116 research outputs found

    Differential patterns of PMN-elastase and type III procollagen peptide in knee joint effusions due to acute and chronic sports injuries

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    In 38 traumatic knee joint effusions the proteolytic enzyme PMN-elastase (PMN-E) and the repair marker procollagen III aminoterminal peptide (PIIINP) were determined. According to the period between trauma and first aspiration of the effusion, the patients were divided into 3 groups. Group I (17 patients; period between trauma and first aspiration not longer than 72 hours) showed high concentrations of PMN-E (up to 5400 ng/ml) and low concentrations of PIIINP (<13 U/ml). Group II (11 patients; aspiration within 4 to 14 days) had mean PMN-E and PIIINP concentrations of 125.6 ng/ml and 52.1 U/ ml, respectively. In group III (10 patients, aspiration after 14 days) mean PMN-E concentration was 123.8 ng/ml and mean PIIINP concentration was 63.4 U/ml. Graphic depiction of PMN-E and PIIINP levels in each individual sample as a function of time between trauma and fluid collection revealed highly increasing PMN-E levels during the first 24 posttraumatic hours, followed by rapidly decreasing levels within 72 hours post trauma, and no change after the 4th posttraumatic day. In contrast, PIIINP increased continuously up to the first posttraumatic week and stayed at high levels up to 90 days (end of the observation period). The differential patterns of PMN-E and PIIINP concentration in knee joint effusions may be useful in estimating the period between trauma and first treatment (aspiration of effusion) and should, therefore, be helpful in detecting degenerative lesions, which seem to be characterized by low PMN-E concomitantly with high PIIINP levels

    Synthesis, characterization, DNA binding, topoisomerase inhibition, and apoptosis induction studies of a novel cobalt(III) complex with a thiosemicarbazone ligand

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    In this study, 9-anthraldehyde-N(4)-methylthiosemicarbazone (MeATSC) 1 and [Co(phen)(OCO)]Cl·6HO 2 (where phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) were synthesized. [Co(phen)(OCO)]Cl·6HO 2 was used to produce anhydrous [Co(phen)(HO)](NO)3. Subsequently, anhydrous [Co(phen)(HO)](NO)3 was reacted with MeATSC 1 to produce [Co(phen)(MeATSC)](NO)·1.5HO·CHOH 4. The ligand, MeATSC 1 and all complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, FT IR, UV-visible, and multinuclear NMR (H, C, and Co) spectroscopy, along with HRMS, and conductivity measurements, where appropriate. Interactions of MeATSC 1 and complex 4 with calf thymus DNA (ctDNA) were investigated by carrying out UV-visible spectrophotometric studies. UV-visible spectrophotometric studies revealed weak interactions between ctDNA and the analytes, MeATSC 1 and complex 4 (K = 8.1 × 10 and 1.6 × 10 M, respectively). Topoisomerase inhibition assays and cleavage studies proved that complex 4 was an efficient catalytic inhibitor of human topoisomerases I and IIα. Based upon the results obtained from the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3-carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium (MTS) assay on 4T1-luc metastatic mammary breast cancer cells (IC = 34.4 ± 5.2 μM when compared to IC = 13.75 ± 1.08 μM for the control, cisplatin), further investigations into the molecular events initiated by exposure to complex 4 were investigated. Studies have shown that complex 4 activated both the apoptotic and autophagic signaling pathways in addition to causing dissipation of the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨ). Furthermore, activation of cysteine-aspartic proteases3 (caspase 3) in a time- and concentration-dependent manner coupled with the ΔΨ, studies implicated the intrinsic apoptotic pathway as the major regulator of cell death mechanism

    Direct observation of topoisomerase IA gate dynamics

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    Type IA topoisomerases cleave single-stranded DNA and relieve negative supercoils in discrete steps corresponding to the passage of the intact DNA strand through the cleaved strand. Although type IA topoisomerases are assumed to accomplish this strand passage via a protein-mediated DNA gate, opening of this gate has never been observed. We developed a single-molecule assay to directly measure gate opening of the Escherichia coli type IA topoisomerases I and III. We found that after cleavage of single-stranded DNA, the protein gate opens by as much as 6.6 nm and can close against forces in excess of 16 pN. Key differences in the cleavage, ligation, and gate dynamics of these two enzymes provide insights into their different cellular functions. The single-molecule results are broadly consistent with conformational changes obtained from molecular dynamics simulations. These results allowed us to develop a mechanistic model of interactions between type IA topoisomerases and single-stranded DNA

    Método automático de clasificación de color en dientes humanos usando aprendizaje de máquina

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónActualmente el proceso de identificación del color de los dientes para la fabricación de prótesis dentales es realizado manualmente por un experto que, utilizando un método de identificación visual, determina el color de las piezas dentales en la boca del paciente, usando guías de color como la VITA®. A pesar de que el método visual es el más utilizado para la identificación del color de dientes, este se ve afectado por distintas variables tales como: el cansancio del experto, la luminosidad en el ambiente, salud visual del especialista, entre otras que influyen en la identificación del color en los dientes. Los errores en la clasificación del color de los dientes pueden generar pérdidas de tiempo lo que implicaría en consecuencia sobrecostos que afectarían directamente al fabricante y la satisfacción final del cliente.1. Planteamiento del problema 2. Pregunta de investigación 3. Objetivos 4. Estado del arte 5. Marco de referencia 6. Alcances y limitaciones 7. Metodología 8. Diseño metodológico 9. Discusión y resultados 10. Conclusiones 11. Trabajos futuros 12. Bibliografía 13. ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero de Sistema


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