1,189 research outputs found

    Emotional characters for automatic plot creation

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    The Virtual Storyteller is a multi-agent framework for automatic story generation. In this paper we describe how plots emerge from the actions of semi-autonomous character agents, focusing on the influence of the characters’ emotions on plot development

    Delayed wound repair in sepsis is associated with reduced local pro-inflammatory cytokine expression

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    Sepsis is one of the main causes for morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients. Moreover, sepsis associated complications involving impaired wound healing are common. Septic patients often require surgical interventions that in-turn may lead to further complications caused by impaired wound healing. We established a mouse model to the study delayed wound healing during sepsis distant to the septic focus point. For this reason cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) was combined with the creation of a superficial wound on the mouse ear. Control animals received the same procedure without CPL. Epithelialization was measured every second day by direct microscopic visualization up to complete closure of the wound. As interplay of TNF-α, TGF-ÎČ, matrix metalloproteinases (MMP), and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP) is important in wound healing in general, TNF-α, TGF-ÎČ, MMP7, and TIMP1 were assessed immunohistochemical in samples of wounded ears harvested on days 2, 6, 10 and 16 after wounding. After induction of sepsis, animals showed a significant delay in wound epithelialization from day 2 to 12 compared to control animals. Complete wound healing was attained after mean 12.2± standard deviation (SD) 3.0 days in septic animals compared to 8.7± SD 1.7 days in the control group. Septic animals showed a significant reduction in local pro-inflammatory cytokine level of TNF-α on day 2 and day 6 as well as a reduced expression of TGF-ÎČ on day 2 in wounds. A significant lower expression of MMP7 as well as TIMP1 was also observed on day 2 after wounding. The induction of sepsis impairs wound healing distant to the septic focus point. We could demonstrate that expression of important cytokines for wound repair is deregulated after induction of sepsis. Thus restoring normal cytokine response locally in wounds could be a good strategy to enhance wound repair in sepsis

    1950 Schoolma\u27am

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    The Schoolma\u27am is the yearbook of Madison College.https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/allyearbooks/1043/thumbnail.jp

    Stroboscopic images of streamers through air and over dielectric surfaces

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    We study the propagation of streamer discharges through air and along an epoxy rod with an ICCD camera. We use stroboscopic imaging at frequencies up to 110 MHz to visualize discharge evolution and to calculate velocities. Initial results show that surface streamers along a dielectric surface can be up to twice as fast as streamers through bulk air

    Stroboscopic images of streamers through air and over dielectric surfaces

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    Vom Mangel zum Überfluss - der ostdeutsche Wohnungsmarkt in der Subventionsfalle

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    In den Jahren seit der deutschen Vereinigung hat sich die Situation auf dem Wohnungsmarkt Ostdeutschlands grundlegend verĂ€ndert. Herrschte zu DDR-Zeiten und anfangs der neunziger Jahre schwerer Wohnungsmangel, so stehen inzwischen ĂŒber eine Million Wohnungen leer. Die GrĂŒnde des gegenwĂ€rtigen Leerstandsproblems liegen nicht primĂ€r auf der Nachfrage-, sondern auf der Angebotsseite. Als Hauptursache ist der subventionsinduzierte Neubauboom der 90er Jahre zu sehen, der die AbsorptionsfĂ€higkeit der MĂ€rkte bei weitem ĂŒberfordert hat. Trotz der sich Mitte der 90er Jahre anbahnenden LeerstĂ€nde wurde versĂ€umt, die Förderung neuer Mietwohnungen rechtzeitig und in angemessener Weise zurĂŒckzufĂŒhren und die Förderinstrumente den neuen Gegebenheiten anzupassen. Dadurch hat sich ein ĂŒber den strukturellen Leerstand hinausgehender angebotsbedingter Leerstand aufgebaut und verfestigt. In jĂŒngster Zeit hat die Politik auf die Probleme des Wohnungsmarktes in den neuen LĂ€ndern mit unterschiedlichen Maßnahmen reagiert, vor allem mit der Verordnung zum Altschuldenhilfegesetz und dem Programm „Stadtumbau Ost“. Zentrale Elemente der Politik sind der RĂŒckbau leerstehender WohngebĂ€ude, die Förderung von Neugestaltung und Aufwertung der von RĂŒckbaumaßnahmen betroffenen Stadtquartiere, die Revitalisierung der InnenstĂ€dte und der Erhalt von stĂ€dtebaulich wertvollen Altbauquartieren. Die Reduktion des Überangebotes auf dem ostdeutschen Wohnungsmarkt durch Abriss und RĂŒckbau von 300 000 bis 400 000 Wohneinheiten ließe sich zwar mit negativen Effekten des Leerstands (Entleerung von Stadtvierteln, Bildung von Slums) rechtfertigen. Solche ExternalitĂ€ten sind freilich im jeweiligen Einzelfall kritisch zu prĂŒfen, um nicht als Bezugspunkt fĂŒr eine sehr weitgreifende generelle AbrissbegrĂŒndung ohne Blick auf die sozialen Kosten und ErtrĂ€ge zu fungieren. Die Herstellung eines Marktausgleichs allein ist kein hinreichender Grund fĂŒr Subventionen. Um Erwerbungen aus dem Wohnungsbestand nicht mehr gegenĂŒber Neubauten zu diskriminieren, wĂ€re es sinnvoll, die Eigenheimzulage generell auf 1278 € (2500 DM) pro anno zu beschrĂ€nken. Mit den eingesparten Mitteln könnte die mobilitĂ€tshemmende und die Wohnstandortwahl verzerrende Grunderwerbsteuer reduziert werden. Auch sollte die degressive AfA fĂŒr den Neubau von Mietwohnungen abgeschafft werden. Die gegenwĂ€rtige Lage und die voraussichtliche kĂŒnftige Entwicklung auf dem ostdeutschen Wohnungsmarkt legen es nahe, auf Wohnungsbausubventionen langfristig ganz zu verzichten. Ziel des Abbaus dieser Subventionen in Ost- und Westdeutschland sollte es sein, dass sich Wohnungsbauinvestitionen an den Ertragserwartungen – und damit letztendlich an den PrĂ€ferenzen der Nachfrager – und nicht an staatlicher Förderung orientieren. --

