3 research outputs found

    Pendampingan tentang Pemilihan Makanan Sehat kepada Anak Asuh Rumah Singgah

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    Knowledge in healthy foods selection needs to be taught to childrens and adolesncent as the next generation for Indonesia. It because foods that they consume will give many impact to their health, physical growth, mentally and intelligent. Many factors can influence the children and adolescent in selecting helathy food, such as parenting, environment, economic, pshycology and education. Education as the last factor was choosen as a method to transfer knowledge about selecting a helathy foods in this community service activities. Improving foster knowledges in selecting healthy foods, which located in Klungkung district had purposed to give solution to the foster in knowing healthy foods and giving understanding what were the impact of safe and healthy foods to them. In order they will able to review of negative or positive impact before they consume foods. The success in this community service activities were from analyzed scored of pre and post test by Wilcoxon analysis in SPSS 16.  The obtained result showed if p-value was less then 0.05 (p=0.001), it means that the foster could received the subjects clearly by lecture and playing methods. In discussion between team and the foster, when they choose and consume healthy foods will give advantages and will support them in reacing academic, sport and other achievments. Females foster understand if they consumed healthy foods they will able to maintains their weight and avoid anemia. Males foster also know they will built good stamina to do many activities. In conclusion education about selecting healthy foods need sustainable action from people around the children and adolescent. In case it will built their good habits and behavior in ways to choose healthy foods in whole their life. A demonstration in processing healthy foods can be a skill and provision to introduce the healthy foods directly to them.   

    The Management of Seaweed Cultivation as an Educational Tourism Destination in Lembongan Village, Klungkung Regency, Bali: Manajemen Pengelolaan Budidaya Rumput Laut Sebagai Destinasi Wisata Edukasi di Desa Lembongan, Kabupaten Klungkung, Bali

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    Seaweed farming is one of the community's economic drivers in Lembongan Village, Klungkung Regency, Bali. In accordance with their individual regions or areas of production, these seaweed farmers are grouped into a number of groups. The conventional system is still used for managing seaweed cultivation. Tarpaulins are used by farmers to dry seaweed along highways or in open spaces. As a result, dust, sand, and other contaminants are present in seaweed. Because a tarp is all that is used to dry the seaweed, the procedure takes a while. Because it falls short of the requirements that collectors and purchasers need, seaweed has a poor selling price. Observation, interviews, document collecting, training, and mentorship for seaweed growers were used to study and assess this issue. Three topics related to seaweed farming are covered in this article: First, seaweed cultivation is still managed in a traditional manner. Second, a drying table, ultraviolet plastic, and green house technology must be used to dry seaweed. The quality and selling price of seaweed can be raised by good management and the application of technology during the drying process. Third, growing and drying this seaweed can be one of Lembongan Village's educational tourism (edutourism) attractions. This tourism location can draw more visitors from both local and international markets, boosting the economic benefits of seaweed farming. As a result, people are becoming more conscious of the need to protect the environment and are informed about the health and other benefits of seaweed

    Occurrence and Consumer Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Frozen Demersal Fish and Cephalopod Products from Benoa Port, Bali Province

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    Introduction: Heavy metal pollution has become an important environmental issue today. This study was aimed to identify the heavy metals of the two fishing products namely demersal fish and cephalopods landed at Benoa Port, Bali Province and their health risk effects on consumers. Methods: Demersal fish and cephalopod products were obtained from local fishermen at Benoa port. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) was used to specify the (Pb, Cd, and Hg) in 34 fish fillet products weighing an average of 500 grams each. Statistical software was used to conduct an analysis of the collected data, while THQ, TTHQ, and TCR were calculated and compared with USEPA regulations. Results and Discussion: The results of this research showed that the content of heavy metals in demersal fish and cephalopod products was lower than the levels suggested by official agencies in a number of countries. In populations of various ages, the target Hazard Quotient (THQ) for the heavy metal was less than 1. At this point, the Total THQ result did not imply any risk to human health from ingestion of these two fishery products. When these two products were ingested, the target cancer risk (TCR) did not represent a cancer risk. Conclusion: The outcomes of this study showed that the bioaccumulation levels of both fishery products with low levels of heavy metals are safe for human consumption