534 research outputs found

    Analisis Sistem Dan Prosedur Pemberian Kredit Konsumtif Dalam Upaya Mendukung Pengendalian Manajemen Kredit (Studi Pada Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Tri Aji Mandiri Kota Kediri)

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    Based on the results of a study conducted by researchers showed that the KSP Tri Aji Mandiri Kediri loans are much in demand by the public is the type of consumer credit and it can be seen that the NPL (Non Performing Loan) for the types of consumer credit during the last 3 years has increased. The purpose of this research is to know how the systems and procedures for granting consumer loans conducted by the KSP Tri Aji Mandiri Kediri and to know that credit management controls which applied to the KSP Tri Aji Mandiri Kediri. Based on the results of the study showed that the systems and procedures for granting credit there are still some weaknesses that is the existence of dual task, and the organizational structure has not been separating the functional responsibilities expressly, formulir is used not serial number printed, whereas in credit management control are aspects that do not support good credit management control, that is : between appraisers the guarantee and credit analysis performed by the same personnel, and there has been no examination of work independently such as the internal audit function

    Perspektif Dramaturgi dalam Kasus Mucikari di Kalangan Mahasiswa Kawasan Kampus Panam Kota Pekanbaru

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    The research was conducted in the District Charming Pekanbaru City. This study, entitledPerspectives Dramaturgy in Case Pimps Among College Students Panam Pekanbaru Cityarea. The purpose of this study was to determine the background of the social life of a studentwho works as a pimp for chickens campus in the District Handsome. Topics focus of thisresearch is the process of pimping for chickens student campus in dramaturgical perspectivein District Charming. The research subjects studied were pimps students in the district asmany as three people Handsome research subjects. The author uses descriptive qualitativemethod and the data were analyzed qualitatively using Snowball Sampling taking technique.Data instrument is observation, interview, and documentation. Research conducted onstudents who work as a pimp for chickens campus in the District Handsome get finding thebackground of the social life of students is coming from families who have economicproblems is low, every pimp backgrounds unstable economic before becoming pimps, andevery pimp has been used to living with promiscuity that do not have restrictions norm.Pimps working interaction process includes the characteristics and performance of everydaypimping on campus and the neighborhood.In both these environments are very smart pimpsadapt without arousing suspicion by those around him. Pimps working process including howto serve consumers and the system works. In serving consumers pimping is not arbitraryreceiving customers, pimps will seek approval from his campus chicken first, then approvedchicken campus then the consumer will be presented regarding the payment and prostitutionservices provided

    School indiscipline and crime

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    This paper studies the impact of compulsory schooling on violent behaviour and victimization in school using individual-level administrative data matching education and criminal records from Queensland (Australia). Exploiting a legislative increase in the minimum dropout age in 2006, this study defines a series of regression-discontinuity specifications to show that compulsory schooling reduces crime but increases violent behaviour in school. While police records show that property and drugs offences decrease, education records indicate that violence and victimization in school increase. Thus, prior studies that fail to consider in-school behaviour may over-estimate the short-run crime-reducing impact of compulsory education

    Students as Creators, Drivers, Innovators, and Collaborators

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    Peran Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Pengelolaan Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Di Kabupaten Jepara

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    Fish Auction is one of the most important things in fisheries sector for fishermen to drop their ships and sell their fish. The problem that often occurred is fishermen are inclined to sell and put their fishes in auction outside the legal auction place. This condition caused by the management of the auction place itself that is still unstructured, minimum humanresources in managing the auction place, the facilities provided and also the low level of security compare to outside the legal auction place.Objective of this research is to know how the roles of the local government (Department of Oceanography and Fisheries) in managing fish auction place, along with the obstacle factors in managing the place in Jepara regency.To reveal the problems from the objectives, the researcher used the qualitative method with the analysis descriptive approach, in which the efforts of this research is to describe the condition in the present time in one research object by using the theory of management function by George Terry as the basis ground in conducting this research. So that the division of this research consists of planning, organizing, conducting, and controlling that are done by the local government.The result of this research showed that the roles of the local government in managing the fish auction place in Jepara regency could not be said as optimal because there are several obstacles and problems, so that particular controls are still needed from the local government to minimalist those conditions. Advice given the increase quality and quantity of the human resources, to evaluate the performnceof employees involved in the management of fish auction, and also increase the support in society in every level

    Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika melalui Pembelajaran Kooperatif Model Missourimathematics Project (Mmp) pada Siswa Kelas Viiia SMP Nasional Makassar