    Differences in growth and herbicide sensitivity among Cyperus esculentus clones found in Belgian maize fields

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    Cyperus esculentus is an invasive troublesome neophyte in many arable crops in Belgium. Applied weed control varies from field to field. One of the possible reasons for this variability might be a differential vegetative and reproductive behaviour among Belgian C.esculentus clones. In this study, growth characteristics and herbicide sensitivity of C.esculentus clones collected in Belgian maize (Zea mays) fields were evaluated. In a morphology Experiment, 25 clones were screened for growth characteristics and ability to set viable seeds under outdoor conditions. Dose-response experiments were conducted in the glasshouse to evaluate the effectiveness of two foliar-applied herbicides (bentazon and glyphosate) and two pre-sowing soil-incorporated herbicides (S-metolachlor and dimethenamid-P) for controlling 14 C.esculentus clones. Response variables were aboveground dry biomass, tuber number, tuber dry biomass and individual tuber dry weight. Clones exhibited large differences in shoot number (up to 3.1-fold), tuber dry biomass (up to 4.7-fold), tuber number (up to 3.4-fold), individual tuber dry weight (up to 4.8-fold), inflorescence number and capacity to set viable seeds. Large interclonal differences in herbicide sensitivity (up to 8.3- and 4.0-fold for aboveground dry biomass and tuber dry biomass, respectively) were observed. Contrary to foliar-applied herbicides, soil-incorporated herbicides were very effective and provided season-long C.esculentus control at doses below the recommended maximum field dose. However, low doses stimulated tuber formation. Future C.esculentus management strategies should take into account differential growth characteristics and herbicide sensitivity of C.esculentus clones

    Athletic trainers\u27 or athletic training students\u27 perceptions of sexual harassment by student-athletes in the collegiate setting

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    Sexual harassment is an issue that occurs in healthcare professions and on college campuses nationwide. Athletic trainers employed at the collegiate setting are healthcare professionals who work in close conjunction with student-athletes, which may predispose a risk of a sexual harassment occurrence. A study was conducted to investigate the sexual harassment of athletic trainers and athletic training students by student athletes at the collegiate setting. A Qualtrics survey, containing closed- and open-ended questions, was sent out to 297 CAATE-accredited athletic training program directors; the athletic training staff at these institutions were also sent the survey as well. The program directors were asked to send the survey to the students currently enrolled in the program. Quantitative data were analyzed using Qualtrics and the qualitative data were analyzed using themes and coding. The study revealed that athletic trainers and athletic training students were sexually harassed by student-athletes on at least one occasion. 40% of the respondents stated being sexually harassed by a student-athlete, and 59% observed sexual harassment of a member of the athletic training staff on at least one instance
