15 research outputs found

    The Immigration Laws and Policy in the United States of America

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    Figure S3. Line plot of the absolute number of cells per lymphocyte subset in 68 non-converting and 17 converting patients with arthralgia. The non-converting patients are depicted from the time point of inclusion. The converting patients are depicted from the time point of conversion and the time before conversion. (TIF 1784 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Type I interferon response gene expression in established rheumatoid arthritis is not associated with clinical parameters

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    List of the 19 IFN response genes measured. Table S2. Results of analysis for associations between IFN scores and clinical parameters after 1000 times of random sampling using only patients who were not treated with prednisone, HCQ, or SSZ. (PDF 82 kb

    Frequency distribution of intersoma Euclidean distances between connected neurons.

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    <p><b>A</b>, Connections via basal dendrites. <b>B</b>, Connections via apical dendrites. Note that the minimum intersoma distance with which the network was created was 20 µm.</p

    Distributions of dendritic shape characteristics of NETMORPH-generated and empirical L2/3 pyramidal cells.

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    <p><b>A</b>, Basal dendrites. <b>B</b>, Apical tuft. The NETMORPH-generated neurons are shown by solid lines, and the L2/3 pyramidal neurons from the NeuroMorpho.org database are shown by grey bars. For the basal dendrites, the n-values of degree and total tree length refer to the total number of dendritic trees. For the apical tufts, the n-values of degree and total tree length refer to the total number of apical dendrites (equal to the number of neurons used). For both the basal dendrites and the apical tufts, the n-values of centrifugal order refer to the total number of segments (intermediate and terminal), the n-values of intermediate segment length refer to the total number of intermediate segments, and the n-values of terminal segment length and path length refer to the total number of terminal segments.</p

    Frequency distributions of in-degree, out-degree and degree of neurons.

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    <p><b>A</b>, In-degree for connections via apical dendrite. <b>B</b>, In-degree for connections via basal dendrite. <b>C</b>, Out-degree for connections via apical dendrite. <b>D</b>, Out-degree for connections via basal dendrite. <b>E</b>, Degree for connections via apical dendrite. <b>F</b>, Degree for connections via basal dendrite.</p

    Schematic neuritic trees illustrating tree terminology.

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    <p><b>a</b>, The different segments and nodes that can be distinguished and the labeling of segments based on centrifugal order. The centrifugal order of a segment is the number of branch points along the path from the root to the terminal tip of the segment. Terminal tip is equivalent to growth cone. <b>b</b>, Labeling of segments based on degree. The degree of a segment is the number of terminal tips in the (sub) tree carried by the segment.</p

    Axonal shape characteristics of NETMORPH-generated neurons and L2/3 pyramidal neurons from the NeuroMorpho.org database.

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    <p>The n-values of degree and total tree length refer to the total number of axons (equal to the number of neurons used). The n-values of centrifugal order refer to the total number of segments (intermediate and terminal), the n-values of intermediate segment length refer to the total number of intermediate segments, and the n-values of terminal segment length and path length refer to the total number of terminal segments.</p