the effect on gentamicin resistance conferred by Sgm was tested in Escherichia coli and in Micromonospora melanosporea. Overexpression of the sgm mRNA regulatory region decreases the resistance to gentamicin in both E. coli and M. melanosporea. This effect is likely to be due to titration of Sgm molecules by the overexpressed 5ā€™ UTR

    Ocena kombinacionih sposobnosti novih inbred linija suncokreta

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    Days to flowering, plant height and head diameter are significant parameters which are directly or indirectly correlated with yield, main trait of sunflower. Eight CMS lines, three testers and their twenty four hybrids were examined by line x tester method. Significant differences were found between lines, testers and hybrids. Results showed that lines PD-3 and PD-25 had good combining abilities for the trait of days to flowering (58 days and 65 days, respectively). In the expression of plant height best combiners were PD-2 (107.5 cm) and PD-3 (108.7 cm). For head diameter lines PD-52 (24.5 cm) and MA-57 (23.2 cm) were marked as good combiners. Variance of SCA was greater than variance of GCA for all the traits. CMS lines had the greatest part in the expression of the analyzed traits. Non-additive type of gene effect was reported for all examined traits, which implies that they could be improved through heterosis breeding.Broj dana do cvetanja biljke, visina biljke i prečnik glave su značajni parametri koji su direktno ili indirektno povezani sa prinosom, glavnim svojstvom suncokreta. Osam CMS linija, tri testera i njihovih dvadeset četiri hibrida ispitivano je metodom linija x tester. Značajne razlike su nađene između linija, testera i F1 hibrida. Rezultati su pokazali da dobre kombinacione sposobnosti za svojstvo broj dana do cvetanja poseduju linije PD-3 (58 dana) i PD-25 (65 dana). U ispoljavanju visine biljke kao najbolji kombinatori su se pokazale linije PD-2 (107,5 cm) i PD-3 (108,7 cm). Za prečnik glave linije PD-52 (24,5 cm) i MA-57 (23,2 cm) su označene kao dobri kombinatori. Najveći značaj u ispoljavanju navedenih svojstava imale su CMS linije. Varijansa uzrokovana PKS je bila veća od varijanse uzrokovane OKS za sva svojstva. Neaditivan efekat gena je zapažen u ispoljavanju svih ispitivanih osobina, Å”to pokazuje da one mogu biti poboljÅ”ane metodom oplemenjivanja na heterozis

    Mycotoxins in pathophysiology of cattle diet

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    Depending on the age and production category, cattle show different sensitivity towards certain mycotoxins. Microflora of the rumen degrades to a different degree and inactivates mycotoxins. In the work are presented the most important mycotoxicoses of cattle caused by fungal metabolites from the genera Fusarium, Aspergillus and Penicillium. Poisoning of cattle in our area is most often caused by Zearalenone, Dioxinivalenol, T-2 toxin, Ochratoxin A and Aflatoxin, but in the work are also presented Fumonisin B1 and B2. The work also describes preventive possibilities and protection of animal health from the effects of mycotoxins

    Sunflower Genetics from Ancestors to Modern Hybrids-A Review

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    Domestication and the first steps of sunflower breeding date back more than 4000 years. As an interesting crop to humans, sunflower underwent significant changes in the past to finally find its place as one of the most significant oil crops today. Substantial progress has already been made in understanding how sunflower was domesticated. Recent advances in molecular techniques with improved experimental designs contributed to further understanding of the genetic and molecular basis underlying the architectural and phenotypic changes that occurred during domestication and improvements in sunflower breeding. Understanding the domestication process and assessing the current situation concerning available genotypic variations are essential in order for breeders to face future challenges. A review of the tools that are used for exploring the genetic and genome changes associated with sunflower domestication is given in the paper, along with a discussion of their possible implications on classical sunflower breeding techniques and goals

    Performanse NS hibrida suncokreta u Rumuniji

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    Performance of 25 new sunflower hybrids at three locations in Romania were estimated using AMMI model. Seed yield per plot were recorded on plants in middle rows to avoid edge effect. The most productive hybrid was NS-6 (4.31 t/ha), while the least productive was NS-13 (2.80 t/ha). The highest yield was obtained by hybrid NS-24 in location Valul lui Traian with seed yield of 5.03 t/ha, while the lowest seed yield was 1.43 t/ha obtained by hybrid NS-13 in location Dalga. AMMI analysis showed that variations in seed yield were mostly due to additive effects, genotype (32.45%) and environment (41.62%), but interaction effect (25.92%) was also not negligible. The most productive hybrids with high yields and low values of interaction were NS-1, NS-2, NS-4, NS-5, NS-6, NS-9, NS-10, NS-11 and NS-16. .Proučavane su performanse 25 novih hibrida suncokreta u 3 lokaliteta u Rumuniji primenom AMMI modela. Prinos semena po parcelici je zabeležen na biljkama iz srednjih redova kako bi se izbegao rubni efekat. Najproduktivniji hibrid je bio NS-6 (4,31 t/ha), dok je najmanje produktivan bio hibrid NS-13 (2,80 t/ha). Najveći prinos je ostvario hibrid NS-24 u lokalitetu Valul lui Traian sa prinosom od 5,03 t/ha, dok je najniži prinos semena bio 1,43 t/ha ostvaren od strane hibrida NS-13 u lokalitetu Dalga. AMMI analiza je pokazala da je varijacija u prinosu semena najvećim delom bila uslovljena aditivnim efektima, genotipom (32,45%) i spoljaÅ”njom sredinom (41,62%), ali i efekat interakcije (25,92%) takođe nije bio zanemarljiv. Kao najproduktivniji sa visokim prinosom i niskom vrednoŔću interakcije pokazali su se hibridi NS-1, NS-2, NS-4, NS-5, NS-6, NS-9, NS-10, NS-11 i NS-16.

    Genetic and Genomic Tools in Sunflower Breeding for Broomrape Resistance

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    Broomrape is a root parasitic plant causing yield losses in sunflower production. Since sunflower is an important oil crop, the development of broomrape-resistant hybrids is the prime breeding objective. Using conventional plant breeding methods, breeders have identified resistant genes and developed a number of hybrids resistant to broomrape, adapted to different growing regions worldwide. However, the spread of broomrape into new countries and the development of new and more virulent races have been noted intensively. Recent advances in sunflower genomics provide additional tools for plant breeders to improve resistance and find durable solutions for broomrape spread and virulence. This review describes the structure and distribution of new, virulent physiological broomrape races, sources of resistance for introduction into susceptible cultivated sunflower, qualitative and quantitative resistance genes along with gene pyramiding and marker assisted selection (MAS) strategies applied in the process of increasing sunflower resistance. In addition, it presents an overview of underutilized biotechnological tools, such as phenotyping, -omics, and genome editing techniques, which need to be introduced in the study of sunflower resistance to broomrape in order to achieve durable resistance
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