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    Salah satu penyebab kurangnya minat siswa untuk belajar dipengaruhi dari banyaknya waktu yang dipergunakan untuk bermain, sehingga berpengaruh terhadap rendahnya hasil belajar. Oleh karena itu, seorang guru haruslah mewujudkan tujuan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan komponen, pendekatan, dan berbagai metode pengajaran. Dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran yang tepat dengan kondisi psikologi siswa, maka dapat membantu siswa untuk menggunakan waktu seefisien mungkin, sehingga siswa mudah memahami pelajaran matematika. Atas alasan diatas maka penulis mencoba untuk melakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan salah satu model pembelajaran matematika yaitu model Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) yaitu model pembelajaran ini memuat hal-hal yang dapat mengefektifkan waktu siswa yaitu review tentang materi sebelumnya, pengembangan ide, dan pemberian latihan terkontrol, Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tidakan kelas (Classroom Action Research) yang dilakukan secara bersiklus dengan tujuan penelitian untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas VIIIA SMP Nasional Makassar melalui pembelajaran kooperastif model Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP). Adapun hasil penelitian dari penerapan model pembelajaran pembelajaran Missouri Mathematics Project (MMP) telah memberi dampak yang positif yakni mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar belajar siswa. Rencana yang akan dilakukan ialah melakukan tahapan penelitian pada Siklus III di SMP Nasional Makassar. Hal ini dilakukan agar hasil data penelitian yang diperoleh dapat lebih akurat agar semakin layak untuk dipublikasikan dan dipatenkan. Kemudian model MMP ini akan kembali diuji cobakan di sekolah lain dengan masalah sama yang dihadapi

    Suplemen Buku Ajar Tematik Materi Energi Alternatif & Sumber Daya Alam Berbasis Kontekstual untuk Kelas IV SD

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    The purpose of this research is to develop thematic's supplementary book for the fourth grade with a focus on the study of alternative energy and natural resources material. Thematic's supplementary book was developed based on student characteristics and contextual. The materials were validated in terms of content, language, and design, the materials were tried out to three elementary students in one-to-one evaluation, six elementary students in small-group evaluations, and to twenty nine elementary students in field trial evaluation. The trial results demonstrate the feasibility of teaching materials have a high level. The average validity got 87.90, the practicality 85.76, and the effectiveness 91.95. So it is recomended be implemented as a supporting source in the learning activities, especially in studying alternative energy & natural resources.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan suplemen buku ajar tematik untuk kelas IV SD dengan fokus kajian pada materi energi alternatif & sumber daya alam. Suplemen buku ajar dikembangkan berdasarkan karakteristik siswa dan kontekstual. Suplemen buku ajar divalidasikan pada aspek isi, bahasa, dan desain, selanjutnya diujicobakan kepada tiga siswa pada uji perorangan, enam siswa pada uji kelompok kecil dan 29 siswa pada uji kelompok besar. Hasil uji coba menunjukkan tingkat kelayakan bahan ajar sangat tinggi. Rata-rata kevalidan sebesar 87,90, kepraktisan 85,76, dan keefektifan 91,95. Disarankan bahan ajar ini diimplementasikan untuk sumber pendukung pembelajaran tematik, khususnya materi energi alternatif & sumber daya alam

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan, Lingkungan Kerja Dan Iklim Organisasi Terhadap Semangat Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Multisarana Agro Lestari Pekanbaru

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    The research was conducted at PT. Multisarana Agro Lestari Pekanbaru. The study is quantitative descriptive type kolerasional. The sample in this study are numbered as many as 51 people. Data collection techniques with interviewand questionnaire. Multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS version. The regression test Partially that each independent variables studied (leadership, work environment and climate organization) has an influence on the dependent variable (morale) it was shown by the results that the leadership variablesignificant effect on employee morale, workplace environment variable significant effect on employee morale, while the organizational climate variables significant effect on employee morale PT. Multisarana Agro Lestari Pekanbaru. And whilethe simultaneous regression test showed that the independent variables studied (leadership, work environment and climate organization) has an influence on the dependent variable (morale). The magnitude of the effect caused by the threeindependent variables namely 56.9% while the remaining 43.1% is influenced by other variables not examined in this study

    Pengaruh Penambahan Tepung Bunga Marigold (Tagetes SP) Sebagai Sumber Karotenoid Untuk Meningkatkan Warna Ikan Komet (Carrasius Auratus Auratus)

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    Ikan komet merupakan salah satu jenis ikan hias air tawar yang banyak diminatioleh masyarakat. Peningkatan kualitas warna diperlukan untuk ikan ini agar dapat menghasilkan kualitas warna terbaik. Metode yang signifikanuntuk meningkatkan kualitas warna adalah dengan menambahkan tepung bunga Marigold sebagai sumber karotenoid ke dalam pakan buatan agar dapat meningkatkan kecerahan warna pada ikan komet. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari dosis terbaik dalam penambahan tepung bunga marigold pada intensitas warna yang diukur dengan Toca Colour Finder Modified (M-TCF) dan spektrofotometer. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan merekatkan tepung bunga marigold pada pakan komersil menggunakan minyak ikan. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan yaitu : 0 % (A atau kontrol), 0,6 % (B), 0,9 % (C), dan 1,2 % (D). Padat tebar adalah 15 ekor/ cm 3 selama 40 hari di akuarium ukuran 60x40x40 cm3 . Tepung bunga Marigold memberikan dampak yang signifikan pada warna ikan komet. Data pertumbuhan mutlak panjang dan berat untuk studi ikan komet tidak memberikan pengaruh signifikan, namun tepung bunga Marigold secara signifikan mempengaruhi tingkat kelangsungan hidup. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan terbaik adalah C yang memberikan kecerahan tertinggi
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